God catch

Chapter 644 For You

Chapter 644 The Thirteen Eastern Counties For You

This is because this person is targeting Xiao Qiyue, otherwise, Tie Qi and Xiang Feihu would have been crushed to the ground.

"Aren't you satisfied?" Robo asked domineeringly.

"It's my son's business to be satisfied, what do you have to do with Uncle?" Xiao Qiyue's face turned cold, and he remained motionless.

"Then I want to weigh Mr. Xiao's ability?" When Mr. Luo heard this, he was very angry.The spiritual light shrank, and suddenly condensed into a mountain and smashed towards Xiao Qiyue.

Break the dragon hand!
A dragon shadow roared out, and the dragon claws slapped Lord Luo Bogong's Spiritual Light Mountain. With a bang, the lobby shook, and the powerful spiritual energy directly blasted through the roof and soared into the sky.

Outside, there was a clattering sound, and a rain of tiles suddenly fell.

Tie Qi and Xiang Feihu were dumbfounded, with astonishment on their faces.

The two of them never expected that Xiao Qiyue would be able to fight Luo Bogong directly without falling behind.

He's a third-level Spirit King Realm powerhouse?

It seems that even Fang Tianguo Royal Academy got it wrong.

When re-ranking him, he was promoted to the No.12 pick, explaining that Xiao Qiyue designed to destroy Chu Zhuang's body and knocked Chu Tianqiong unconscious.

Now it seems that there is no need to devise any schemes if Chu Zhuang's body is destroyed. Xiao Qiyue's own strength is enough to destroy Chu Zhuang.

Moreover, even this No.12 pick needs to be reshuffled. Xiao Qiyue should have entered the top 6 of the Qinglong list long ago.

As for Song Kaiyun and his son's short-term shock, there was only great joy. Both father and son's heads were distorted like dancing, and they were extremely excited.

"Hahaha, it really is a young talent.

Mr. Xiao, the Emperor no longer asks you to join the Song Kingdom.

However, we can join forces.Moreover, what I, Song Kaiyun, said earlier counts.

From now on, the thirteen counties in the east of Song State will belong to Mr. Xiao.

Mr. Xiao can be called king, even Jianguo.

From now on, we are brothers.

Difficulties are shared, and blessings are shared! "Song Kaiyun really shed tears and bloodletting, thirteen counties, that is equivalent to [-]% of the current land area of ​​Song State.

Just like this, the founding of the country will do.

In this way, it seemed that Xiao Qiyue was kidnapped into a large group that joined forces to fight against Chu.

"Song Kaiyun is too powerful." Tie Qi sighed and sent a voice transmission to Xiang Feihu.

"Indeed! Few emperors are willing to open their mouths about such a big deal.

However, the east side of the Song Kingdom is close to the sea, and the pirates in that area are very rampant, and there are constant wars.

It is said that most of the land was occupied by pirates, and Song Guo had to spend a lot of energy to deal with it.

And Song Kaiyun threw a hot potato to Xiao Qiyue, which was equivalent to stabilizing the eastern region.

And Xiao Qiyue owed him a big favor. At that time, after the war with Da Chu, it is expected that Xiao Qiyue will grab more land and return it to him.Kill two birds with one stone. "Xiang Feihu sighed.

"Of course, but Song Kaiyun is also walking a tightrope. Maybe if Xiao Qiyue turns against the water, once his strength rises, even the Song Kingdom will be lost." Tie Qi said.

"He has seen through Xiao Qiyue's character a long time ago. It is absolutely impossible for Xiao Qiyue to do such a treacherous thing. Otherwise, he will be ridiculed by the world." Xiang Feihu replied.

"Jianguo, then there is no need. However, Jianzong is still feasible. From then on, the main rudder of the 'Longzong' will be built in the eastern part of the Song Dynasty." Xiao Qiyue seemed to agree.

"Congratulations to Sect Master Xiao for establishing the Dragon Sect." Song Kaiyun was actually the first to congratulate.

"I will fully support the matter of Jianzong, Xiaohuang. If you need anything, please ask Sect Master Xiao." Song Duan immediately cooperated with his father and replied, the father and son are really a golden pair.

"Congratulations to Sect Master Xiao..." Tie Qi and Xiang Feihu also congratulated each other.

The two finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their original intention was to win Xiao Qiyue into the six doors.

If Xiao Qiyue founded the country, it would be impossible.

Because, the six doors are actually the six kingdoms.

If the king Xiao Qiyue were to surrender to the six sects, he would not be willing.

Jianzong is much easier to handle. It is just a small sect. There are many small sects affiliated to the Six-Fan Gate. It is not a single word to add a horoscope. What's the problem with the so-called "Dragon Sect"?

The reason why Xiao Qiyue agreed was because the sphere of influence of Tianhuo Cult was in the east of Song State.

At that time, when I go to the local area to establish a sect, I will inevitably have an intersection with the Tianhuo Sect, and it will be logical to investigate the matter of my father.

"After half a month, the emperor will recruit a group of ministers to declare to the world. At that time, please invite Xiao Zongzhu to the palace." Song Kaiyun said.

"Sect Master Xiao, it's not easy to mix in the east." Before leaving, Mr. Rob said to Xiao Qiyue with a smile.

"Since it's my son's territory, no matter how difficult it is to mess around, it has to be settled." Xiao Qiyue responded with a sneer.

"The uncle will wait and see." Luo Bogong flicked his sleeves and followed the emperor out the door.

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, Sect Master Xiao, you have to beware of this Lord Luo." Xiang Feihu reminded.

"I don't think so!" Xiao Qiyue sneered.

"Sect Master Xiao has his own opinion?" Tie Qi asked.

"You two, you will know when the time comes." Xiao Qiyue said, "By the way, what happened to the Chen Qiao case?"

"This case is quite strange, Chen Qiao is the birthplace of the Duan family, the second largest family in Song Dynasty.

When Duan Xingyao was born, the 'Flying Ice Bear' was shining. Since then, the Duan family has entered a more glorious era.

Because, even the royal family of the Song Dynasty extended an olive branch to the Duan family, and made the Xingyue Princess Song Jiali Wen betrothed to Duan Xingyao as his wife.

As a result, the royal family of the Song Dynasty and the Duan family were tightly kidnapped together.

The prince Song Duan was Song Jiali's younger brother, and his status as the prince became even more stable because of this.

However, last year, something big happened.Chen Qiao was actually destroyed by something unknown. For this reason, the royal family of the Song Dynasty was furious, and the Duan family was almost mad.

Because, this Chen Qiao represents the Duan family and is the glory of the Duan family.

Although it is just a bridge.However, the Duan family will never quit, so we invited the six of us to investigate the case thoroughly.

Some time ago I brought people here, and the scene was very messy, and basically there were no clues left by the destruction.

Moreover, the ten guards of the Duan family guarding Chen Qiao, including the leader of the guards, Duan Yun, all died.

You know, Duan Yun's strength is also as high as the peak of the real baby realm.Who else could kill him except the Spirit King Realm?

However, the Song Kingdom has not been out of the spirit king realm for hundreds of years, and only one outsider, Luo Bogong, is the spirit king.

According to my investigation, on the day of the accident, Duke Luo was still drinking with the officials in the palace, and he had no time to commit the crime.

What's more, since he surrendered to Song State, he naturally has no motive to commit crimes.

Therefore, this case must have been done by foreign experts.

I first targeted Chu State, but Chu State is too big to investigate.

Therefore, he entrusted his uncle Tie Chujun to help investigate the matter.

Therefore, the uncle agreed to the request of the Dachu Royal Academy and became a referee. "Xiang Feihu looked at Tie Qi after speaking here.

"I didn't find anything. After all, because of Mr. Xiao's matter, the Great Chu royal family was in a state of distress, and the three ancestors of the Spirit King Realm were all messed up. I couldn't find anything for a while. So, I thought of seeing it on the spot. .” Tie Qi said.

"Where's Duan Xingyao?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"He woke up from the retreat because of the destruction of Chen Qiao, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. These days, he has been inviting friends to cooperate with the investigation of this matter. It is said that the 15th-ranked genius on the Qinglong list, Dongmen Leopards are here." Xiang Feihu said.

"It seems that Duan Xingyao's energy is not small." Tie Qi said.

"By the way, Xiang Tuhou, how did you get hurt?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

(End of this chapter)

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