God catch

Chapter 657 Song Jiali's Identity

Chapter 657 Song Jiali's Identity
"To be able to use space magic to such a large scale, the Ou family is worthy of being a royal family of weapon refiners. However, what is the concept of the twelve-star martial arts order, and what kind of person is eligible to have such a highly qualified token ?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"I don't know about this..." Leng Aotian thought for a while and shook his head.

"I want to sleep...I'm too tired, otherwise, this cripple will disappear..."

Leng Aotian yawned and fell into a deep sleep again.

Xiao Qiyue didn't want to ask anymore, and if she asked again, she probably wouldn't be able to find anything.

Because Leng Aotian's level is still too low, he has no access to the core secrets of the royal family,

So, Xiao Qiyue was once again a ox pulling the plow, and found that the starry sky chain assembly had pulled herself a little closer to the Jiulong coffin.

However, there is still a certain distance.

It's just that the strength in my body has been exhausted, and I can't pull it anymore.

At three o'clock in the morning the next day, Xiao Qiyue sneaked into the Tianhuo Cult.

Soon, he discovered the second elder, Kameki Erro, using the induction of the martial arts order.

Xiao Qiyue was about to show up to fool the old guy, when the flying centipede warned him, Xiao Qiyue instantly disintegrated and melted into the air, and then drifted into a wooden pillar.

Soon, a faint breeze blew in.

The next moment, a blue, inconspicuous grass was blown in by the breeze.

Xiao Qiyue was startled suddenly. Although the little flower was well hidden, Xiao Qiyue could still smell a faint orchid scent.

It's just that the scent of orchid grass is too weak, and it's easy to ignore it.

Sure enough, not long after, the grass flicked and swelled, and the leaves opened, revealing a person.

Xiao Qiyue opened her mouth wide in shock, because the person who came was Duan Xingyao's fiancée, Song Jiali.

Unexpectedly, Orchid Grass has such a magical effect, which opened Xiao Qiyue's horizons.

It must be the handwriting of the Oufeizi family again. Reminiscent of the space courtyard mentioned by Leng Aotian, it is completely feasible for this Youlanhua to create a space to carry people and fly like a flying boat.

Next time I will definitely ask Leng Aotian, if he can create this version in the eight-star martial arts order he cultivated, it will be another unique skill.

However, Xiao Qiyue was quite skeptical.

Like Kameki Erlang, who is also the owner of a five-star martial arts order, Song Jiali must be his downline. How can this downline possess a high-level martial arts order that can carry people to fly?
You know, judging from the information that Xiao Qiyue has so far, the five-star martial arts order definitely does not have this function.

The next moment, Xiao Qiyue's suspicion was interpreted.

"I've seen the deputy hall master of the east." Xiao Qiyue almost broke his glasses, because when he saw Song Jiali's appearance, Erlang Kameki actually knelt down to see her.

Unexpectedly, Song Jiali's status was higher than that of Kameki Erlang, and she was actually a deputy hall master in charge of Fang Tianyu's eastern region.

From Leng Aotian's knowledge that day, the Ou family's ambitions are huge, and the scope of the Wulin Kingdom they founded covers the entire Fang Tianyu.

Moreover, Fang Tianyu is divided into five major regions: east, west, south, north, and middle, and each region is assigned a hall master and several deputy hall masters.

And the large area is divided into several small areas, which are specially in charge of by the deputy hall master.

Although it is only a small area, because the Wulin Kingdom covers a wide area, there are more than a dozen countries in a small area.

And Chu State belongs to the eastern region, so it is naturally under Song Jiali's jurisdiction.

It seems that the envoy 'Yang Jiu' whom I met in Chu State last time is just one of Song Jiali's subordinates.

Including Kameki Erlang is also her subordinate, and Wei Bogong is just an 'offline' developed by Kameki Erlang.

There are so many masters of the Spirit King Realm in a small area of ​​Wulin Kingdom, which puts Xiao Qiyue under a lot of pressure.

Compared with them, the 36 great sects have a huge disparity in strength, and the Ou's family is only one of the few kings who fought for hegemony back then.

Now that the Ou clan is so powerful, it is expected that the strength of families like Zhenwang Huangdao Wuji and Wangyuehu Luo clan will not be too bad.

However, until now, only the families of Fu Wang Liuzhi Shengai and Wu Wang Miqiuhe have not yet appeared.

The members of the three major families had already appeared, and Xiao Qiyue was overwhelmed with confidence. Now that the three major families had appeared, it would not be too long before the other major families appeared.

"Well! Get up."

Song Jiali was very aloof at the moment, and when You Lan closed it, a piece of the Wulin Ling with six shining stars was aimed at Erlang Kameki and swept it away. Immediately, the five stars on the Wulin Ling lit up.

This is the effect of the resonance between martial arts orders to identify and verify the status of the other party.

This is similar to the smart ID card in science fiction movies.

This earth has not yet become a reality, but it has been realized in Fang Tianyu, an ancient social system.

Xiao Qiyue couldn't help sighing in her heart, this is the mystery of 'Martial Arts', which cannot be compared with many modern technological means.

However, Xiao Qiyue even restrained her whole body energy, and even her causal eyes shrank as much as possible to the point where she could hear and see.

Otherwise, I'm afraid of being sensed by Song Jiali.

Who knows what 'black technology' is on this woman?

Moreover, Song Jiali's strength is definitely terrifying, and she is expected to be no worse than Chu Jiangshan, the first ancestor of Great Chu.

"You must have known about the fact that Xiao Qiyue obtained the thirteen counties in the eastern part of the Song Kingdom." Song Jiali first spread the Orchid Grass to shield the entire small courtyard, and then sat down dignifiedly on the one that Guimu Erlang solicitously brought. On the teacher's chair.At this moment, she is a lady, a noble and elegant princess.

"My subordinates have been staring at it all the time. I was thinking, is this an opportunity for us?" Kameki Erro replied with a respectful face and a slight bow.

"What are your plans?" Song Jiali frowned, and Xiao Qiyue noticed that Kameki Erlang's face changed suddenly, and he was so frightened that he knelt down and replied, "This subordinate is too long-winded, Please punish the hall master."

"Whispering!" Song Jiali probably didn't like people who were too wordy, so her face became serious.

Kameki Erlang hurriedly said, "Xiao Qiyue is a super shit-stirring stick. We have always been a little jealous of Da Chu. Is that because Chu Beishan's remaining prestige is still there?"

"Well, Chu Beishan is too mysterious. Some people say he is still alive. What do you think, Kameki?" Song Jiali asked, Xiao Qiyue was taken aback.

Chu Beishan is still alive, isn't that a thousand-year-old antique?

What is his state?
Even the Divine Aperture Realm can't live for so long...

"Subordinates think this is unbelievable. If Chu Beishan is still alive, who would dare to provoke Da Chu as long as he shows up a little bit?" Kameki Erlang shook his head.

"I also think it's too coincidental, but it cannot be ruled out that he is still alive.

It's just that they are living in Dafa methods such as tortoise breathing.

It's just that living like that is no different from dying.

However, we cannot wait any longer.

The progress in several other areas is faster than ours, and we can't hold back.

At that time, he will be punished by the envoy. " Song Jiali snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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