God catch

Chapter 639 The Savior

Chapter 639 The Savior
After holding back his strength, the green smoke ghost flame on the palm of his hand became bigger and bigger, and it turned into a thick pillar of fire at the mouth of a bowl and sprayed towards Xiao Qiyue.

This guy is a little worried now, but he still wants to keep Xiao Qiyue's intact head, so there are not many ghost flames attacking the head.

However, this time Wei Fengxiao is doomed to make a comeback in the gutter.

Xiao Qiyue not only has Qinglong Bingyan, but also Dantian Xingkong has a lot of time to squander for herself.

It's just that it can't be digested for a while, but if it doesn't work for a day, it can last for ten or a hundred days. In this starry sky, one day is equivalent to more than ten days.

In this way, although Wei Fengxiao is very powerful, he has no time advantage, so naturally, he falls behind.


As Xiao Qiyue's count approached 100 breaths, Wei Fengxiao's face became more and more livid.

However, this guy was still aboveboard, he didn't slap Xiao Qiyue to death directly, and he was still spraying ghost flames.

Even, directly spurting blood to destroy, the energy of Gui Yan was ten times stronger than before.

91...96...just four breaths away...

Xiao Qiyue's voice became more and more high-pitched, Wei Fengxiao finally couldn't hold it back anymore, his whole body was braving the flames of devouring ghosts, he swayed, and pressed his whole palm on Xiao Qiyue's head.

This time, he opened the record jade talisman and didn't even save his head, he wanted to directly destroy Xiao Qiyue with the devouring ghost flame.

Xiao Qiyue saw a huge ghost burning with raging ghost flames and opened its mouth wide, turning into a ball of blue light flames and swallowing towards herself.

This time the attack was too ferocious, and it would definitely not work by swallowing and digesting it alone.

When the critical point is reached, the Zhenlong Stone lights up, forming a stone prison and throwing it forward.

As a result, it hit the ghost fiercely.

An eight-leaf orchid opened in a piece of blue light, and there was a bang.

The air exploded, and the orchid light shot away like scattered blue arrows.

The dragon-suppressing stone, which can restrain the green dragon, was not able to completely trap the ghost, but it resisted its ferocious devouring.

Of course, it's not that Zhenlongshi is not good, but that Xiao Qiyue's Taoism is not high enough.

Xiao Qiyue's whole body was covered with ghost flames, and she quickly rolled over and over again on the ground, her robes turned into dust and burned, and her whole body was like charred coal.If it wasn't for the fact that the person could still move, others would have thought it was a charred corpse.

"I...I'm not dead yet..." Xiao Qiyue struggled desperately to raise her head, and managed to squeeze out a sentence.

However, Wei Fengxiao's complexion seemed to be better than Xiao Qiyue's?

The face of a zombie is alive and well, the muscles on his face are trembling, and the person has reached the limit of explosion.

"Remember, boy, I will gamble with you again in a year, and I hope you are still alive." Wei Fengxiao struck out a jade talisman, and in a flash of inspiration, he disappeared.

However, Xiao Qiyue couldn't be happy at all.

Although Wei Fengxiao didn't burn himself to death, he did burn himself half to death.

And that jade talisman must have been passed on to the royal family. Sure enough, Xiao Qiyue faintly felt that Chu Jiangshan brought people to search.

Xiao Qiyue quickly packed up everything and struggled to escape.

However, the pursuers were getting closer.

Moreover, people from the Changchun Sect were found ahead.

It seemed that a double-teaming trend had formed, and his injuries had not recovered to [-]%, even a half-step spirit king realm warrior could clean himself up.

Just when Xiao Qiyue fell into despair, Mo Yuejing noticed a group of people coming from the left side of the corner in the forest ahead.

It turned out that it was the policeman from the Six Doors who came, and the leader was actually Tie Qi, the 'Wind and Thunder Catcher'.

This person was also the deputy chief referee invited by the Imperial College and the Royal Academy some time ago.

"Master Catcher, there are a group of troops from Changchun Sect gathered in front, and masters from the royal family of Chu are approaching behind, and I don't know what happened." At this time, the head of the police station, Gong Gong, who was at the forefront, was on guard. He Kuaima galloped to the carriage where Tie Qi was sitting to report.

"So many masters gather at 'Qianyan Ridge', is it because they want to fight Song State?" Yan Hai, Tie Qi's personal guard, asked.

Xiao Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, and only now remembered that 'Qianyan Ridge' was the boundary between Chu State and Song State, and after crossing this mountain, it was Song State's territory.

Unexpectedly, Xing Luoyin could fly thousands of miles under the impact of the word "town" written in Chu Beishan's handwriting.

Coupled with his tossing and tossing these days, he actually ran to the border of Song State.

The Song Kingdom is mixed among the five major countries, and it is one of the strongest second-echelon powers in Fang Tianyu except for the five major countries. It is a bit like the current Ah San country.

Some time ago, I wanted to join forces with my allies to squeeze into the five major powers, but Qianyan Mountain was still the site of the 'Lianyun Eighteen Fortress'.

The power of this 'Eighteen Fort of Lianyun' should not be underestimated, its strength is only a little weaker than the super big sect like Fang Tianyu 36 Dazong, and it is also a first-class sect.

And 'Lianyun Eighteen Forts' is also a restless sect. It has married with Da Chu's Prince Teng's Mansion, and it has not given up on hooking up with Song Guo on the other side.

"Without soldiers and horses following them, it shouldn't be a war. However, with so many soldiers and horses dispatched by the Jin Yiwei of Chu State, could it be that there is a treasure in Qianyan Mountain?" Gong He said.

"I've never heard of a precious energy appearing in Qianyan Mountain, but it seems a bit like they want to arrest some important criminal." Yan Hai shook his head.

"Catch who?" At this moment, Tie Qi's voice came from the carriage.

"Report! Changchunzong and Da Chu Jinyiwei are arresting Xiao Qiyue." At this time, a tall policeman came to report immediately after receiving the news.

"He's not dead yet?" Yan Hai and Gong He were both taken aback.

"Hehe, that kid's life is hard. Let me tell you, he won't die easily. That's okay..." Tie Qi's laughter came from the carriage.

Xiao Qiyue could feel that he had a good impression of herself.

"Master Catcher, it's not much better. I heard that the kid was seriously injured. Moreover, he was chased and killed by Huomu Heavenly King, and there is Chu Jiangshan behind him." The tall catcher quickly replied.

"It's a pity, otherwise, I really want to recruit him into our six doors." Tie Qi replied.

"He is indeed a talent. However, Wei Fengxiao is not easy to provoke, and Chu Jiangshan is even more terrifying. We are helpless." At this time, the arrester 'Cui Wen' came over and said.

"Master 'Xiang Feihu' has encountered trouble in Song Dynasty, and the case of Chen Qiao has not been solved yet.

That case has also been reviewed by the arresting gentleman, and it is indeed quite difficult.

Originally, I wanted to invite Xiao Qiyue to take a look after the match between Imperial College and Royal College.

Unexpectedly, Pavilion Master Du brought people down, the Imperial College was wiped out overnight, Da Chu was tossed upside down, and everything was out of control. "Tie Qi said with an upset face, "Forget it, let's take a rest first and cook on the spot."Also, immediately extend to the surrounding area to investigate the situation.Once you get the news about Xiao Qiyue, come and report it immediately. "

"Lord Catcher, I'm Xiao Qiyue." Without hesitation, Xiao Qiyue went directly to the secret voice.

"Where are you?" Tie Qi was taken aback, and quickly replied.

"I need your help." Xiao Qiyue made a request without answering.

"This...you've seen it too, it's not that Tie doesn't do anything, he really can't help you." Tie Qi thought for a while, with a helpless expression on his face.

"I have the important secret of your six doors, you must protect me from crossing this mountain." Xiao Qiyue responded bluntly.

Because, under the dual pressure of the Changchun Sect and the royal family of the Chu State, there is still a Luoyue Pavilion.

Under the pressure of the three parties, Tie Qi couldn't bear this responsibility from the perspective of the overall situation of the six doors.

After all, helping Xiao Qiyue offended three mountains.

Tie Qi had to face reality unless it was absolutely necessary, so Xiao Qiyue also had to show his cards.

"Oh?" Tie Qi's popularity showed obvious disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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