God catch

Chapter 604 Graydon

Chapter 604 Graydon

It can be said that if Imperial College moves away, the population of Taiyan City will decrease by one-third.

The economic loss was even more immeasurable, but Chu Xuanji couldn't get off the horse, so he could only hold his nose and admit it.

"Dean Kang, I think Song State is good. You can move the academy to Song State. It is expected that the king of Song State will fully support it." Xiao Qiyue sneered.

Now that the face has been torn, let's tear it to the end.

"Rebel, rebel! Xiao Qiyue, I want to kill your nine clans." Chu Xuanji was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

This knife stabbed too hard, it's a drudgery.

Song State originally wanted to squeeze into the five great powers. Once the Imperial Academy moved to Song State, it would go up and down, and Da Chu would be in danger of being dropped into a second-rate country.

"You can do whatever you want? This is your world, you can do whatever you want." Xiao Qiyue replied coldly.

"Fart! When did this emperor go out of his way?" Chu Xuanji was about to go crazy.

"Take it!" Prince Xing gave an order, and Zhao Xiliu rushed forward with his men.

Haiyun flicked his finger away, and in a flash of inspiration, Zhao Xiliu was poked so hard that he fell to the ground.

"Hmph!" Chu Zhuang looked at it, and with a flash of inspiration, he completely blocked Hai Yun's attack route.

"Well, that's it. Dean Kang, you should immediately arrange for someone to start choosing the residence." Little Eagle King actually nodded.

"Old friend, why do you really want to do this?" Chu Jiangshan couldn't help it anymore, looking at Little Eagle King with a gloomy face and smiling during the day.

"This is a matter of this academy, and the royal family of Great Chu has no right to interfere." Little Eagle King sneered.

"Spirit King, don't you think about it again? You know, moving the academy is a big deal..." Chu Tianqiong also blushed anxiously, absolutely not letting the Imperial Academy move away.Moreover, it cannot be moved to Song State.

"Don't worry about Lingwang, this is the college's business!" Little Eagle King snorted coldly, determined to support Xiao Qiyue.

"Hmph!" The three spirit kings of the Chu family snorted at the same time, murderous, the wind was blowing, the clouds were shaking, and a big battle was about to begin.

Horns blared outside the arena, iron hoofs sounded like thunder, and the fighting arena was completely surrounded by the elites of Da Chu.

The spectators were all shocked, it's over, don't lose your life here.

"Everyone, you have something to say, this is a fighting arena, don't break anything." At this time, a short, plain-looking old man hurried out and said in fright.

"If you break it, we will be compensated by the royal family." Chu Xuanji snorted.

"Oh? This is not just about compensation. You are slapping our Gray family in the face. From now on, who will dare to come to our fighting arena?" With Chu Xuanji.

"Your Majesty, this is Mr. Graydon, the second elder of our Gray family." said Greyas, the head of the Taiyan fighting arena.

"G... Graydon... ah..." Someone screamed.

"You seem to know me?" Graydon looked at the middle-aged man who lost his composure.

"It is said that someone made trouble in the Gray family's fighting arena, and you, senior, killed two second-level spirit kings on the spot." The man said in amazement.

Immediately, Chu Xuanji's face was quite ugly.

What's the origin of this Graydon?
Even the Spirit King was killed, and one kill was two.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect it to be the second elder of the Gray family, who is called 'Thunderstorm'. I'm so rude." Chu Jiangshan immediately greeted him with a smile, probably thinking of this person.

"Ah, Thunderstorm, it's terrible. It seems to be the top 80 expert in Fang Tianguo Royal Academy's Billboard."

This wind and cloud list is specially ranked for the strong over 35 years old, and their strength is of course several grades higher than the Qinglong list.

For example, the suzerains of the 36 sects, the elders, and the ancestors of the five major countries are basically on the list.

In this world, in a big country, there are only three or four powerhouses at the level of guardian spirit kings in a sect, and there are at most four or five top-level sects. However, there are also top-level families in Fang Tianyu, as well as some anonymous hermits and some on the list. Uninterested masters, they add up to a lot.

Those who can be ranked in the top 100 are definitely super awesome characters.

Graydon was ranked 80th. Naturally, he would not lose to Chu Tianqiong's level, and he was a little worse than Little Eagle King and Chu Jiangshan.After all, these two are top 60 players in the Billboard.

Suddenly, the scene boiled.

It seems that I can't fight anymore.

This Graydon is simply a fire fighter, a fire fighter.

If the royal family really wants to fight, it is estimated that Graydon will join the battle group of the Imperial College without hesitation.

Because, it was the Dachu royal family who wanted to fight, so of course they had to fight with the people who smashed his place.

In this way, the Little Eagle King is against Chu Jiangshan.

Graydon is against Chu Tianqiong, and Haiyun is against Chu Zhuang. The two sides are equally divided, and no one can please.

At this time, all eyes of the audience fell on Gong Hai of the Changchun Sect.

His opinion is so important that it can almost play a decisive role.

"Hehe, King Grayling. This isn't a blow to your Gray family.

This is the great royal family safeguarding the interests of the country and the dignity of the royal family.

Although I am not from Great Chu, most of Changchunzong's disciples are from Great Chu.

Changchunzong was on the territory of Great Chu, and there were some things that had to be done according to the rules of the Great Chu royal family.

This is the royal family arresting and punishing criminals, what does it have to do with you?

What's more, they promised to compensate for the loss?

This fighting arena, rebuild a better one.

It is expected that the Chu royal family will not be petty, right? "This Gong Hai is finally still facing the big and royal family.

In Xiao Qiyue's eyes, this is not surprising.

After all, the three of them are in collusion.

"This is the venue of the Gray family, and everyone who comes is a guest. This is the eternal business philosophy of the Gray family, and we cannot lose our promise to all the distinguished guests," Graydon said.However, the attitude is not as fierce as before.Obviously, after weighing the pros and cons, it was just talking about the scene.

"Don't worry, King Grayling, we will pay double the money to rebuild the fighting arena.

Moreover, as Elder Gong said, this is the imperial family punishing rebellion.

The Gray family is maintaining the safety of the local area, but others will say that you understand the righteousness, and nothing happened at all. "Chu Xuanji said.

"Well, you can only catch Xiao Qiyue alone. And, try to attack in a small area." Graydon persuaded.

Of course, as an important figure in the Gray family, Graydon's first consideration is of course his own business.

If he really broke his face with the Dachu royal family, then the Gray family would have to withdraw from the Dachu fighting arena, and the loss would be too huge.

Besides, it would be unwise for the Gray family to offend the Chu royal family too badly.

"Dean Kang, we only punish Xiao Qiyue alone, and the competition with your college will continue as it is.

Moreover, I can promise you on the spot that I will give up three places in the secret realm of the imperial capital to the exclusive use of the Imperial College.

There is no need to compare these three places, they are directly given to you.

If Imperial College does not move away, we promise to give you an annual subsidy of 5000 million taels of silver. "Chu Xuanji also sold it with tears in his eyes.

Really generous!
The temptation was so great that Kang Pingdong's 'popularity' hesitated.

It seems that the "popularity" on the head of the Kitty Eagle King shook a few times, his attitude changed, and he remained silent for the time being.

When Chu Xuanji saw it, a victorious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Money can make ghosts grind, I'm throwing money!

"Little Eagle King Huzun, this is the first embryo of the Golden Shoudan you want. Although it can't achieve the effect of the Golden Shoudan, it can prolong your life by two years. I have already fulfilled half of my promise to you. Once the real product is released, I will give it to you. "Xiao Qiyue threw out a medicine bottle, Little Eagle King was taken aback, and quickly stretched out his hand to inhale it.Opened it, smelled it, and said, "Good! Very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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