God catch

Chapter 606 Beating up Zhao Yingying

Chapter 606 Beating Zhao Yingying Hard
"Xiao Qiyue, you shit, you bastard, no matter how capable you are, what can you do to me? Don't you really dare to abolish me? If you are sensible, get off the stage quickly, and this girl will spare you for the sake of fellow countrymen. life. Otherwise..."

"Hey... It's really speechless for a woman to be brainless..." Many people secretly sighed in their hearts, even if you have a backstage master, you can't make people down like this, right?Everyone wants to save face.

"People are so pushy, Zhao Yingying is no better than Zhou Wen, Xiao Qiyue has to endure if he wants to save his life."

"That's right, whoever dares to provoke 36 Dazong, Haiyun's weight is not enough, even Master Duanmu can't be stupid enough to challenge Du Junlian."


"Stop talking nonsense, brother generally doesn't hit women. But if a woman is too stupid, brother will teach her a lesson." Xiao Qiyue snorted.

"You are an idiot, eat my 'Wu Shuang Zhan'!" Zhao Yingying raised her eyebrows, furious.The authentic Wushuang sword given by the master raised a sword shadow, pulled out eight plum blossoms and stabbed at Xiao Qiyue.

In the bright sword light, there was actually a long purple-black shadow.

Xiao Qiyue swept away thousands of troops at once, and still swept away with one punch.

A piece of light forms an arc of energy, destroying the dead, nourishing it!
Zhao Yingying screamed and was swept off the ring immediately.

"Miss Zhao, your face!" As soon as she raised her head, someone screamed in fright.Because, Zhao Yingying seemed to be disfigured.

Her whole face seemed to have been splashed with acid, it was horrible.

"Fight!" Zhao Yingying's followers were terrified when they saw it. How should they explain it when they go back?It was gnashing their teeth, and Yiwofeng's soldiers rushed towards Xiao Qiyue.

"Presumptuous!" Fenglei catcher Tieqi's face turned cold, he jumped forward, and slapped him in the air, knocking over a dozen guys to the ground.

"The game is fair, no one is allowed to make trouble!"

"But he ruined our girl's face."

"Disfigurement, that's what he asked for." Tie Qi said coldly.

"Tie Qi, you actually shielded Xiao Qiyue, what kind of referee are you?" The followers pointed at Tie Qi and criticized loudly.

"Idiot! Didn't you see it? Zhao Yingying hides a ray of aura in the sword light. And the aura contains a strong poison. If it is called on Xiao Qiyue, not only will he be disfigured, but even worse, his body will be broken into pieces." Duan." Tie Qi snorted.

"I said, hurry up and help her back to heal her wounds. This is called 'Poison of Splashing Yin'. Once infected, it penetrates deep into the bone marrow, even Da Luo Jinxian can't save her." The referee 'Qichen Fairy' is a seventh-rank pharmacist, wrinkled Said with a frown.

"Ah, the poison of yin, what can we do?" Chen He, the team leader, was frightened, and hurriedly called people to lift Zhao Yingying and ran to the medical hall in the fighting field.

"Hurry up and summon the Second Elder, it's terrible!"

"Quickly report to the pavilion master, please ask Elder Lian to go down the mountain to treat the injury..."

A series of orders came down, and soon, the Multitasking Talisman flew out.

"Unexpectedly, the disciples of the famous sect are so despicable and shameless." Someone sighed.

"It's all sanctimonious people, bullshit famous sects."



'One punch! '

After ten consecutive fights, Xiao Qiyue got a nickname. He only punched one punch, and the opponent either broke his hand or his leg.

The streak of victories made the three parties of the Royal Academy tremble with fear, and the geniuses of the three parties called him 'Crazy Xiao' behind his back.

However, Xiao Qiyue is measured.

When meeting Chu Bai and a few 'hole cards' suspected of having something to do with Mi Qiutu's actions, Xiao Qiyue was less aggressive.

Otherwise, how can you enter the secret realm of the imperial capital if you are disabled?
After winning [-] games in a row, finally ushered in Chu Xiang, who has the highest voice to win the championship.

Today's No. [-] ring was really surrounded by water, and Chu Xiang was still in the majestic and domineering prince's costume.

With a relaxed expression on his face, he walked onto the ring calmly and calmly.

Of course, Chu Xiang also won [-] consecutive victories.

However, Chu Xiang won more easily.After all, people are the shadow of trees.

The players who encountered him basically chose to admit defeat directly, so although Chu Xiang played [-] games, he basically didn't make a move.

Sheng De is naturally more beautiful, more majestic, and more domineering than Xiao Qiyue.

"Senior Xiao, use your fists to tell Prime Minister Chu how to be a man?" Po Jiangdong and other Imperial College students shouted loudly, waving their fists like chicken blood.

"Victory streak..."

"Imperial College number one..."


"Are you rolling down by yourself or am I breaking your legs and throwing you down?" Chu Xiang looked at Xiao Qiyue with contempt.

"What did you say?" Xiao Qiyue raised her eyebrows.

There is a good show to watch...

All the people below stretched their necks, and the guy who couldn't see behind raised his feet so high that he wanted to climb onto the shoulders of the person in front.

"Didn't you understand? I don't want to repeat it a second time." Chu Xiang raised his eyebrows, and Xiao Qiyue actually discovered some abnormal phenomena in Chu Xiang's popularity.

It seems that Prince Xing is telling him that he must kill Xiao Qiyue.

And Chu Xiang treated him like this, it seemed that he wanted to show mercy and spare his life, which seemed quite strange.

Could it be that Chu Xiangzhen is so kind?Or have no purpose.

However, Xiao Qiyue felt some rebellion from Chu Xiang's popularity.A character of not bowing to the powerful and going its own way.

This kid has personality!
"Medium! I'll just punch." Xiao Qiyue nodded.Immediately, there were boos at the scene, and the students of Imperial College naturally looked disappointed.

So cowardly!

"One punch! I'm afraid you can't even pass half of my punch." Chu Xiang still had the expression of arrogance and contempt for the world.

"Come on!" Xiao Qiyue pounced forward, the starry sky flickered, and a dragon whizzed and moved with his fists. This was the second form of 'Dragon Throwing the Dragon' just realized, 'Dragon Gang Hand'.

A fist shadow was so fast, it looked like a golden dragon roaring away.

The ring shook violently, and the true energy exploded, hitting the ring shielding array created by the Gray family and breaking apart like a spider web.

Even a sliver of real energy that escaped swept away a large audience, and after a crackling sound, dozens of warriors in agony rolled on the ground.

"For a while, come again!" Chu Xiang was aroused, just now when the punches collided, he was able to please even five points of his strength.

"I'm only expected to punch you, so I won't fight you anymore. Goodbye!" Xiao Qiyue conceded with the next sentence, jumped off the ring and left.

For a moment, Chu Xiang was cool on the ring.

No, I just saw a person who could punch a few times stop punching, everyone felt a sense of loss.

Chu Xiang was also puzzled. Xiao Qiyue clearly still had the ability to fight again. Of course, he had absolutely no hope of defeating him. Why didn't he fight?
Chu Xiang's heart felt like a cat scratching, itching uncomfortably.

"Why don't you fight anymore? You don't seem to be much worse than him? If you are willing to work hard, maybe there is still a little hope. Alas...it's a pity..." Even Hai Yun was a little puzzled when he returned to the academy.

"Hehe, senior brother, you are wrong!" Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Am I wrong again? Where did I go wrong?" Hai Yun asked.

"He's not my opponent, but I don't want to beat him right now." Xiao Qiyue smiled with a relaxed expression.

"You beat him? I don't think there's much hope. This, Junior Brother, you can't be hypocritical in martial arts, and you can't be blindly confident." Hai Yun shook his head.

"Why should I lie to you?" Xiao Qiyue stretched out her palm, and a cloud of spiritual light loomed on it.

"You, you... Are you at the Spirit King Realm?" Hai Yun was stunned.

"Not yet, half-step Lingwangjing. Brother, do you think I am blindly confident?" Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"You are simply a pervert!" Hai Yun gave Xiao Qiyue a vicious look, and suddenly laughed wildly, "Okay, okay, okay. This way, I can leave with more peace of mind."

(End of this chapter)

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