God catch

Chapter 630 The mastermind behind the martial arts kingdom

Chapter 630 The mastermind behind the martial arts kingdom
"I think so, how can Leng Aotian break the boat from the other side? However, the Zhenlong Stone comes from the Oufeizi family. Therefore, we can start from the Oufeizi family." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Could the Oufeizi family be the initiators of the Wulin Kingdom?" Yutu asked.

"It makes sense. Could it be that the Wulin Kingdom was really established by the Ou Feizi family? In this way, the few masters who fought for the hegemony of the Wu King have moved to the descendants, hiding from the front of the stage to behind the scenes." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Thousands of years, the orchid in the coffin has been worn away. Otherwise, you would have been smashed. Why do I feel that the boat from the other shore is not far away." Yutu said.

"Did the 'Moon Yin Chain' react?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Well, I have a feeling. However, this feeling is too vague, with no direction and no range. But, I'm sure, it's not far from our place." Yutu said with a positive expression.

"I'll sleep for a while." After Xiao Qiyue finished speaking, she meditated and rested.

In fact, he entered the starry sky.

Immediately, with a twist, the dragon-shaped chain tied to his body entered the starry sky.

At this time, Xing Luoyin flashed and merged with the dragon chain, and Xiao Qiyue saw another green dragon missing half of its head.

The other half of Xing Luo Yin is in the hands of the ghost mother, so this green dragon is not complete.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue also found out.

The star chain was actually led by half of the stars to get close to Jiulong Laguan.

And the star compass made a sound, and the star needle was pulled over, and the direction was more clear.

Is it?

As long as the other half of the star guide can be obtained, the star chain can be repaired, and then the star needle is added to guide the star chain to connect, so that the three-in-one can truly point to Jiulong to pull the coffin and completely open the bronze coffin.

Finally, find out the secret in the coffin.

Getting closer and closer to the truth, Xiao Qiyue suddenly became more confident.

Opening his eyes, he found that the Jade Rabbit was holding the rabbit's face in its forelegs, staring at him in a daze like a girl in Huaichun.

Seeing that she opened her eyes and looked at her, her rabbit face turned slightly red, she glared at Xiao Qiyue, and said, "What are you looking at, I'm just a rabbit."

"You are Princess Yutu." Xiao Qiyue joked.

"But I'm just a rabbit after all, I can't become a human." Yutu suddenly became sad, tears were about to fall again.

"I don't understand, Luo Yue is so powerful, why can't you cultivate a human body. Besides, as a royal family in the jade rabbit, you should have become a human long ago." Xiao Qiyue asked.

"I don't know. I heard Miss once said that I can only become an adult if I get something from King Wu." Yutu said with a sad face.

"Don't worry, I'll get it for you." Xiao Qiyue patted her chest.

"Thank you brother." Yutu suddenly jumped up and smacked Xiao Qiyue's face.

Fragrant, it is a natural fragrance.

Xiao Qiyue suddenly became a little ecstatic, with a face full of intoxication.

Moreover, he was full of energy immediately, as if he had suddenly eaten a sixth-grade sea king pill.

Unexpectedly, the kiss of the jade rabbit is so wonderful?
"Why, have you tasted the sweetness?" Yutu blinked.

"What sweetness?" Xiao Qiyue pretended to be stupid on purpose.

"Miss said, I am a natural elf. I am a rabbit spirit, the only rabbit spirit in the world. If I eat it, I will live forever." Jade Rabbit looked smug.

"Is there such a beauty?" Xiao Qiyue deliberately pretended to be greedy.

"You...you don't really want to eat me, do you?" Yutu was startled, and stared at Xiao Qiyue in a daze.

"Of course... But, I can't bear it." Xiao Qiyue said.

"I remembered, although this Dragon Stone has escaped from the Imprisoned Dragon, it is still a good weapon," Yutu said.

"I think so, since it can imprison even dragons, it must be good for catching people." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

It took a year in the starry sky, and Xiao Qiyue refined the imprisoning function of one out of one hundred dragon stones.

Throwing it out, there was a bang, and a hill was smashed to the ground immediately.

As soon as the phosgene of Zhenlong Stone was absorbed, all those broken stones were imprisoned in the stone.

"One out of a hundred functions, if they are all activated, I don't know what kind of supernatural beings can be imprisoned." Xiao Qiyue is very satisfied.

"Dragon can be imprisoned, imprisoning a Divine Aperture Realm is naturally a trivial matter.

However, it is estimated that it has something to do with the strength of the controller.

It's just that, your strength is too weak, even if you are a servant of the young lady, you are not qualified. "Yutu hit Xiao Qiyue from time to time.

"Brother will become stronger in the future." Xiao Qiyue ignored her.

Otherwise, you will be caught in a trap, and you will be mad at yourself.

Below, Xiao Qiyue made a wooden raft, and one person and one rabbit began to wander romantically in the sea.

Three days later, there was a rapid beating in the heart.

Xiao Qiyue found that the red egg formed by the flying centipede seemed to have a heartbeat.

Baby, you are finally alive...

Xiao Qiyue is in a good mood. It is estimated that he has made a new breakthrough after breaking out of the cocoon this time. He is very much looking forward to the unique joy that this 'Heavenly Worm' can bring to him.

"It's just ahead." At this moment, Yutu screamed.

Xiao Qiyue opened her giant pupils, and faintly heard the sound of wind and thunder.

"Come on, I'll take you." Then, he unfolded the body glue formed by the golden-winged roc, and immediately, the two wingspans added up to thirty or forty feet.

Xiao Qiyue has not tried its flying speed since he successfully fused the Dapeng's Corpse Mind Glue.

"I don't want you to take it." Yutu rolled his eyes, looking quite cute.

"Can you fly? Are you capable of flying?" Xiao Qiyue looked contemptuous, and of course he had to seize the opportunity to hit it.

The Jade Rabbit moved its back and forelimbs, and in an instant, the rabbit fur on both sides of the north side came together, cleverly forming a pair of small white wings. With a flick, it flew up into the air, and flew hundreds of meters away.

Its flying speed seems to be faster than Xiao Qiyue.

It hovered in the air, looked at Xiao Qiyue with contempt, and said, "Do you think 'big' is useful?"

Looking at the pair of small wings on its back that were only about one meter long, Xiao Qiyue stretched the glue and quickly rushed away.

Immediately, one person and one rabbit were like two phantoms rolling forward and piercing through the air in a wave of air.

Grandma, this embarrassment is completely embarrassing.

Xiao Qiyue tried her best, but she still couldn't get closer to Yutu.

"Are you convinced?" Jade Rabbit asked nervously.

"Forget it, you win for now." Xiao Qiyue had to lower her head.


Yutu looked forward and said, "It's almost there."

"There is a fight ahead." Xiao Qiyue responded and rushed forward through the air.

"How could it be the two of them?" Soon, Xiao Qiyue stopped quietly and retracted her wings.

"One is Prime Minister Chu, who is the other?" Yutu asked.

"Du Tian, ​​he might be the son of Du Junlian, the owner of Luoyue Pavilion, one of the 36 sects." Xiao Qiyue replied, and the two fought inseparably.

The water mist rose into the air, the water waves rolled, and the water arrows soared, as if two warships were fighting fiercely.

"You said that Luoyue Pavilion ruined the Imperial College, this time it's a chance for you." Yutu said.

"There's a problem here." Xiao Qiyue pondered for a moment.

"Quickly tell me, mother-in-law, isn't she a man..." Oh my god, Xiao Qiyue's back felt numb when Yutu acted coquettishly.

"Can you speak in this tone?"

"I like it, can you control it? Besides, every time I did this before, I could get good things from the lady. Unlike you, you are so poor that you haven't even seen a hair. You and the lady For example, you are not worthy of carrying shoes." In the end, this guy gave Yutu a free pass.

(End of this chapter)

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