God catch

Chapter 672

Chapter 672
"Hehe, from now on, you and I will be colleagues. We are also the elders of the inner sect of the Medicine League. You don't need to be Jinlaojinlao to show your status. You can just call me Jin Dage." Jinlao smiled and pointed to the surrounding mountains One of the manors said, "The owner of Yunwu Mountain Manor 'Luo Qiu' below is my friend, let's go and ask for a cup of tea.

You may not know that the "Yunwu Tea" in Yunwu Villa is quite famous.

They give me three or four taels every year, but this year they didn't send them.

I have to bury Luo Qiu, that stingy old fellow, how could he take away all my weight? "

Xiao Qiyue saw an old man holding a tea betel amidst his popularity.

"Alright." Xiao Qiyue nodded, two flashes of spiritual light flashed, and soon, she stood in front of the gate of Yunwu Villa.

Surrounded by mountains, there are thin clouds and mist in front of the villa, and the whole villa is a bit hazy, like a fairyland.

"What a great place!" Xiao Qiyue exclaimed.

"Of course, that guy Luo Qiu knows how to choose a site best. This is, for warriors, definitely a 'treasure of geomantic omen'." Jin Lao said with a smile.

However, Xiao Qiyue suddenly became alert.

How this 'Feng Shui Treasure Land' spit out from Jin Lao's mouth seemed a bit blunt.

Does it mean something else?
Xiao Qiyue probed into his popularity, broke through the three popularity defense lines, and suddenly became angry.

Because what Jin Zezhang revealed in his childhood popularity when he said this word was actually a tomb.

Could it be that Yunwu Villa was originally built on a large tomb?

It doesn't seem like...

There wasn't even a gatekeeper, so the two walked in swaggeringly.

"See, picking tea." Elder Jin pointed to the front, and Xiao Qiyue saw that the old man who showed his popularity just now was really picking tea.

"Senior, how can you pick tea trees like this to withstand your picking?" Xiao Qiyue asked with a smile.

"Young man, the old man has been picking tea for a hundred years, don't you know how to pick tea?" The old man gave Xiao Qiyue a contemptuous look.

"But you can't just pick one plant?" Xiao Qiyue was a little puzzled.

"It's just one plant delivered to your door. If I don't pick one plant, why not pick two?" Luo Qiu sneered, and when Xiao Qiyue heard it, he turned around.

However, it was too late.

A burst of golden energy from behind was instantly overwhelmed, and Xiao Qiyue's foot was hit hard, and the person jumped forward, twisting his body instantly in the air.However, Luo Qiu's tea-picking scissors ruthlessly cut at his head.

Xiao Qiyue spewed out a ball of flames, and her body disintegrated instantly.

Luo Qiu's golden twist scissors cut empty immediately, but still cut off a lock of Xiao Qiyue's hair.

A ball of liquid covered the sky and covered the surrounding area, even though Xiao Qiyue used the body of nothingness to disintegrate the body.However, the decomposed body is still within this range.

Suddenly, I felt a chill all over my body.

The shadow of the body was exposed in the liquid, and the golden scissors cut out two rainbows, and there was a loud click.

Xiao Qiyue's decomposed body was cut into two immediately, and Jin Lao was even more slow.

When the head was smashed down by the medicine pole, Xiao Qiyue was almost torn apart and was dismembered.

"Jin Zezhang, you despicable and shameless guy!" Xiao Qiyue roared, and the five dragon fans flashed five golden dragons flying out.

The five dragons roared out, and the golden claws grabbed it, and immediately scratched through the condensed qi formed by the golden scissors.

And the smashing pole was also a mess, but Luo Qiu and Jin Zezhang both blasted out.

Xiao Qiyue's broken body was hit hard after he escaped half a mile, and he sank into the ground amidst the splash of blood.

Diamond Zhang sneered, picked up a basin of ink-like water, and poured it on the ground.

This water is called Feng Ningshui, not only is the fire energy terrifying, but also freezes instantly, sealing you in it and burning you to death.

Immediately, there was a piece of scorched earth, and the water shot into the depths of the ground in an instant, and wherever it was shot was a piece of scorched earth.

The venom was so terrifying, Luo Qiu was still afraid that Xiao Qiyue would not die, so the golden scissors slammed into the scorched earth again, and stopped until it was twisted into a black mess.

The two were afraid that Xiao Qiyue might have some way to escape, so they teamed up again and kept bombarding the burnt paste.

He didn't stop until he blasted all the scorched objects within half a mile of the surrounding area into shards, and a gust of wind swept out and scattered dozens of miles around.

"This kid is tough enough, he almost escaped." Luo Qiu heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh... I owe Chu Jiangshan a huge favor. I must not let what happened today, otherwise, I, Jin Zezhang, will die without a place to bury him." Jin Zezhang sighed, looking helplessly at the big pit underground.

"Don't you still believe me? What good will it do me if I really tell the story of Xiao Qiyue's murder?" Luo Qiu shook his head.

"We two, each other. I owe Chu Jiangshan, you owe Wei Changkong. Now, the two are settled." Jin Zezhang nodded.

"Brother Jin, don't worry too much. Xiao Qiyue has disappeared into this world. Could it be that Duanmuhai and Liu Fanmen really want to avenge him.

I don't think so, in this world, tea is cold after death.

Moreover, even if they found out what we and I did, they wouldn't make things difficult for us because of a dead person.

Duanmuhai also wanted something from him at the time, and the Six Doors saw his talent in solving crimes. Once he died, all of this was gone. "Luo Qiu said.

"I'm sorry for a genius pharmacist for the Medicine League." Jin Zezhang shook his head, Luo Qiu sneered in his heart, you will feel sorry for a genius of medicine, shit.

If it weren't for the "Hantian Map" that Chu Jiangshan gave you, you'd be willing to do that shit.

The two cleaned it up again carefully, and after the landfill was completed, they left separately after recovering as before.

However, Luo Qiu would never have imagined that Xiao Qiyue's fledgling primordial spirit fled into a piece of shattered leftovers of his robe with the help of the 'body of nothingness' with his broken body.

Naturally, Luo Qiu would not care about a piece of humble rag.

As soon as the two left, Xiao Qiyue used her last bit of strength to escape with the wind.

After being exhausted, I plunged down... fainted...

That's nothingness again...

Xiao Qiyue's body that was split into two pieces fell separately into the vortex of nothingness with a radius of several miles, and the air of nothingness was constantly warming the two pieces of flesh.

Ten years later, Xiao Qiyue actually had a glimmer of consciousness.

He looked at it and was suddenly surprised.

Because, he found that he was looking at this mysterious world through his belly button instead of the eyes on his head.

Because, the head was broken in two with the upper abdomen and lower body.

The top half was more damaged and didn't feel like it at all.

However, my belly button can actually see the world like my eyes.

Could it be that I split into two and created two selves?
Xiao Qiyue thought amusedly, since the air of nothingness in this world can warm and nourish the body, let's quickly repair the upper half of the body...

So, after another ten years, Xiao Qiyue felt that the upper half of her body gradually became conscious.

Below, Xiao Qiyue was even more surprised.

Because, both bodies can see the world as the same self.Even the causal eye is divided into two, as if I suddenly became two people.

When the vision of the two parts of the body crossed, immediately, the perception ability became several times stronger.

Could it be that after being divided into two, once reunited, its strength will be several times the original?
At this time, the black hole-like vortex begins to spin.

Xiao Qiyue's two bodies were struggling desperately, trying to piece together.

Finally, when the energy reached the critical point, there was an inevitability in the occasional moment, and the two bodies finally collided together.

A trace of flesh and blood came to my mind again, and after another ten years, Xiao Qiyue's body was finally put together successfully, feeling that these inexplicable gases were like electric welding.

(End of this chapter)

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