God catch

Chapter 637 I Want to Repay

Chapter 637 I Want to Repay
"That's right, look, we actually saved a trash with the same name, isn't it funny?" The maid said bluntly.

"However, I still have to thank the two girls for saving me. If he can make a brilliant future..." Xiao Qiyue had a vulgar face of wanting to repay her kindness.

"Do you want to repay your kindness? Giggle..." The maid's sharp laughter pierced through the clouds and wind.

"This... a gentleman who does not repay a kindness is not a gentleman. People say that if you receive a little kindness, you will repay it. Two girls, how much money is the fine milk and jade dew?" Xiao Qiyue nodded with a naive face.

"Hehehe..." This question almost made the maid laugh out of her breath.

She had a heartache on her face, and then she gave Xiao Qiyue a hard look, and said, "You still dare to ask, but that is our family's treasure. It's a pity that I gave you this trash to eat..."

"Don't worry, I, Xiao Qiyue, have written it down. In the future, if the girl's family is in trouble, she must repay her kindness once." Xiao Qiyue said the truth.

"It's just you!" The maid took a sip in front of her face.

"There's no need to repay the favor. This rabbit is quite cute, so let's take it as a repayment." Nangong Ling'er snorted, and without Xiao Qiyue's consent, she signaled the maid to pick up the injured and unconscious Yutu and leave.

"Uh... This rabbit is raised by my family, can you return it to me?" Xiao Qiyue was a little anxious.

"Do you know what kind of rabbit this is?" Nangong Linger suddenly turned around.

"Well, isn't it just a rabbit? The stewed soup will definitely be great if it's fattened up." Xiao Qiyue touched her head, swallowed her saliva, and pretended to be greedy.

"Unbelievably vulgar." Nangong Ling'er lost interest and turned around to leave.

"Miss, how noble are you? Why bother with this kind of person, it's too cheap." The maid muttered.

"Let's go." The flying centipede poked its head out from a distance.However, the flesh is also blurred, it seems that it was quite miserable in any tragic impact.

However, this guy was a little afraid of the rabbit.Naturally, I am in a good mood.

"Go home, you have to be warmed up." Xiao Qiyue opened her mouth, and the flying centipede was washed, shrunk, and penetrated into the heart.

"By the way, what's the girl's name?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"It's a funny name, what's it called 'Bottle'! Why isn't it called 'Jar'?" The flying centipede actually laughed.

"It should be the 'screen' of 'shielding', not the 'bottle'." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"There seems to be something weird here." Nangong Linger said as she walked.

"What's so weird, I know what the lady wants to say. I must say that such a big hole has been blown up underground. How can a warrior whose strength is only around the Xuanling Realm not directly explode?" Ping'er laughed.

"Let's put it this way, Ping'er, that kind of impact is quite terrifying. I'm afraid, even if it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it." Nangong Linger said.

"That guy is not the Spirit King, but the moment he hit the ground, I found a centipede flying out to block him. And this rabbit, I wonder, does that guy know how to control beasts and control birds? ?” Ping’er said.

"This rabbit is extraordinary. Since he knows how to control beasts and control birds, it's impossible for him to feel nothing." Nangong Linger shook his head.

"Yeah, it seems like a fool who doesn't understand anything.

He also replied that the lady said that he was going to stew this kind of rabbit to make soup and drink something.These rabbits and centipedes can even withstand such a big impact, so they cannot be mediocre.

It's a pity that the centipede was smashed into dust. "Ping'er looked regretful.

"No, we were fooled." Nangong Linger was taken aback, turned around and rushed back.

"What do you want to be Miss?" Ping'er chased after her.

"Since that guy knows how to raise such a high-level rabbit, it's impossible for him to know nothing. But he looks like he doesn't know anything, he must be pretending." Nangong Linger hummed while flying.

"Liar! Could it be that he is really Xiao Qiyue, the guy who ranked 30th on the Qinglong list?" Ping'er was actually a little excited.

"It shouldn't be him, that person is at least a half-spirit king. And this person doesn't have a trace of aura, don't worry about it, let's catch him first, how dare he lie to me." Nangong Linger said quickly Fly to Xiao Qiyue.

"Sure enough, it was discovered..." Xiao Qiyue discovered it early, and quickly destroyed Tianxin Fish Sauce, and his body was immediately hidden in the air.

"You run fast enough... Miss, what should I do?" Ping'er asked angrily when she found that Xiao Qiyue was nowhere to be seen.

"He can't run far, let's chase after him!" Nangong Ling'er looked around, determined a direction and flew away.

However, Xiao Qiyue did not show up immediately.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Nangong Linger's master and servant returned to their original place.

"He shouldn't be running so fast, the injury hasn't healed yet. But he's not where he is..." Nangong Linger grumbled.

"We chased in the wrong direction, Miss." Ping'er urged.

"Chasing in another direction, I don't believe that he can escape from this lady's palm." Nangong Ling'er was so angry that he slapped him, three spirit rings flashed, and there was a burst of crackling, and a forest was tragically destroyed.Afterwards, it changed direction again and slashed away.

"The third-level spirit king is indeed a genius. He is worthy of being the top 13 figures on the Qinglong list." After a long time, he searched with the giant pupil technique for a while, and found that their master and servant had indeed gone far before Xiao Qiyue revealed his body from the air .Fortunately, I didn't intend to take the Jade Rabbit back just now, otherwise, I will be the one who is unlucky.

Or heal the injury first...

After entering the starry sky, he had just recovered from his injury for half a month, when Xiao Qiyue was awakened by the noise outside.

"That kid is a disaster!" After seeing a large number of Jinyiwei searching, one of the short bosses of Jinyiwei scolded.

"That's right, the royal family was furious, and the whole country was shocked.

Master Chu Zhuang's body was completely destroyed, and only a trace of his soul was hidden in the jade seal before he escaped with his life.

And Ancestor Tianqiong was led into a large tomb by that kid and was seriously injured.It was rescued by members of the Changchun Sect, but they were also seriously injured, and it would be difficult to recover for several years. His Majesty the Emperor has already sent a request to Elder Jin of the Wujue Medicine Palace.

However, I heard that Mr. Jin has something to do and can't get away.

In the end, the emperor had no choice but to ask the ancestor Chu Jiangshan to go out in person. For his sake, Jin Lao agreed to take the time to come. "The other fat little boss next to him nodded.

"He can't escape. Luoyue Pavilion, Changchun Sect and the Dachu Royal Family jointly searched and arrested him. Where can he escape? Now he is either dead or hiding." The short Jin Yiwei said.

"I heard that Fang Tianguo Royal Academy has re-ranked him." The fat boss said enviously.

"Oh, how many places have you risen?" The short leader asked in a daze.

"From No. 30 directly to No. 12." The fat boss said in amazement.

"No. 12, that's terrible. No wonder Nangong Ling'er couldn't sit still and came to Chu country specially, and he must be trying to find bad luck for him." The short leader nodded.

"That's right, although Nangong Ling'er does not admit that she is from Chu.

However, she still didn't get this title until the first day of Dachu.

As soon as Xiao Qiyue's ranking went up, she was squeezed down to the 14th place.

He also lost the title of Da Chu's first genius, so it's strange not to be in a hurry with him. " said the fat boss.

"It is said that Nangong Ling'er made a breakthrough just after she came out of retreat, but she fell down the ranking after she made the breakthrough, so she was naturally unconvinced."

It is so...

Xiao Qiyue couldn't help but smile wryly, the tree attracts the wind...

I was also very puzzled in my heart, this Heavenly Kingdom Royal Academy is too kind to me, right?
As soon as I made achievements, I would immediately adjust my ranking, as if this Azure Dragon Ranking was tailor-made for myself, to flatter myself.

(End of this chapter)

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