God catch

Chapter 656

Chapter 656
"Power, who would think it too big? No matter how glorious the Duan family is, it will only be second. So what if Song is number one? At that time, she still wants to be among the five kingdoms of Fang Tianguo. Some women with a strong desire for power, like Men are scary." Xiao Qiyue sneered and asked, "By the way, is there a young man named Xiao Bai in Tianhuo Sect?"

Because, the alias of the second brother Xiao Baiyi who sneaked into Tianhuo Cult is called 'Xiao Bai'.

"There are definitely no famous ones, but it's hard to say who are not famous. You have to check the roster of disciples of the Tianhuo Sect to find out." Wei Bogong thought for a while and said.

"Can you find it?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Yes! However, it can't be ruled out that we can't find out. Because all major sects have some secret disciples who are not revealed on the roster." Wei Bo said fairly.

"Check it out as quickly as possible," Xiao Qiyue said.Wei Bogong nodded, and a faint green glow flashed between his fingers, sending out a talisman message.

Two hours later, news came from Wei Bogong that there was no disciple named Chu Bai.

However, Xiao Qiyue was still worried, and decided to sneak into the Tianhuo Sect to investigate.

At this time, there was movement in the karma universe bag.

Xiao Qiyue took a glance, and found that Leng Aotian, who had been sleeping in the martial arts order, drooped his eyelids slightly, knowing that this guy was about to wake up.

So, take the martial arts order and enter the mysterious starry sky.

"Still pretending to be asleep, do you want me to punch you a few times before you wake up?" Xiao Qiyue raised her fist and looked at Leng Aotian.

"Hahaha, kid! To thank you for giving me enough energy, I slept comfortably for a long time, and I will leave you a whole body later!" Leng Aotian laughed wildly and jumped and stood among the stars.

"Alas... It seems that you are itchy and don't want to be beaten!" Xiao Qiyue sneered, and a "Heaven and Earth Crazy God" blasted on Leng Aotian's remaining soul, and the guy screamed and wanted to dodge, but, This piece of starry sky belongs to Xiao Qiyue, plus Leng Aotian has a little remnant soul left now, how could he escape, and in the end, the remnant soul forcefully blasted a hole.

Boom boom boom...

Break the dragon hand!
Lonely universe!

Leng Aotian was furious, and his remnant soul turned into a sharp sword and slashed across.

However, Xiao Qiyue moved over in a flash, and the two immediately started fighting fiercely.

Leng Aotian is indeed strong, he is worthy of being a strong man in the Divine Aperture Realm, even if he is a little weak, he can completely match Xiao Qiyue.

This is exactly what Xiao Qiyue wanted. In the starry sky, Xiao Qiyue completely regarded Leng Aotian as a super partner, and greeted all the techniques and moves that could be used.

With mastery, Xiao Qiyue became more and more familiar with it.

And Leng Aotian's experience gave Xiao Qiyue a chance to re-examine himself and improve himself.

The beating lasted for three full days and three nights. In the end, Leng Aotian was beaten until his whole body was covered with sores and holes, almost falling apart.

I was so scared that I hurriedly 'stopped' and begged for mercy.

Xiao Qiyue could already feel that the third spirit king halo had faintly appeared.

He was also really tired, so he simply lay down in the starry sky in his dantian.

"Leng Aotian, what kind of country is the Wulin Kingdom?" Xiao Qiyue began to ask questions.

"Actually, it's not surprising. Like all countries in the world, there are counties, prefectures, provinces, marquises, county kings, kings with different surnames, princes, etc.

For example, I am 'Fu Hu Wang', just a king with a different surname, and can only be regarded as a middle-level power in the Wulin Kingdom.

For example, the princes of the royal family are all more powerful than me.

After all, they belong to the royal family, and we are outsiders after all. "Leng Aotian said.

"What's the last name of the royal family?" Xiao Qiyue was a little excited, because the secret was about to be revealed.

"Ou's family!" Leng Aotian said.

Sure enough!

It seems that the Wulin Kingdom must have been founded by the Qi King 'Ou Feizi' or his family.

"Who was your 'Wulin Emperor' back then?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Owen!" Leng Aotian said.

"Where is the chief rudder?" Xiao Qiyue asked after him.

"I don't know!" Leng Aotian shook his head.

"I don't know? You are Fuhu King, it's impossible that you don't even have the chance to meet the Wulin Emperor?" Xiao Qiyue was a little surprised.

"Well, as I said, my status in the Wulin Kingdom is actually very low, and I have never met the Wulin Emperor.

So, I'm angry, why don't I, my majestic lord can't even see the emperor, even though he is a king with a different surname, he is still a lord, right?
Moreover, the task of ambush Wangyue Lake was entrusted to me, how could the emperor not see me? "Leng Aotian was not convinced.

"Mission, to be honest, you are just a pawn used for cover, and you belong to the kind of small soldier." Xiao Qiyue said with a sarcasm.

"Impossible! Back then, Prince Oujin personally entrusted me to be the commander of the ambush on Moon Lake." Leng Aotian snorted.

"You don't even think about it, what kind of existence is Moon Lake? I'm afraid you can't even beat Luo Yue's guards, how could you be the commander of the ambush Luo Yue's flying boat?" Xiao Qiyue showed her contempt without concealing it.

"This..." Leng Aotian was stunned, his face became more and more gloomy, he punched the air, and cursed, "It seems that I was tricked.

Well, Eugene, you old bastard!It turned out that they were telling me to die.

I said what's going on, the moon-watching lake's flying boat was vulnerable, and I killed several guards with one punch.

At that time, I thought it was a mistake, so it was. "

"What kind of martial arts order does Prince Oujin hold? Also, where is the headquarter of the martial arts country?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"That bastard Ou Jin holds a ninth-rank martial arts order. As for the chief rudder, I don't know where it is." Leng Aotian shook his head.

"You don't know, how is it possible?" Xiao Qiyue choked hard.

"I really don't know, every time I go in, I have to contact Lushi first, and Lushi will take us in.

Moreover, I feel that the road is taking us through a maze.

In the end, there is a way to pass through the magic weapon.Even if you can get through the labyrinth, you will definitely be shredded into pieces when you pass through the way of the magic weapon.

Because it is said that the way of the magic weapon was set up by the founder of the country, and some people said that it was a high-level magic weapon. I felt as if I was flying at a high speed before I could enter it at the end.

I saw with my own eyes a guy with a powerful primordial spirit sneak in, and was finally twisted into pieces by the way of the magic weapon.

Like you, you don't have to think about getting in, it's simply impossible.

Moreover, the location of the contact with Lu Shi is different every time, it is too mysterious, and they cannot be found at all.

The main rudder is also a city, about the size of a county in Chu State. "Leng Aotian said.

"It seems that there are all the elites of the Wulin Kingdom stationed there. However, the site is too small." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"Not small!" Leng Aotian shook his head.

"Not too small? Didn't you see that even the capital of Fang Tianyu, a small country, is the size of a county town." Xiao Qiyue said.

"I was also puzzled when I first entered, but later, I was promoted to Fuhu King, and the royal family awarded me a different courtyard.

When I first arrived at the other courtyard, I was quite angry. My majestic prince lives in such a small courtyard?
A small courtyard with an area of ​​less than half an acre, even the courtyard of a rich man in Fang Tianyu, is much better than that.

However, when I took a look after unsealing it, I was dumbfounded.

As soon as you step in, there is actually another universe inside.

The yard is not small, covering an area of ​​several acres.

Seeing my dazed look, the head of the palace who brought me there smiled and said that I had never seen the world.

It is said that these other courtyards are all the weapon refining skills of the royal family Oushi.It was built by adopting the method of the space ring, like a palace, it looks like only a few tens of acres of land from the outside, but in fact, it is very large. "Leng Aotian was amazed.

(End of this chapter)

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