God catch

Chapter 640 The Secret of the Divine Weapon

Chapter 640 The Secret of the Divine Weapon

"You first figure out a way to get me out safely, and then I will prove it to you. Moreover, this secret is related to the rise and fall of your six doors." Xiao Qiyue increased the weight.

"Are you sure?" Tie Qi's heart was beating, and his popularity was jumping violently.

"Of course! Otherwise, what's the benefit of me lying to you?" Xiao Qiyue replied with certainty.

"Let me think about it..." Tie Qi responded, and after a moment of silence, he rushed to Yan Hai outside and said, "Drop the warning line and warn anyone not to approach. This arrester is going to try a big case."

Yan Hai clasped his fists and immediately arranged for it.

Immediately, the masters of the six doors deployed defenses in all directions.The temporary head also pulled up the yellow warning line, posing a posture of solving the crime on the spot.

However, Tie Qi did not call Xiao Qiyue over immediately.

After all, the matter was of great importance, and he had to measure it.

Soon, several talisman lights flew away.

Not long after, a talisman light flew back again.

"Young Master Xiao, find a way to secretly sneak into my carriage from the east side." Tie Qi's voice came, and Xiao Qiyue knew that he had received instructions.

Naturally, it was not difficult to get into Tieqi's carriage.

Fortunately, Tianxin Fish Sauce still had a little bit of ability, Xiao Qiyue hid in the air and rushed in from the east side.

"I want to see your secret." As soon as Xiao Qiyue came in, the runes on the carriage twisted, and Tie Qi immediately activated multiple shielding measures on the carriage.

"Does Tie Chujun know this?" With a move of Xiao Qiyue's hand, he revealed Zhuge Yong's 'Zhengtian chain'.

In fact, the chain was nothing special, just like the iron chains around the waist of the policemen when they arrested them.

And the six gates have always claimed to uphold justice and justice, so this chain specializes in taking evil and doing justice for the sky, and it is called the "righteous chain".

In fact, the so-called fairness and morality are only relative terms. As long as you have money, you can ask them to investigate the case.

Even, catch the murderer for you.

Usually, they don't care if you are right or wrong.Only responsible for solving cases and arresting people.

Tie Qi received the chain, and his hand trembled suddenly.

"Have some weight!"

He touched it, tapped it again, and said with a flat expression, "I'm afraid it weighs a thousand catties?"

"Hehe, try again?" Xiao Qiyue smiled mysteriously, tapped the iron chain a few times, and Tie Qi took it again. Suddenly, his hand sank and almost fell into the carriage.

"Multiple restraints can boost gravity, double it in an instant, and reach a weight of three to four thousand catties, which is comparable to my Zhengtian chain." Tie Qi rubbed his chin, feeling excited.

However, Xiao Qiyue understood that this alone could not arouse Tie Qi's curiosity.

To put it bluntly, the chips are not enough.

After all, Tie Qi had one in his hand.

The identity of the owner of this chain will definitely not surpass that of Tie Qi, the catcher. It is impossible to say that a catcher of this level can be related to the rise and fall of the six sects.

"You try again?" Xiao Qiyue stretched out her fingers again.

Tie Qi was already prepared this time, and reached out to take it, but his hand still shook a bit.

"Ten thousand catties?" Tie Qi was surprised, and jumped up excitedly.

Because, the Ten Thousand Jin Zhengtian Chain represents that only those with a higher status than him can have it, like "Catching King Xiangdong" has one in his hand.

The role of "King Catcher" in the six doors has been able to enter the high-level circle of the door.

"Actually... I can still mention it... But I'm not capable enough." Xiao Qiyue knew that it seemed that the weight was not heavy enough.

After all, if you want to protect yourself from crossing this mountain, the six gates have to risk offending Changchunzong, Luoyue Pavilion and the royal family of Dachu, so continue to increase the scale to stimulate Tieqi.

"Young Master Xiao, please put it away!" Tie Qi finally gave in. After all, if this Zhengtian chain can still be blessed, doesn't it mean that the owner of this chain is higher than the king catcher?
Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the Zhengtian Chain owned by a capable person like Xiang Dong can also exceed ten thousand catties.

Therefore, he held the iron chain in both hands and returned it to Xiao Qiyue, quite politely.

At this moment, it seemed that the positions of the two parties were somewhat reversed.

Xiao Qiyue knew that Tie Qi's mind had undergone a major change.

If he really has the secrets related to the rise and fall of the six gates, then Tie Qi will be the number one contributor to introducing him into the gate.

Once Xiao Qiyue becomes prosperous, and he never forgets the well digger, he will be able to enjoy himself in the future.

Everything in the world has to be viewed from a dialectical perspective, and pure justice that is divorced from interests is absolutely impossible to exist.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, this time when I came out to handle errands, I happened to run into the case that Xiang Feihu, a relative of Wang Xiangdong who was arrested, was in charge of.

Therefore, for the sake of convenience, before the arrival of the arresting king, the Lord arresting king specially gave me a piece of arresting king's deputy order.

With it, they will surely give some face.

Of course, Mr. Xiao must also be prepared to break through at any time, and I have already prepared for the worst. After Tie Qi finished speaking, he took out a token with a large character '项' engraved on it.

The status of the king catchers of these six gates is similar to that of the five heavenly kings of the underworld gate. However, Xiang Dong is the most famous among the king catchers, and has a great influence in Fang Tianyu's countries, so his status is naturally even higher.

"Listen up front, the Imperial Guards of the Great Chu Dynasty will take the murderer, put down their weapons and squat down, and let us search. If you dare to resist, you will be killed on the spot!" Sure enough, within half an hour, Jin Weiyi's minions came aggressively.

"The ones who came seem to be the elites of the Great Chu Jinyiwei." Tie Qi raised a bit of the curtain and glanced at it, and said.

"Well, Jin Weiyi's most elite Iron Blood Hall fighters, all elites." Xiao Qiyue nodded, and had already seen through the curtain.

"Stop coming!" Gong He saw it and immediately issued a warning.

"Hey, do you want to die?" A red-nosed Jin Weiyi swore arrogantly while raising his sword.

"We belong to the six sects, and we were ordered to go to Song State to handle the case. Mr. Catcher is studying the file, so no harassment is allowed." Gong He raised his brows angrily, and responded loudly.

"This is the territory of Great Chu. Anyone who enters the territory of Great Chu will be searched. Otherwise, he will be killed as an accomplice of the murderer." Red Nose explained fiercely when he heard this.

"We are Tie Qi who catches the king. Some time ago, Master Catcher was invited to serve as the deputy chief referee for your Dachu Royal Academy." Gong He said.

"I'll say it again, whether it's the arresting king or the king, you have to open yourself to inspection. Tian Yang's patience is limited, and you are limited to a hundred breaths. Otherwise, you will be killed on the spot!" Tian Yang sacrificed impatiently. He picked up a big knife with a width of nearly one foot.

"Who dares?" Yan Hai jumped forward, full of energy, and directly confronted Tian Yang.

beep, beep...

Tian Yang was so oppressed that he retreated seven or eight steps in a row, his blood was surging, and he almost spurted blood.

Knowing that this person is not his opponent, he quickly turned his head and shouted back, "Lord Chu, my subordinates are incompetent. When I encountered a hard idea, I couldn't solve it."


There was a domineering voice, and with a thud, the ground trembled three times. A tiger beast with silver scale armor and a pair of blue wings on its back descended from the sky.

The faint aura dissipated, and a round face appeared on the war beast, with raised eyebrows, wearing Haibao boots, wearing a small jade crown, a domineering and extraordinary middle-aged man.

"Chu Xiang, the master of the Iron Blood Hall, seems to be the son of Prince Chu Yundong who controls one of the Eight Great National Weapons." Tie Qi frowned uncontrollably.

However, in terms of combat power, he should be slightly stronger than himself.

Moreover, they have three or four times as many people as their own, so if they fight, they will definitely suffer, and the situation is quite serious.

"Search!" Chu Xiang rode on the Flying Tiger, raised his gun and pointed forward, roaring.

(End of this chapter)

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