God catch

Chapter 643

Chapter 643

You know, Xiao Qiyue's glorious image in Chu State is quite tall.

Resolutely and vigorously, the Supreme Elder Shi Wuqian, who was sent by Wujue Medicine Palace to Dachu Medicine Hall, was dealt with, and he didn't even sell Mu Lao Fan Zheng's face.And, do it right.

In the end, he actually got involved with the royal family of Great Chu.

I heard that recently, Chu Zhuang's body was completely destroyed and Chu Tianqiong was dizzy. Although Xiao Qiyue was definitely not the one who did it himself, this kid is too scared, and he doesn't know what tricks he has set up.

Chu Zhuang and Chu Tianqiong can't do it, what kind of onion am I?

Then, this kid was actually highly valued by Master Duanmuhai, and he directly entered the inner door of the Medicine League.

In the world of pharmacists, this kid seems to have been rumored to be a generation of little medicine tyrants.

With his ferocious nature, if it takes his own life, no one will force himself out for himself.

And Tian Daoming had just wandered over from Dachu, Xiao Qiyue's name was naturally resounding.

It seems that it is impossible to soothe the mind without eating a few 'Babao Jingfengsan' after returning home.

"Well, very good, very good. However, recently, this elder has exhausted the medicinal materials in order to refine a new medicine. Or..." Xiao Qiyue spoke halfway, and glanced at Tian Daoming lightly.

Damn you!
This is blatant drug grabbing...

"This subordinate has passed through several countries this time, and also bought a bunch of medicinal materials. If Elder Xiao sees it, he should be a filial piety. If it is not enough, this subordinate will find a way after going back." Tian Daoming was frightened early in the morning. Leave immediately, stay away from this disaster star.

That is to immediately take off an interspatial bag from his waist, and pour out all the medicinal materials inside.

Suddenly, a small pile was piled up in front of Xiao Qiyue.

"That's all?" Xiao Qiyue frowned.

"The subordinate's space bag is too small, it can only hold so much. It's a little less, and I will definitely bring more next time." Tian Daoming was rambling all over, his heart was bleeding, god damn it, this is me Lifetime savings.

"The grade of your medicine is too low, it's worthless. Forget it, this pharmacist can make use of it. Of course, this pharmacist is not a robber, so tell me the number." Xiao Qiyue looked serious.

"No, no, it's my subordinates who respect you." Tian Daoming hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands.

"In this way, others will say that this pharmacist is a robber." Xiao Qiyue said.

"This medicine is too low-grade, it's worthless in the first place, or else Elder Xiao will give you thousands of taels." Tian Daoming knew that this kid was so ruthless, he wanted to be a whore but also wanted to set up a memorial archway, so he hurriedly said the number.

"This is 2000 taels, so you don't need to look for more. Go!" Xiao Qiyue threw out two banknotes.

"How can this be so? I'll just charge 1000 taels, and I'll make a lot of money." Tian Daoming hurriedly left a piece of paper, turned around and rushed to the door.

"By the way, wait." Xiao Qiyue shouted again.

"Elder Xiao, please tell me." Tian Daoming turned around in fright, almost crying.

"I don't like talkative people the least."

"This subordinate understands, but my mouth is firm." Tian Daoming nodded quickly.

"Only the mouth of the dead is the strongest." Xiao Qiyue snorted.

"Ah...Elder Xiao, subordinate..."

"Okay, let's see how you behave. Also, remember to bring more medicinal materials next time. Otherwise, you are a dignified sixth-grade spiritual pharmacist, and you are really shabby with just this little thing. You can't disgrace us pharmacists." Xiao Qi Moon looked serious.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Tian Daoming nodded for an unknown number of times, turned out the door, and fled away.



Xiang Feihu couldn't bear it anymore, he laughed so loudly that a large piece of the tiles were shattered.

Tie Qi was also uncomfortable, but he was embarrassed to laugh.

On the contrary, Song Duan had a serious face, but in fact, the popularity had already collapsed with laughter.

"I've heard about the great name for a long time, but I saw it today, it's really extraordinary. From Tian Yaoshi, I can see Mr. Xiao's character." Xiang Feihu clasped his fists after laughing, very pleased.

"Young Master Xiao is not only superior in martial arts, but also the tricks I use to make Tie impress me. Well done! Well done..." Tie Qi finally burst out laughing.

"Little Huang, I have heard of your name, Mr. Xiao, the royal family of Chu State is indeed too despicable and shameless.

Not to mention treachery, but colluding with outside gangs to frame the country's pillars of talent, how can this be a bit of a big country style?
If Young Master Xiao is from our Song Kingdom, I will definitely treat him as a guest of honour, and use the country's financial resources to cultivate him.

In this way, it is certain that Young Master Xiao will become a generation of transcendent masters in the martial arts world. "Song Duan actually bowed slightly, cupped his hands and said.

"Hehehe, the crown prince has won the prize. Xiao is a loser now, how dare he talk about Master Chaoran?" Xiao Qiyue smiled calmly, and naturally understood Song Duan's implication.

At that time, it will become a sharp knife to attack Chu State.

"How can you say that, Mr. Xiao, I am sincere, Xiao Huang. As long as Mr. Xiao is willing to join the Song Kingdom, one of the top ten countries in the Song Kingdom will belong to Mr. Xiao. At that time, you and my brother will have a good time with each other. How pleasant is it? "Song Duan is more eager to seek talents, that is a bloodletting.

It's just that Xiang Feihu and Tie Qi are a little jealous after hearing this, which is equivalent to being crowned king.

Moreover, he is a great king who occupies a part of the country of Song. Although the country of Song is not as good as the Great Chu, one-tenth of the country is also the size of the three small provinces of Da Chu, as if it is shoulder to shoulder with the emperor.

This treatment has long surpassed the princes of various countries.

This temptation is too strong, I am afraid that there are not many warriors in the world who can directly refuse.

"Hehehe!" Xiao Qiyue laughed three times, but did not respond immediately.

"Master Xiao, have you ever heard of 'Robo Gong'?" Seeing that Xiao Qiyue didn't respond, Song Duan immediately raised the stakes.

"Could it be Duke Luo of the Wei Kingdom?" Tie Qi asked.

"That's right! However, he is now the head priest of our country of Song." Song Duan was slightly satisfied.

"Young Master Xiao, Mr. Luo, formerly known as Luo Qingyang, is the Duke of the Wei Kingdom. Later, he also fell out with the royal family of the Wei Kingdom. Unexpectedly, he went to the Song Kingdom." Xiang Feihu said.

"Mr. Luo Bo is very powerful. After falling out with Wei Guo, he jumped off a cliff and committed suicide in a fit of anger. He actually got an adventure. After he came out, his strength soared, and he stepped into the third-level spirit king in one fell swoop. Now Wei Gong is so regretful that his intestines are green. You can blame him for not knowing the goods." Tie Qi said.

No wonder Song State dared to compete with Chu State, and it was about to move recently, probably it had something to do with Luo Bogong's joining.

When Song Duan said this, he just wanted to tell Xiao Qiyue that even people like Luo Bogong joined our Song State, which shows that our Song State has a future.

Moreover, Song Guo is also keeping promises.

Otherwise, Luo Bogong is so strong, is he afraid that there will be nowhere to go?
"Hehehe, Mr. Luo is really lucky. But, he seems to be almost seventy, right?" Xiao Qiyue smiled and didn't let go.

The implication is that although Luo Bogong is not weak, he is old.

On the contrary, we are still young and have a bright future.In fact, he was waiting for Song Duan to increase the weight.

Tie Qi glanced at Xiang Feihu, both of them were a little surprised, feeling that Xiao Qiyue was not an easy person.Moreover, the appetite is not small.

Isn't one of the ten countries of the Song Dynasty not enough?This is the true nature of a hero.

"How about my emperor giving you two parts of the country?" At this time, a loud voice came from outside the door.

"I have seen the father." It was Song Kaiyun, the emperor of Song Dynasty, who should have sent him a secret message early.

"Your Majesty thinks highly of Xiao so much, Xiao is a little panicked." Xiao Qiyue said intentionally, and found an old man in green robe behind Song Kaiyun staring at her. The aura of this old man was shaking like waves, probably he is Mr. Luo .

Seeing that Xiao Qiyue still didn't agree, he stared at Xiao Qiyue with burning eyes, and the spiritual light in his whole body suddenly became brighter. Suddenly, the pressure in the hall was so great that even Tie Qi and Xiang Feihu had to fight with their true energy.

(End of this chapter)

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