God catch

Chapter 605 Duanmuhai Appears

Chapter 605 Duanmuhai Appears

After the lecture, I closed the lid and applied several layers of aura seals before putting it away.

"The competition is decided by three parties, and the royal family of Chu can't change the rules randomly.

Therefore, Ben Yingwang believes that the game must continue.

As for the entanglement between the royal family and Xiao Qiyue, it can be settled in the future, so why the rush? "The Little Eagle King said.

"It's about the dignity of the royal family, we can't delay it any longer!" Chu Xuanji became tough again.

"The Eagle King has no choice but to fight." The Little Eagle King pushed back hard.

"Hehe, most of the students in the Imperial College are from the Chu country. Little Eagle King, you have to think about it clearly." Chu Jiangshan smiled and threatened nakedly.

"Comparing the interests of a student with the whole school, it is expected that Dean Bikang will settle the account clearly." Chu Zhuang said.

"Needless to say, absolutely not today!" Little Eagle King waved his hand domineeringly.

Immediately, Chu Jiangshan's whole body was full of inspiration, stretching and contracting, like a group of roaring tigers about to show their power.

And the little eagle king was also shivering with aura, setting off a huge wave, ready to collide with him at any time.

The situation can be triggered at the touch of a button.

Kang Pingdong's hairs stood on end, and with a wave of his hand, all the tutors and students of Imperial College were ready to fight.

And some students and mentors of Dachu are the most difficult, wanting to leave but dare not.

"Alas..." At this time, a sigh came, and a ray of spiritual light flew into the fighting arena like undulating waves.

Another Spirit King!
who is it?

Seems pretty powerful.

Even Chu Jiangshan and Little Eagle King frowned, because the aura displayed by this person was not weaker than theirs.

It's just that I don't know which side he is.

You finally made a move...

Xiao Qiyue knew that he must be Duanmuhai.

However, Duanmu Hai is accumulating alchemy, how can he get out?
"Senior?" Chu Xuanji asked with a sullen face.

"This seat is Duanmu Hai." Duanmu Hai's voice came, he used the sound transmission through the air, and directly dragged the voice with the aura.

After all, he is now Yundan in the medicine hall, and the straight-line distance from the fighting arena is seven or eight miles.

"It's Master Duanmuhai!" Someone screamed, and the audience was boiling again, several times stronger than before.

Just being a spirit king wouldn't make people lose their composure, the key is that he is still a ninth-grade spirit pharmacist.

"Xiao Qiyue is an elder from the inner sect of our Medicine League and a friend of Duanmuhai. Although he is from Dachu, your matter has been investigated. Your Majesty doesn't have to insist on ending this matter today. It will last forever in the future." Master Duanmu's voice is very soft, as if he is talking to you.

Chu Xuanji suddenly changed his face, and an elder from the inner sect of the Medicine League would not make him change his face.The point is that Duanmuhai said that Xiao Qiyue is his 'friend'.

The word 'friend' carries a lot of weight. If he really wanted to start a fight, he would definitely help his friend.

"Xuanji, I think it's just like what the master said. The competition will continue, and the matter of punishing rebellious officials and thieves will be discussed later. Our royal family has a lot of tolerance and benevolence, so we don't need to be as knowledgeable as a person like him." Chu Jiangshan compromised.

After all, the situation is pressing.

It's not worth it to fight.

A sea of ​​Duanmu can overturn a large area.

What's more, this person is a ninth-grade pharmacist, and his influence is too great.

Of course, Duanmuhai also gave Chu State face.

You didn't blindly protect Xiao Qiyue from the royal family of Chu State punishing him, your score can be settled in the future.

Otherwise, even if the state of Chu is smashed to pieces, Chu Jiangshan is bound to start fighting. This is the dignity of the royal family.

"The younger generation respects the decrees of the ancestors." Chu Xuanji was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but there was nothing he could do.

With a wave of his hand, the horn sounded again immediately, and all the elite surrounded outside withdrew.

And the spirit kings in the air left quietly, and they were all gone for a while.

Chu Xuanji felt that he was losing face, and of course he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he left immediately.

After a farce, the war resumed.

Xiao Qiyue was full of rage, and he used his fist to tell everyone who was the strongest.

In the first round of Ring No. 1, Xiao Qiyue fought against Zhou Wen, one of the top ten geniuses of the Royal Academy. Although Zhou Wen escaped in panic during the battle at Ghost Wolf Mountain, this person is indeed not weak, otherwise, he would not be weak. Will become the second group leader of the Royal Academy.

He's third on the Royal Academy talent list, so, this is the most notable one.

Most of the people at the scene gathered around the No. [-] ring. However, Chu Xiang, the leader sent by the Great Chu royal family, was not interested, and sat in his seat with his eyes closed.

There was a vacuum around him, because the chilling aura emanating from this person was unbearable to ordinary geniuses.

It also created his aloofness and contempt for the world.

"Xiao Qiyue, don't you have some backers? Aren't you just a bastard who can only be protected by the strong!

To openly criticize my royal family of Great Chu and ignore the laws of Great Chu.

However, in the arena, your backing is useless, today I Zhou Wen will tell you with my fists, what are the rules!

I ask you every week to teach you how to obey the rules and how to behave. "Zhou Wen jumped onto the ring with a flaming sword on his back, and pointed at Xiao Qiyue arrogantly.

"What are you talking about, draw the sword!" Xiao Qiyue snorted impatiently.


A ball of flame rose up, and Zhou Wen drew his sword out.The flaming sword seemed to be ignited immediately, braving clusters of flames, like a red-hot iron piece, rushing towards Xiao Qiyue with a strong heat wave.

I saw Xiao Qiyue swung a fist and directly punched the flaming sword.

There was a bang and flames shot out.

Zhou Wen let out a scream, and fell heavily off the ring, spraying flames.

The robes were burned in an instant, a smell of barbecue came, and there was a scorched pig rolling all over the ground, screaming incessantly.

wrong!There is still breath.

Ding Junhe hurriedly slapped a cloud of icy air under the mask, and after the black smoke billowed, everyone shivered.

Because, Zhou Wen was burned all over his body, and almost no piece of skin was intact.Even the thing under the crotch has become a small carbon worm, it seems that it is completely useless.

"Xiao Qiyue, you are too cruel." Ding Junhe was so angry that he was about to growl.

"He was burnt by the real fire hidden in his sword. You have to go find that shit guy who is playing tricks in the sword. What are you doing to me?" Xiao Qiyue asked sharply.

"It really deserves it!" Someone poohed.

"You can't live by committing sins."

"Damn it!"

"Good fight!"


Immediately, Xiao Qiyue won a round of applause.

In the second match, Chu Qing, the son of Chu Kong, the 'Golden Tiger General' of the royal family, could not escape bad luck. He still punched his hand and fell off the ring with blood spurting from his hand.

In the third game, it was still a punch.

Lian Zhong Sanyuan made everyone see Xiao Qiyue's strength.

You know, among these three people, Zhou Wen is also a strong person in the first stage of the real baby, but in the end, he was scrapped with just one punch.

The fourth game, against Zhao Yingying.

This scene became the focus of attention again, because many guys wanted to see how Xiao Qiyue punished Zhao Yingying.

After all, Zhao Yingying's strength is not as good as Zhou Wen's, so she is definitely useless.

However, Zhao Yingying has a master Du Junlian, Xiao Qiyue must not dare to be cruel.

Besides, Zhang Qian, his personal bodyguard, is still a spirit king. Of course, Zhang Qian died a long time ago, and the people at the scene didn't know it.And Xiao Qiyue would never make fun of her own life if she wanted to kill her.

Therefore, leaving the ring after a small punishment at most is the thinking of most people present.

And Zhao Yingying, a brainless woman, thought the same way. Although Zhang Qian was missing, Zhao Yingying still performed a chic backflip and jumped onto the ring with a proud face.

(End of this chapter)

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