God catch

Chapter 654 Chen Shizhong

Chapter 654 Chen Shizhong

"Sect Master Xiao! How did the old thief Wei commit the Chen Qiao case?" Liu Dong is really a very stubborn old man. Just after finishing the summons, both parties signed, stamped the jade seal, and handed a copy to Xiao Qiyue Then asked about it again.

In fact, everyone wanted to hear it, including Tie Chujun and Xiang Feihu and other high-level police officers.

"That's right! Sect Master Xiao, please explain. Otherwise, we'll all be suffocated to death." Duan Xingyaohou was anxious about this matter.

After all, no one is more anxious than him when it comes to the major feng shui matters of the Duan family.

"Wei Bogong, just say it yourself." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Hahaha, Long Zong, Xiao Qiyue, you yellow-mouthed child, within three days, your Long Zong will become a piece of dust! Why did I tell you?" Wei Bogong laughed crazily until he vomited blood.

"It's very simple, the condition is that you tell me, and I will spare you." Xiao Qiyue said.

"You said you let me give birth and I will give birth, and you are not the king of hell?" In this world, no one wants to die.Naturally, Bogong Wei was no exception. He looked at Xiao Qiyue in surprise, trembling as if frightened.

"You were caught by Sect Master Xiao. Of course, Sect Master Xiao will decide your life and death." Song Duan was really understanding, and immediately made a subtle assist.

"I agree!" Duan Xingyao nodded.The master agreed, and Wei Bogong's desire to survive became stronger, and his popularity was swaying left and right like weeds.

"Ah... Chu Tianqiong saved me when the Emperor Wei Guo persecuted my family." Wei Bogong sighed.

"I'm afraid this is also a conspiracy!" Xiao Qiyue said.

"How is it possible?" Wei Bogong didn't believe it at all.

"The State of Chu has always wanted to find someone to sneak into the State of Song, divide and separate the State of Song from within.

People from countries that are too close are involved, and Wei State is far away from Chu State, and you have a strong personality, and you are not compatible with Wei Wang, so Chu State just took advantage of it.

Among them, Chu Tianqiong was fanning the flames behind his back. "Xiao Qiyue said.

"Chu Tianqiong is definitely not using me. He really wants to save me." Wei Bogong shook his head.

"Why do you see that?" Tie Chujun couldn't help asking.

"If you don't mean it, why would you give me the Chenshi Bell, one of the eight national treasures of Chu? It is one of the eight great national treasures of Chu. If I have two hearts, Chu will suffer too much." Wei Bo To be fair, Mr. Tie Chu was speechless.

"Stupid! You got a fake Chen Shizhong and still think you are right, I feel sorry for you." Xiao Qiyue shook her head with a sad face.

"Impossible, how could it be fake?
I have tried it, and when it is struck, it is like the bell of Chenshi, even if a strong person in the Spirit King Realm is hit by a sound wave, he will immediately become unconscious.

Moreover, I seem to hear the world of mortals from the bell, and feel a little bit of morality. " Wei Bo is fair.

"Hehe, that's because it's only half of the clock." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Chen Shizhong can still be disassembled?" This time, even Song Kaiyun, the Supreme Emperor, couldn't hold back.

"Xingluoyin is divided into yin and yang, so what's so special about the Chenshi Zhong being disassembled? Besides, although they gave you half of the Chenshi Zhong, in fact, you can't use it at all." Xiao Qiyue sneered.

"Impossible, I've used it many times, and it's very powerful." Wei Bogong resolutely denied Xiao Qiyue's words.

"Stupid! Don't you know that only the direct blood of the royal family can control the eight great national weapons of Dachu?" Xiao Qiyue looked at Wei Bogong with pity.

"But the current Star Prince Mo Guohao is not a member of the royal family." Wei Bogong immediately retorted.

"You are really hopeless." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Is there something wrong with Mo Guohao?" The Prime Minister Liu Dong is still very experienced.

"That's right, Mo Guohao is Chu Xuanji's illegitimate son." Xiao Qiyue said.

"But how can I control Chen Shizhong?" Wei Bogong's momentum was suppressed all of a sudden, but he still couldn't let go of it completely.

"Can you mistake Da Chu's power of heaven and earth?" Xiao Qiyue asked back.

"This, can't."

"That's right, that's just Chen Shizhong's simplest attack, and you still can't exert one-tenth of its power." Xiao Qiyue said, and suddenly punched Chen Shizhong.


With a loud shock, the space was distorted, and the entire hall jumped like a convulsion.

The powerful sound waves made all the armored guards in the palace faint, and even Tie Chujun and the others felt their hearts beating faster and almost fainted to the ground.

Even, some weak fighters had hallucinations before their eyes, shouting 'mother, dad', and suddenly, the hall was in chaos.

"See, this is Chen Shizhong's [-]% power." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Awesome! With it, Da Chu can really rank among the five great powers." Liu Dong admired it.

"The five great powers all have weapons to protect the country, so even if the strong ones in the country are not as good as the 36 great sects, there is no sect in this world that can annex the five great powers." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Chu Tianqiong, you despicable villain!" Wei Bogong believed it completely, and cursed, "It was indeed Chu Tianqiong who instructed me to do this.

He gave me an ancient cup called "Flying Mosquito". The Duan family members were all hit by this kind of cup, plus Chen Shizhong's brainwashing, so that even the Duan family who guarded Chen Qiao Duan Yun, the leader, was confused.

So, Chen Qiao was actually destroyed by your Duan family. " Wei Bo is fair.

"So that's the case, Wei Bogong, you even counted me in." Xiang Feihu looked angrily when he heard this.

"Would I still be able to live in Song State even if you let you solve the case? It's a pity that I fell into the hands of a kid who couldn't solve the case with six doors." Wei Bogong sneered.

Afterwards, the new emperor ascended the throne. Naturally, Song Duan and brother-in-law Duan Xingyao discussed state affairs together, while Xiao Qiyue returned to the other courtyard with Wei Bogong.

"I know you're a villain!" Seeing Xiao Qiyue dismiss Tie Chujun and carry him to the room, Wei Bogong said with a look of death on his face.

"Oh?" Xiao Qiyue looked at him.

"What are you talking about, stretch your head and shrink your head, I don't want your promise, just give it a good time." Wei Bogong raised his head high.

"The Dragon Sect was founded, and I need a slave who manages the sect." Xiao Qiyue sat down on a chair and stared at Wei Bogong.

"Aren't you afraid that I will be the same as the former? Then, when you come back, Longzong will already belong to the state of Chu." Wei Bogong sneered.

"You won't give it to Chu State." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"You are too confident, almost too confident. Although you have solved the Chen Qiao case, I still have half of the Chen Shizhong in Chu State, and they will definitely contact me.

At that time, I can negotiate and cooperate with them.

If the Song Dynasty is destroyed, I can at least keep the thirteen counties in the east.

At that time, I will be the king.

It is expected that the majestic Chu will no longer cover thirteen counties.

Because, they got the entire Song Kingdom. " Wei Bo is fair.

(End of this chapter)

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