God catch

Chapter 629 The Remnants of Imperial College

Chapter 629 The Remnants of Imperial College


Xiao Qiyue was like a strong man, with a terrifying roar that burst out of the watch, creak... creak...

An ear-piercing sound sounded, and the coffin lid was torn apart.

"Let's go, one, two, three, let's go!" Chu Bai and Han Shanzhong shouted excitedly.

At this moment, the geniuses see hope. Once the dying see hope, is the explosive power amazing and terrifying?
Earth shakes.



Open open!

The coffin lid was completely torn off, with a loud bang, a flash of brilliance flashed, instantly blinding people's eyes.

The people who were swept away were all shocked, including Han Shanzhong and Chu Bai, who passed out before they could see the treasure in the coffin.

Of course, there were also seven or eight geniuses who were bloody and bloody, and became victims of opening the coffin.

The entire secret realm of the imperial capital shook like a pot was boiling.

Even Chu Tianqiong and a group of special guards who were guarding outside were frightened and stared blankly at the sky.

Is it going to change?
Because, a strange vortex unexpectedly appeared in the sky above the secret realm of the imperial capital. The vortex was as big as a mountain, and no one could predict how high it would be.

Chu Jiangshan was so startled that he jumped out, stepped on the aura, and rushed to the sky through the air.

The vortex in the air was spinning and twisting, and it actually condensed into a dragon shadow.

"It's a great fortune for the country to see the real dragon of my Great Chu!" The national teacher Zhang Balance saw it, and immediately bowed to the ground.

"Set up the altar, pray to the sky!" Chu Xuanji shouted in surprise after seeing it.

Soon, the drums and trumpets sounded together.

The royal chariots and horses marched vigorously, and tens of thousands of people went straight to the altar.They are going to pay homage to the star needle that has lost its essence, the ostentatious Optimus Prime.

I wonder if Chu Xuanji would be so angry that he vomited blood and died?

"Is the sky going to kill me Imperial Academy?" Master Kang, who was lying on the bed, spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Da Chu really stepped on the dog shit, and he can actually induce the real dragon to show up. In this way, I am afraid that there will be more talents." Vice President Tang looked at the sky with a gloomy expression.

"Any news about Xiao Qiyue?" Dean Kang asked.

"Not yet." Tang Qiang shook his head depressedly.

"The King of Eagles ordered to lie dormant for the time being, to recharge your batteries, and wait for a comeback." Dean Kang said.


The few remaining management personnel sighed in their hearts, feeling extremely disappointed...

Imperial College was besieged by three major forces, and less than 1000 students and tutors escaped.

Moreover, the masters have all been seriously injured, and they want to make a comeback in such a bad situation, unless the mountains and rivers are in full swing and the sun comes out from the west.

Xiao Qiyue was also dizzy, and at the moment when she was about to faint, she saw something jump out of the coffin.

This guy didn't even think about it, he threw himself on him and hugged him tightly, and completely fainted.

The stars are changing, time is passing.

Loud rumbling noises continued to resound in the secret realm of the imperial capital, and the dragon shadow above the sky became clearer and clearer.

Finally, the sudden shattering disappears.

Xiao Qiyue woke up in great pain.

He touched his head, but fortunately, it can move.

Looking around, he was taken aback for a moment.Because, the place has been changed.

When did it actually rush to the seashore? As for the bronze coffin, Dragon Bone Mountain, including Han Shanzhong, Chu Bai and Earthman all disappeared.

His eyes fell, and he found that he was holding something tightly in his arms.

After thinking about it, I finally understood, it should be the thing in the coffin, where is the master?
As soon as he came out, he hugged himself tightly, but fortunately he was not killed by it.

However, upon closer inspection, Xiao Qiyue was taken aback.

Because, the dragon pattern totem in the Dragon Town Stone is gone.

This guy hurriedly checked his whole body, and was even more surprised.

Only at this moment did he realize that his body was actually wrapped around a chain like five flowers.

What do you mean?
I was tied up?

Xiao Qiyue suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, but after moving around, she found that she could move freely without any restraints.

Moreover, under Jutong and Karma's eyes, there is no powerful existence within ten miles around.

Could it be that the master deliberately set up a trap?
At this time, a shooting star flashed across the starry sky in the dantian.

Xiao Qiyue found that the meteor was a bit like a dragon, it flashed past with its long tail.

Suddenly, a starry sky was bright.

The stars gradually gathered together, and soon, the shooting star in the starry sky turned into a huge green dragon.

After a beam of light hit the dragon, the outer chapter flickered, and soon, a text appeared.

Star chain!
The chain of the starry sky, formerly known as the ancient blue dragon.

In an instant, Xiao Qiyue realized it.

It is expected that this chain dragon must have been suppressed by the masters of the Wulin Kingdom with the dragon-suppressing stone, because at the moment of fainting, Xiao Qiyue saw a piece of orchid burst open at the same time.

And Youlan burst out of the coffin, the aura is too powerful, ten times, a hundred times stronger and more terrifying than the eighth grade Youlan cultivated by Leng Aotian.

After the dragon's essence in the dragon-suppressing stone broke through, the entire dragon bone mountain shrank, and finally, it condensed into a star chain.

"Uh uh, are you still asleep?"

"My hands are dirty? I said, can your rabbit be more noble than our human race?" Xiao Qiyue was a little annoyed, feeling humiliated by a rabbit.

"That's not necessarily the case, it depends on who it is. If it's a young lady, of course it's a person." Yutu looked at Xiao Qiyue with contempt, and almost 'killed' this guy out of anger.

"You are noble, no matter how noble you are, you are just a rabbit." Xiao Qiyue choked for a long time before she could say a word.

"I am the royal family of Jade Rabbit, what are you?" Rabbit said with a high profile.

"This..." Xiao Qiyue calmed down, feeling a little embarrassed.Bullying a rabbit is a bit embarrassing.

"I...you bastard!" Yutu scolded.

"If you touch it, you'll become a bully. You can say whatever you want." Xiao Qiyue shrugged.

"I'm Princess Jade Rabbit!" the rabbit said, tears streaming down his face.

"Ah... this... I'm sorry... I didn't know you were... mother..." Xiao Qiyue was completely speechless, feeling a little guilty.

I kept comforting myself in my heart, she was just a rabbit, not a human being.

tick tick...

Jade Rabbit cried, this rabbit cried, coupled with jealousy, it was quite infiltrating.

"Don't cry, don't cry, this, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I apologize to you..." Xiao Qiyue quickly bowed and leaned on her.

"Miss...he bullied me..."

"Don't, I've already apologized..."

"Is an apology useful? I'm a woman, and I've been fucked by you. How can I find someone from now on?" Yutu cried even harder.

"Fuck, you're still looking for someone, it's almost as good as looking for a male rabbit." Xiao Qiyue said in her heart, smiling and embarrassed.

"If you wake up Miss, I will forgive you." Yutu wiped away her tears and changed her mind.

"Okay, wake up, wake up, definitely wake up." Xiao Qiyue didn't think about anything, nodded hurriedly, and first got rid of this crying girl.

"Hmm... okay... I remember. At that time, a orchid flew out of the coffin, a bit like the blue that attacked our boat from the other side that day." Jade Rabbit said.

(End of this chapter)

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