God catch

Chapter 647 The Second Traveler Flying on the Grass

Chapter 647 The Second Traveler Flying on the Grass
"You think I want to come? What is the Duan family? Do you really think that I, Dongmen Leopard, would look up to a low-level Duan family? If it weren't for my Western Prison to open up this area, I wouldn't bother to come here. "After Dongmen Leopard hastily swallowed a panacea, he responded arrogantly, and then stared at Xiao Qiyue fiercely and said, "Boy, do you have the guts to leave your name?"

"Your father's name is Xiao Qiyue." Xiao Qiyue looked at him lazily and responded.

"Xiao Qiyue..." Dongmen Leopard suddenly swallowed a dead fly expression.

Duan Xingyao's group of friends were all overjoyed, looking at Xiao Qiyue with expressions of admiration.

"Young Master Xiao, are you the one who killed Chu Zhuang, made Chu Tianqiong dizzy, and challenged Changchun Sect and Luoyue Pavilion?"

"Hehe, everyone is flattering me too much, it's a fluke, it's just a fluke." Xiao Qiyue cupped her fists.

"Boy, I, Dongmen Leopard, will definitely get back this grudge a hundredfold." In a flash of inspiration, Dongmen Leopard blew a whistle, and a flying eagle circled down. He stepped on the inspiration and flew away.

"Dongmen Leopard, you hurt my Uncle Duan, I, Duan Xingyao, have made a note of it!" Duan Xingyao shouted into the air.

"You're just a piece of shit, it's useless to write it down." Dongmen Leopard's voice came from the air, and soon there was a black spot left.

Duan Xingyao's face was green and Rivara was on the verge of eruption.

Boom boom boom!
A few centuries-old trees next to it suffered disaster, and they were all destroyed by the angry Duan Xingyao.

"Alas..." Duan Zhuang, the head of the Duan family, hurried back, looked at everything in front of him, sighed sullenly, cupped his hands towards Xiao Qiyue, pointed at the old house of the Duan family, and said, "Mr. Jun, please come into the house and have some tea!"

"You don't have to drink tea. I want to see the bodies of the victims when Chenqiao was destroyed." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"I'll take you there." Duan Xingyao said, and they hurried down to the underground ice cellar.

After some inspection, Xiao Qiyue fell into silence.

But I was secretly shocked in my heart, because the deaths of Duan Yun and the others seemed to be similar to the results of the 'Life and Death Talisman'.

You know, the 'Life and Death Talisman' is the original creation of the Tianshan Child Elder on Earth.

Xiao Qiyue also came into contact with this kind of ice talisman when she was in the dragon group. How could this place in another world produce the exact same version?

Could it be that the 'grass fly' who was fighting with him at that time also crossed from the Nine Dragon Wall to Fang Tianyu like himself?
Moreover, this guy is not dead, he is mixed in another world.

'Flying on the Grass' is not only relaxed, but also a flying thief. Apart from his evil deeds, this person can also be called a generation of martial arts masters.

He specializes in stealing famous things, for example, the martial arts of various schools, and even the Jade Heart Sutra of the Ancient Tomb School, and ordinary money is not valued.

In terms of mastery of earth martial arts knowledge, he completely crushed Xiao Qiyue.

Xiao Qiyue even smelled a familiar smell from Duan Yun's body, a unique smell from 'Made on Earth'.

At this time, a line of cause and effect popped out from his body, and it was actually tightly entangled with the life and death talisman in Duan Yun's body.

Moreover, after taking a closer look, Xiao Qiyue opened her mouth even more in shock.

Because, the causal line is actually composed of nine dragon walls.

That was definitely him.

Xiao Qiyue was speechless for a moment. Well, it seems that she is not the only one, and she has a heart-stopping feeling that her 'patent' is being shared.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue also found a trace of Orchid Grass.

Could it be that 'Flying on the Grass' took refuge in the Wulin Kingdom?That was really something to play with.

Xiao Qiyue was very curious. Who did that guy live on?

"Could it be that he also discovered himself?" Xiao Qiyue's mouth curled up into a playful smile. This matter got bigger, and it is estimated that the 'story' between himself and him will continue to be staged in another world.

Xiao Qiyue suddenly had a glimmer of anticipation, this seems to be quite interesting.

The Life and Death Talisman is a hidden weapon used by Tianshan Child Elder, the lord of the Vulture Palace of the Xiaoyao School.Those in the middle can't live or die, and are controlled by others, hence the name "Life and Death Talisman". It is actually the number one hidden weapon in the martial arts.

Use liquids such as wine and water to reverse the true energy, turn the strong yang energy into feminine softness, make the true energy emitted from the palm several times colder than ice, and the liquid in the hand will naturally condense into ice.

Of course, Duan Yun is a real baby realm expert.

The life-death talisman made of ordinary wine can't kill him. Naturally, the life-death talisman was upgraded and improved after the grass flew to another world, and it was made of more powerful materials.

Child Elder once said: To learn how to decipher the life-death talisman, you must learn how to launch it, and to learn how to launch it, you must first learn how to refine it.Don't look at this small piece of thin ice, it is not easy to make it as thin as paper without being worn or broken.It is necessary to put some water in the palm of the hand, and then reverse the internal force, so that the true energy in the palm is several times colder than ice, and the clear water will naturally condense into ice...

To decipher the life-death talisman, only the Six Yang Palms of Tianshan Mountain, and at the same time cooperate with the medical book of the Vulture Palace, so as to grasp the yin, yang, deficiency and reality of each life-death talisman to cure it.

And Xiao Qiyue has the 'attribute transformation technique', which can change the yin and yang zhenqi at will.

Moreover, although Xiao Qiyue does not have the medical book of the Vulture Palace, he does have the "Shen Nong Treasure Book", which is of a higher level than any medical book.Therefore, it is easy to make a life and death talisman.

Naturally, it is not difficult to decipher the life and death talisman.

He immediately reversed the yin and yang, pressed and sucked Duan Yun's corpse with his palm, and soon, an ice-like object the size of a hair was condensed and sucked out.

"This is the hidden weapon that makes Duan Yunshi deadly?" Duan Xingyao and others were suddenly surprised. He glanced at Xiang Feihu, Xiang Feihu blushed slightly, and said frankly, "I'm sorry Duan Xiaowang, I didn't find it .”

"The world is so big, there are thousands of skills. Because this thing is extremely difficult to find, it can't be extracted without special skills. It's normal that Xiang Chuhou couldn't find it." Xiao Qiyue explained, and Xiang Feihu threw it A grateful look.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing.

Xiao Qiyue suddenly raised his palm and slapped Xiang Feihu, and an ice needle popped out and landed on Xiao Qiyue's palm.

"I was also plotted by it? No wonder I didn't find out, thank you, Mr. Xiao." Xiang Feihu was shocked, and his whole body immediately relaxed.After thinking about it, I was relieved, and I immediately bowed down and thanked him.

"This thing is indeed weird, and I didn't notice it." Tie Chujun was also amazed at a glance.

"However, Duan Yun is dead, this thing is hidden in his body, but how can it attack me?" Xiang Feihu asked shamelessly.

"This is a good thing done by a special kind of insect, it should be a kind of cup.

The cup was first hidden in Duan Yun's body.Moreover, the person who plotted against you took your things.

For example, hair, blood or skin flakes will do.

Let the worms raised by him lock you first, and then, as soon as you get close, sneak in, so you don't realize it.

Just like this ice talisman, this cup is extremely difficult to find. "Xiao Qiyue explained without mentioning the 'Life and Death Talisman' at all.

Otherwise, if Cao Shangfei knew about it, he would definitely suspect that he was also a 'Xibei product'.

It always feels bad to be watched by someone else.

"It's so mysterious, it's amazing." Xiang Feihu was so excited that he almost worshiped Xiao Qiyue.

"It's no wonder Mr. Xiao is able to repeatedly solve major cases in Chu State. His eyesight is really good." Duan Zhuang Fuxu sighed.

"However, Mr. Xiao, have you found the real culprit?" Duan Xingyao looked at Xiao Qiyue expectantly.

"Hehe, within half a month, the real culprit will come out." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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