God catch

Chapter 671 That girl is interested in you

Chapter 671 That girl is interested in you

"Sister, of course I can't see anything. However, the master has explained that you must never meet people with needle-like hairpins stuck in their heads. Especially those needles that can be used as talismans should be more careful. They are absolutely not allowed. Messed up." Ning Xueyi said.

"Nangong Shentong and Nangong Ling'er are both surnamed Nangong. There seems to be something wrong." Xiao Qiyue's face was tense.

Boo Chi!

Ning Xueyi smiled, gave Xiao Qiyue a blank look, and said, "You don't have to be too nervous, there are quite a few people with needle-shaped hairpins in the world.

Maybe it's just a resemblance, not to mention, there are not a few people with the surname Nangong.

Besides, that girl is not just looking for you to challenge her. "

"It's not a challenge. Is it interesting to me?" Xiao Qiyue joked.

"You 'wood'." Ning Xueyi poked Xiao Qiyue's head with her finger.

"I'm wooden, she wouldn't be really interested in me, would she?" Xiao Qiyue laughed, still joking.

"You, woman's heart, sea needle. Nangong Ling'er really wants to challenge you. It's not easy, just pull out her needle and stab you to death." Ning Xueyi rolled her eyes.

"This, isn't it cruel?" Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Anyway, I am a woman's intuition, and that girl is not just a challenge.

However, if that girl is really a descendant of Nangong Shentong, you have to be careful.

Although you are amazing and talented, you are too weak among the few overlord families back then.

Maybe, a random genius from their family can crush you.

At that time, you are asking for trouble, don't be trapped in your own cocoon, when the time comes, you will lose your life in vain. "Ning Xueyi confessed with a serious face.

"I don't think so. Nangong Linger is only a little younger than me, and she is only a second-level Lingwang. Besides, Nangong Linger's status in the Nangong family is not low, right?" Xiao Qiyue was full of confidence.

"Anyway, you have to be careful. I feel that the girl didn't show her real skills. Otherwise, the genius from the Nangong family is too weak, isn't it?" Ning Xueyi shook her head.

"Impossible!" Xiao Qiyue shook her head resolutely, thinking that her causal eyes were unparalleled in the world, and even a ninth-level spirit king could hardly escape her eyes, so let's not talk about her.

"Brother, think about it, if someone like Nangong Shentong wanted to conceal the skill of a junior, would you be able to see through it?" Ning Xueyi asked back.

"This..." Xiao Qiyue was a little uncertain.

After all, they are too powerful.

Even the sliver of primordial energy that he encountered in the Chu family's palace could crush him to death, let alone Nangong supernatural powers.

Although Chu Beishan is an unrivaled hero, he is several levels behind someone like Nangong Shentong.

"Forget it, maybe I was overthinking. Nangong Shentong should have died long ago, who can live for so long. However, he will always have a powerful descendant, you just need to be careful..."

"Sister, you gave me the Wujue City. Moreover, you said, whether I keep it or not, the Wujue City will always be mine. With such a big gift, the younger brother should take a little care, right? So, this bottle The medicine is for you." Xiao Qiyue took out a bottle of pills and handed it over.

"No need, this time I gained a lot from breaking Juyingzhuang, and you need it even more when you go to Fangtian Island." Ning Xueyi shook her head.

"Forget it, I'm going to give these two eighth-rank Nourishing Younger Brothers to my beloved." Xiao Qiyue said to herself and put the bottles in her pocket.

With a light hand, Ning Xueyi had snatched the medicine bottle.

"Women, it's no wonder that some people embezzle millions of dollars for breast augmentation, and some women even spend tens of millions to make themselves ugly..." Seeing Ning Xueyi's love for her, Xiao Qiyue shook her head inwardly.However, when Xiao Qiyue looked up to see the popularity on her head, she was stunned again.

Because, Ning Xueyi's popularity is actually shy at the moment, like a girl in love.

what happened?

Could it be that this nourishing pill reminded her of her first love?
what are you doing...

Xiao Qiyue left Tianyun Mountain through Wujue Cave in a daze.

A spirit rushes over, so cool!

Although it is only separated by a mountain, it is like the difference between the inside and outside of the earth pass.

"Brother! You are too young, otherwise, I wouldn't let you go no matter what." Ning Xueyi looked at Xiao Qiyue who was going away with a look of reluctance.

"President, stay if you like.

No matter how small or small, you see that you take care of yourself so well, even girls will be jealous.

Moreover, once you can break through the realm of the divine orifice, when the time comes, the primordial spirit will come out of your body, and your body will be more tender than a little girl after being baptized by the primordial spirit. "Gong Yaoyao smiled like a fairy.

"My physical body is not inferior to any girl, but age is a hurdle after all. Even if he doesn't mind, I will mind. What's more, the reason is not here..." Ning Xueyi looked at the sky, feeling a little helpless.

"Is there another reason?" Gong Yaoyao didn't believe it.

"This person is not something in the pool, and I am not worthy of it." Ning Xueyi said with a melancholy face.

"President, you underestimate yourself too much. With your talent of reaching the sixth level of the Spirit King at the age of 50, you can be called amazing and talented even if you get it in Quanfang Tianyu. What point did you lose to him? Let alone If you say you deserve it, you don't deserve it." Gong Yaoyao looked proud.

"There are some things you don't understand. You will see later, let's go back, a lot of things are still waiting.

Wei Changkong would definitely not be reconciled to quit Wujue City just like that, they would definitely make a comeback.

Moreover, there has been a lot of news in recent days.Wei Changkong used my younger brother Xiao Qiyue as a cover to send letters to Changchunzong, Luoyue Pavilion, the royal family of Great Chu, including the Western Prison.

He actually slandered me, saying that Xiao Qiyue and I had hooked up a long time ago.

What's more, Fan Zheng, the Mu Lao in Wujue Medicine Palace, would not be happy to let us return to Wujue City.

Yaoyao, we must be ready to withdraw from Wujue City at any time. "Ning Xueyi looked serious.

"Returning, it's impossible! We finally called back, how can we return it. At that time, they really want to come, we will fight. What's more, you promised to give Wujue City to your brother, how can you let you Someone snatched my younger brother's 'baby'?" Gong Yaoyao blushed bloodily.

"Of course, we won't withdraw unless we have to. Because I gave the Five Absolute City to my younger brother. I can't let my younger brother's property fall into other people's hands." Ning Xueyi looked resolute.

"President, weren't you joking? Besides, Xiao Qiyue didn't agree to be the lord of Wujue City, so why should you?" Gong Yaoyao was taken aback.

"Just kidding, do you think I'm a joker? I, Ning Xueyi, have no younger brother in my life. I recognize Xiao Qiyue as my own brother. What I promised him is his. Moreover, I will swear to the death to help him protect him." From Wujue City." Ning Xueyi looked absolutely determined.

"But the president, you said that you are ready to quit at any time?" Gong Yaoyao didn't understand.

"Temporarily retiring is just a strategy for rights and interests. We will eventually make a comeback," Ning Xueyi said.

"President, you are too kind to my younger brother. That kid probably doesn't know anything. It's really a waste of your heart." Gong Yaoyao said.

"Sister, brother, I wrote it down. You send me Wujue City, and in another year, I will give you half of Fang Tianyu." Xiao Qiyue's karmic eyes naturally captured all of this, and after saying a few words, she finally threw off her steps and flew into the air go.

"Xiao Yaoshi..." After flying for about [-] miles, Elder Jin's voice came from ahead.

Looking up, Jin Zezhang was standing in the air, stepping on a medicine pole.

"What's the matter with Mr. Jin?" Xiao Qiyue greeted politely.

(End of this chapter)

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