God catch

Chapter 646 Crushing the Top 15 in the Qinglong Ranking

Chapter 646 Crushing the Top 15 in the Qinglong Ranking

Therefore, over the years, Six Doors has not been full of joy, and there have been times when they missed, and there have been many cases of posting money.

"Hehehe, I'm here to solve the case, not to fight." Tie Qi was more experienced, unlike Xiang Feihu, who was about to roll up his sleeves and come forward to fight.

"I'm sorry, our Duan family no longer needs you. I believe Brother Dongmen will solve the case in a short time. The deposit will be your travel expenses, a little money, and a few catties of wine." Duan Xingyao said face contemptuous.

Compared with Xiang Feihu, Duan Xingyao definitely prefers to be in contact with Dongmen Leopard.

Moreover, the two were already acquainted with each other, but now, their friendship has deepened.

Moreover, an agreement was made to help each other, hoping to achieve greater glory on the Qinglong list.

"Hahaha... Brother Duan still has a lot, hundreds of thousands can be thrown away." Dongmen Bao laughed wildly.

"We have to let them go back, otherwise, people will say that my Duan family is too stingy if they starve to death on the road." Duan Xingyao laughed.

"Bastard!" Xiang Feihu finally couldn't hold it anymore, he yelled violently, opened his tiger's eyes, and clenched his fists loudly.

"Brother Duan, Xiang Tuhou is going to fight, you have to be careful." Dongmen Bao fanned the flames.

"It's been a long time since I played, Xiang Chuhou is in the mood, I just want to play with you." Duan Xingyao looked disdainful.

"Come back!" Tie Qi grabbed Xiang Feihu who had jumped up.

"Don't dare, let's hurry home and give birth to the girl in my arms."

"Nothing to plant!"

"Six doors, my bah! It's not good!"

"This is like a bear!"


The other young people ran on one after another.

Xiang Fei's tiger's eyes were red, but Tie Qi held him tightly.Of course, Tie Qi also had a pale face.

And all the six-door arresters put their hands on their weapons, and as long as Tie Qi gave an order, they would all rush forward.

"Are you going to fight, or not? Dongmen Leopard, you come!" Xiao Qiyue came out and looked at Dongmen Leopard.

"After all, there is still a 'handle' for the six doors, but I, Dongmen Leopard, will smash his balls." Dongmen Leopard squeezed his fist, and there was a crisp click, and took a few steps forward, following Xiao Qi The moon stood face to face.

Although Xiao Qiyue's reputation is not small, but he is only in the area of ​​Dachu, and few people know him after leaving Dachu.

"Brother Dongmen has great palm strength, I think it must be bad to break an egg." Duan Xingyao laughed.


A group of young people laughed so loudly that they pierced through the clouds and went straight to Jiuxiao.

Tie Qi glanced at Xiang Feihu, this guy is honest now, just waiting for a good show.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Xiang Feihu's mouth, Duan Xingyao was stunned for a moment.Isn't this kid so stupid by being run over by him?Still laughing?
Something is wrong...

"Boy, remember, my style is called 'Big Eagle Broken'. Next time you will be a human being and put your tricks to the fore. You will never even think about hugging women in this life." After Dongmen Bao finished speaking, his aura was shattered, It instantly condensed into an eagle claw, bent like a hook, and grabbed Xiao Qiyue's lower body through the air.

That speed is comparable to that of Feijian.

Immediately, all the accomplices screamed frantically.

However, the next moment, their smiles all froze.

Because, as soon as Xiao Qiyue stretched out his hand, he grabbed Dongmen Leopard's eagle-clawed spirit hand.

Although the eagle-clawed hand formed by the aura is condensed by the aura and true essence, it is connected with the fleshy palm.

Dongmen Leopard's eyes turned red, and he felt that it was too embarrassing.He shouted loudly, the aura exploded, and he turned his palms and scratched.

With a crisp sound, Xiao Qiyue crushed the Lingguang Eagle Claw abruptly.And during the explosion, Xiao Qiyue punched 'Heaven collapsed and the earth is crazy', and he will pass by.

The ground trembled, and the wild qi stirred up a storm. Dongmen Leopard's pupils twitched, trying to flash.

However, how could Xiao Qiyue make him get what he wanted.The figure jumped, too fast.

This is shrinking to an inch, and it arrives instantly.

Dongmen Leopard let out a muffled grunt, and stepped back seven or eight steps in a row, while the palm was bloody and the wrist was hanging down. It seemed that it was not just as simple as a broken bone.

Because the skin and flesh were cracked, as if they had been raked by a rake, they turned into stewed rotten hooves.

That hand seems to be useless.

Suddenly, Duan Xingyao was dumbfounded.

All the accomplices were so frightened that they retreated to the front of Duan's old house.

And Xiang Feihu also looked shocked, but Tie Qi looked calm, thinking it should be like this.

Dongmen Leopard's face flushed red, and with a loud roar, a black light flashed, an iron shackle fell out and turned into a shadow as it slammed into Xiao Qiyue.

These are the famous "heavenly shackles" in western prisons, which are usually used to put felons on their feet.

Of course, it has the same function as the Zhengtian chain of the six doors.

Naturally, the seniors of the Dongmen family who developed this gold medal winning tool also had the idea of ​​competing with the six doors.

The Seven Star Sword came out, and the sword gang instantly went out to sea like a dragon.

clap clap...

There was a piercing sound, and under the sky-high light, the Dongmen Leopard had already been kicked by Xiao Qiyue and fell to the ground. The whole face was scratched by the hard and rough ground, making it disfigured and bloody.

And the previous mighty and domineering face no longer exists, and the sharp attack weapon just now, the shackles, has been chopped into a pile of scrap iron.

It seems that other people's balls were not broken but his own face was broken first.

If it wasn't for Xiao Qiyue's injuries, there would be no need to use the Seven Star Sword at all, and he could play the Dongmen Leopard at the second level of the Necromancer King with a pair of fleshy palms.

The scene was suddenly quiet, terribly quiet, and the guards and servants of the Duan family were already stunned and became living fossils standing there.

After all, their god-like Dongmen Leopard is so vulnerable.In Xiao Qiyue's hands, it was like paper made of mud.

Who is this kid?
Is it the existence of the six gates to catch the king?

How can it be?Catching the king must be at least five or sixty years old...

A ball of black sand popped out of Dongmen Leopard's body and scattered towards Xiao Qiyue.

Coming and not being indecent?
Xiao Qiyue threw his hand, and the palm of his hand swelled to a radius of several feet in an instant. He rolled it in the air, and the black sand rolled into a ball of black ribbons greeted the Dongmen Leopard who had just jumped up.


The Dongmen Leopard let out a scream, and was instantly slammed into a plug.Black smoke billowed from his body, he rolled all over the floor, his robes were torn apart, revealing small craters the size of balloon lead bullets, which were densely covered all over his body, especially his face, which instantly turned into a 'sky full of stars', Looking at it makes the scalp numb and the heart is cold.

"Young Patriarch, Uncle Duan is dead..." Several clansmen shouted angrily, and several Duan clansmen rolled on the ground, their whole bodies ended up like the Dongmen Leopard.

Because, that guy's sneak attack just now was in full bloom, and he didn't pay attention to the life and death of the Duan family at all.In order to be fatal with one blow, the net was cast across the board.

Fortunately, the arresters of the six gates were swept away by Tie Qi and Xiang Feihu first, but two or three of them also suffered disasters.

"Dongmen Bao, how could you be like this?" Duan Xingyao was furious, accusing Dongmen Bao.

"It's just a few dogs. If they die, they will die." Unexpectedly, Dongmen Leopard would talk like this, and Duan Xingyao was so angry that he wanted to step up and beat him up.

However, the Dongmen family is too powerful, and Duan Xingyao can't do anything because his fists are cracking.

"Apply these medicinal powders on your body." Xiao Qiyue threw out several medicine bottles.

The three injured police officers hurriedly followed suit, and after a while, they got better.

And the members of the Duan clan who had some doubts before also hurriedly smeared on their brothers.

"Dongmen Bao, you are not welcome in my Duan family, you leave immediately." Duan Xingyao said with a stinky face.

(End of this chapter)

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