God catch

Chapter 655 Establishing the Dragon Sect

Chapter 655 Establishing the Dragon Sect
"Wei Bogong, until now, you are still lying to me."

"I won't tell you if I lied to you, because I know I won't survive today." Wei Bogong shook his head contemptuously.

"Hehe, you thought your backer would come to rescue you." Xiao Qiyue suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"Chu Tianqiong is unconscious, and the Great Chu is in chaos. At least, they won't take care of me in a short period of time. Otherwise, do you think Song State is really capable of protecting you?" Wei Bogong shook his head.

"You're telling the truth, but what I'm talking to you about is another matter." Xiao Qiyue smiled, and suddenly stretched out her palm, and a Orchid twisted like a fairy and shone on the palm.

"Ah... Your Excellency the Envoy." Wei Bogong was shocked suddenly, as if he had been frightened suddenly, he couldn't believe that the Envoy was Xiao Qiyue at all.

"you you……"

"What's wrong with me? I can't be the envoy? Have you seen the true face of the envoy?" Xiao Qiyue had already discovered the cause and effect of Youlan in the cup, and Wei Bogong's real master behind the scenes was the envoy of Wulin Kingdom.

As for Da Chu, it was just a cover.

I am afraid that even Chu Tianqiong was deceived about this matter.

To put it bluntly, Wei Bogong is a double agent.It not only gained benefits from the Great Chu State, but also gained benefits from the Wulin State.

"I am the envoy, not your direct envoy.

However, your envoy has been having some problems recently.

This patrol is in charge of this area, so I have to come down and investigate.

Tell me honestly, what did your envoy do?
Be more specific, including what position your envoy plays..." Xiao Qiyue naturally wanted to trick the envoy out.

Of course, Xiao Qiyue also knew.

Wei Bogong's superior must have a higher status than the envoy named 'Yang Jiu' who went to Chu last time.After all, Wei Bogong is a strong third-level spirit king.

And Yang Jiu's strength is only around the first level of Lingwang, so he must not be able to control Wei Bogong.

"At first I didn't know who the envoy was, because every time he saw me he wore a grimace mask.

However, once, he seemed to be in a bad mood.He actually asked me to serve wine, and that time he was drunk.

I just found out that he is actually the second elder of the Tianhuo Sect, 'Kameki Erlang'.

I heard that this person is from the 'Tianzhao Island' across the east coast. He is stronger than me, and his strength is close to that of Chu Tianqiong.

Moreover, he has a six-star martial arts order.After he was drunk, he said that the Song Dynasty was just the beginning, and his real goal was Da Chu.

Moreover, it seems that it is not the royal family of Chu.

I am quite puzzled by this.Ask him, the royal family of the Great Chu Kingdom is the most powerful, is there any existence stronger than the royal family of the Great Chu Kingdom?

For example, Changchun Sect, that is definitely not the case.

This matter was weird, he actually said that he didn't know what the ultimate goal was.

And he was only fighting in the previous battle. Once the Song State became stronger and the Song State destroyed the Great Chu, someone else would come and take over. "While talking, Wei Bogong stared at Xiao Qiyue's orchid leaves, and there was an old man with a mustache and triangular eyes. This person should be Erlang Guimu.

Xiao Qiyue knew that he believed in his identity, because the eight orchids represented that he had an eight-star Wudang order, and naturally, his rank was higher than that of Kameki Erlang.

If he knew that it was a semi-finished product made by Fuhu King of the Wulin Kingdom hundreds of years ago, he wondered if he would be directly pissed to death.

"Okay! From now on, Long Zong will tell you. However, you have to remember this matter and don't leak it to anyone." Xiao Qiyue looked cautious.

"If Kameki Erlang asks, should I tell you about the patrol?" Wei Bogong asked.

"This envoy wants to have his own world in the thirteen counties, remember, his own." Xiao Qiyue emphasized.

"This subordinate understands." Wei Bogong nodded.

Xiao Qiyue had already controlled Wei Bogong with bone-eating worms and Tianxin fish sauce, so he was not afraid that he would have second thoughts.

Of course, he showed the eight-leaf orchid, so Wei Bogong must be a smart person.

Unless you meet someone who has a nine-star martial arts order, otherwise, even if you kill him, you won't dare to talk nonsense.

However, the Nine-Star Martial Arts Commander must belong to the core members of the Martial Arts Kingdom, so how can they come down as soon as they say it?

Moreover, the Nine Star Martial Arts Commander would not meet such a small person as Wei Bogong, so the chance of them meeting was almost zero.

"You should know how to expand the Dragon Sect." Xiao Qiyue is naturally a hands-off shopkeeper.This country of Song can't stay any longer, otherwise, I won't survive ten days.

"The subordinates will discuss this matter with the envoy, and simply use the hands of Long Zongguo to annex the Song State, and then destroy the Great Chu. And, you can rest assured, the inspector. Although you said that you injured the fourth elder of the Tianhuo Sect, there are two The elder is here, how about Wei Kai?" Wei Bogong nodded.

"If we grow stronger in the future, if we want to establish a country, we should call it the 'Dragon Dynasty'." Xiao Qiyue nodded. After all, Fang Tianyu does not allow sects to annex the country.

"Great! Great Dragon Dynasty, such an imposing name." Wei Bogong knelt down on both knees, "However, Mr. Inspector, when you leave, do you have to give my subordinate a jade seal? Otherwise, the name will not be justified. If it doesn’t go well, it’s not good to build a country.”

"The jade seal is already ready, take it." Xiao Qiyue casually found a stone in the karma universe bag, stretched out her hand and stroked it, with karma and concentration, carved nine dragons like the Nine Dragons of the Forbidden City, and handed it to Wei Bogong , "This is called Nine Dragon Seal, keep it away."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Wei Bogong regarded it as a treasure, held it above his head with both hands respectfully, kneeled three times and kowtowed nine times before standing up.

Xiao Qiyue never imagined that when the 'Dragon Dynasty' shines in Fang Tianyu in the future, this random stone will actually become the jade seal of the town and be worshiped by all people.

"Are those Xingyue Gong and Song Jiali your subordinates?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Princess Xingyue, she is Duan Xingyao's fiancée. If I want to develop my subordinates, I can't choose her." Wei Bogong directly shook his head.

"It's really not you?" Xiao Qiyue stared at him.

"Do I dare to lie to you? I understand that you have imposed restrictions on me. If I have two hearts, I will definitely die." Wei Bogong shook his head.

"That's strange, who did it?" Xiao Qiyue touched her chin and pondered.

"There must not be many people with martial arts orders in this area. Apart from me, the only remaining envoy Kameki Erro is left. It is him, it must be him." Wei Bogong said angrily.

"It seems that he doesn't believe you." Xiao Qiyue snorted.

"This old killer!" Wei Bogong scolded.

"Could it be that he found out that you were an undercover agent for Chu Tianqiong?" Xiao Qiyue was a little puzzled.

"Probably not. However, even if I find out, I can explain that everything is for the Wulin Kingdom. However, I doubt that Song Jiali is the Princess Xingyue of the Song Dynasty, and her future husband Duan Xingyao is another generation of geniuses. What is wrong with her?" If you are satisfied, you actually want to join the Wulin Kingdom?" Wei Bo said fairly.

(End of this chapter)

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