God catch

Chapter 636 Nangong Linger

Chapter 636 Nangong Linger
A large number of masters came straight to the Valley of the Nine Deaths on flying eagles. After all, the chief rudder of the Changchun Sect was still some distance away from the Valley of the Nine Deaths.

Under the strong vibration, the flying centipede broke out of its cocoon again, its whole body was glowing with brilliant black gold light, and its body that was nearly twenty feet long flashed two spirit rings that pulled wind.

This guy, whose promotion speed was as perverted as his master Xiao Qiyue, stepped into the realm of the second-level spirit king in one step.

The dharma body has also become thicker and longer, fully two or three times its original size.

Each of the tentacles has a thick bowl mouth, especially the two crab-like front claws on the head, which look like excavator shovels and make the calves want to twitch.

And the two pairs of huge wings are even more impressive, majestic and majestic.

"Hurry up and stop it, otherwise, it will explode." The jade rabbit stuck to Xiao Qiyue's back like an octopus, all the fur on its body was spread out and stood upside down in front, hoping to slow down the pain. Xingluoyin's forward speed.

At this time, when the flying centipede appeared, it hurriedly shouted.

"Who are you?" Flying Centipede looked at it, and felt a little perturbed.

"I am your sister rabbit, does sister rabbit know?" Yutu called.

"Oh, it's you. Why do you look like a hairball?" The flying centipede regained consciousness.After sweeping it away, he was also trembling with fright.

Hurry up and spread your wings with all your strength and stir your feet backwards desperately, trying to slow down the forward momentum. This is quite in line with the parachute cushioning principle when the plane descends.

"No way, the speed is too fast, we all have to be crushed." The flying centipede yelled anxiously, its thick tentacles were blown backwards by the wind, if it wasn't for its two front paws trying to hold it Xiao Qiyue was blown away by the wind.

"You are such a useless piece of trash!" Yutu scolded angrily, the pure white brilliance of her body flashing.

Soon, two long hairs were pulled out from the rabbit fur. The long hairs instantly became thicker, longer, and flattened, and stretched into the air. Moreover, they kept pumping the air, and finally played a certain slowing effect.

"You have hidden treasures in your body, if you don't take them out sooner, luckily you still have time." The flying centipede muttered, boo!boo...

Bubbles were continuously blown backwards, and these bubbles instantly swelled and rushed forward.

In this way, under the reaction force, part of Xing Luoyin's forward momentum was slowed down.

ah... ah...


Amidst the screams of the rabbit and the screams of the flying centipede, the ground trembled a few times, a piece of rubble rose into the sky, and dust and mist rose high into the sky.

Xiao Qiyue finally landed, but the ground was quite bad, a big hole was knocked out, and he was buried alive.

Almost at the same time, major events also occurred in Nine Death Valley.

A valley collapsed, and a cloud of dust rose up to cover the sky.

"Dig! You want to see people when you are born, and you want to see corpses when you die!" Gong Hai, the elder of the Changchun Sect, pointed at Chu Yu's tomb and shouted angrily.

Of course, there was no trace of the grave at this moment, only chaos.

Under the ravaging energy of such a big bang, what else can be preserved intact?

Immediately, thousands of disciples of the Changchun Sect started the 'archaeological' excavation work.

"Miss, the dead man is awake." Xiao Qiyue woke up, grinning in pain.Opening his eyes, he saw a beautiful woman in a green shirt standing in front of him with her lips pouting.

It seems to be a maid, where is the master?

Xiao Qiyue glanced back, her mouth opened wide, astonished.

It was a woman as cold and arrogant as a fairy moon in a cold palace. She was dressed in a simple apricot yellow dress, her eyebrows were like autumn water, her eyes were shining like stars in the sky, and her face was so beautiful and refined that it was almost impossible to express it in words.

She gave birth to a sense of inferiority for no reason, and Xiao Qiyue found that there was a proud peacock needle stuck in the woman's high-cut princess hairstyle.

There were dots of talisman on the needle, as if it was still a talisman needle.

Xiao Qiyue could feel that there was a strong aura of vicissitudes on the 'talent needle', and it should be quite old.

"Well, isn't she Nangong Linger?
That Qinglong was ranked 13th on the list. He was born in the Profound Handle Realm, entered the Innate Realm at the age of three, escaped from the Extraordinary at the age of six, condensed into Yuandan at the age of eight, and reached the Realm of the Profound Spirit at the age of 12.

Now, at the age of 20, I heard that he is an amazing genius who has achieved the position of the guardian of the soul king.

And the royal family of Chu insisted on recognizing her as a native of Chu, but Nangong Linger, who was not recognized by the Nangong family, was the outstanding person who had always been revealed in the popularity of Prime Minister Chu during the group arena. "

At this time, a light blue line of cause and effect popped out of the 'talisman needle-shaped' hairpin inserted on Nangong Ling'er's head and shot into Xiao Qiyue's body.

Cause and effect?
Could it be that Nangong Ling'er has something to do with King Wu?
However, she is so young, it should be impossible to say that she has something to do with Wu Wang Mi Qiuhe.

Moreover, the causal line is so shallow, it should be that the talisman needle-shaped hairpin on her head has something to do with King Wu?

This Nangong Ling'er has a lot of background, now that she has bumped into her, she has to entangle her properly.

"Uh, uh, let me say, what does it mean that a dead person is alive? When did my son die?" Xiao Qiyue made a decision, and quickly checked himself. Except for skin trauma, he was fine, so he immediately felt aggrieved shouted.

"When you dug it up, you were a dead person. If it weren't for Miss's 'Qingye Yulu' and 'Great Sadness Needle', would you still be alive?" The woman in the green shirt said dissatisfied.

Xiao Qiyue's focus was on the 'popularity' of the woman in the green shirt, and she was looking back.

It should be that he hit the ground with Xing Luoyin in his arms, and was buried alive in the end, but Nangong Linger, master and servant, saved himself.

At that time, the impact was very tragic.

Why can't I die?

Looking carefully at the scene where the maid was in the air, Xiao Qiyue found that a 'witch curse' popped out of her body at the moment of impact.

That's right, it must be his cheap master. Senior brother Haiyun suspected that he was saved by the "witch" curse left by a "big wizard" guy.

You know, that kind of terrifying impact force is something that even the fifth and sixth level spirit kings are not immune to it.

It seems that my cheap master is definitely a genius.

A witch spell can save him, of course, serious injuries are inevitable.

In the end, I ate the Nangong family's "Qiongye Yulu" and added some great compassion needles to completely come back to life.

"who are you?"

Nangong Linger asked indifferently, as if she was facing a dead person.In her haughty eyes, Xiao Qiyue couldn't attract her interest at all.

Of course, it is estimated that under the shield of the starry sky dantian contraction, apart from being a seriously injured person, he is still a waste at this moment.

Moreover, it is a piece of trash without a trace of aura.

Nangong Linger must have checked her body, but she didn't find her dantian.

Therefore, she thinks that Xiao Qiyue is a complete waste, a poor wretch whose dantian has been destroyed.

"Xiao Qiyue."

"You are Xiao Qiyue?" The girl in the green shirt looked at Xiao Qiyue amusedly.

What do you mean?
"Is this name special?" Xiao Qiyue figured it out after thinking about it. She guessed that she had the same name as Xiao Qiyue, who was making a lot of noise nowadays, and she was a waste. They must not be the same person , the girl was naturally a little surprised.

"Of course it's special. There's a guy with the same name and surname as you, and his name is actually Xiao Qiyue. However, that guy is quite famous. Miss came here this time to look for him." The maid raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, yes, there is a guy named Xiao Qiyue, who seems to be ranked in the top 30 of the Qinglong list." Xiao Qiyue replied.

(End of this chapter)

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