God catch

Chapter 673 Gong Yue

Chapter 673 Gong Yue
'Avenue of nothingness! 'It's amazing.

"Okay, it's time to get out!" That voice roared again, and Xiao Qiyue felt her body 'empty' and was thrown out.

Xiao Qiyue really woke up and found herself lying on a bunk bed.

Smelling the faint smell of pollen from the bed, this must be a woman's bed.

It seems that I have a lot of good luck, so I don't know which beauty saved me?

Could it be Nangong Linger?
Looking up, I was taken aback.

Isn't this the old hag Gong Yaoyao?

Of course, Gong Yaoyao doesn't actually look old, and the virgin water makes her look about thirty.

wrong!This woman is not Gong Yaoyao, because she looks around twenty.

It's just that she looks seven points like Gong Yaoyao?

Of course, Gong Yaoyao is old after all, but this woman is different, her skin is as tender as milk, as if water can be squeezed out.

"You are Gong Yue?" Looking at this tender woman, Xiao Qiyue suddenly remembered.

"If it wasn't for the president's sake, I wouldn't be bothered to save you." Gong Yue's face was cold, indeed, although Gong Yue had never seen Xiao Qiyue before.

However, news of the president and others acting as matchmakers still reached her ears.

Although Gong Yue doesn't have much impression of Xiao Qiyue, let alone like him.

However, it was quite annoyed to be rejected by Xiao Qiyue in public.

What's wrong with me, Gong Yue?You turned it down without even seeing him.

Therefore, Gong Yue has been secretly staring at Xiao Qiyue.

Under the joint attack of Jin Zezhang and Luo Qiu before, Gong Yue knew herself and kept hidden.Moreover, there is no need for Gong Yue to risk her life to save Xiao Qiyue.

However, even Gong Yue did not expect that Xiao Qiyue could escape from the hands of the two masters.

It's just that this broken body, even if it can hold a life, is still a waste.

Of course, Gong Yue was even less interested in a waste.

Saving him now is nothing more than looking at the president.

"I owe you my life, thank you Miss Gong." Xiao Qiyue said.

"This girl really wants to slap you a few times, but since you have half your life left, forget it." Gong Yue shook her head indifferently, and said, "Do you want me to send you back to the president?"

"No, it's a bad life. I have no face to see my sister." Xiao Qiyue shook her head slightly.

"That's right, you're a drag. The president is struggling right now and has to take care of you." Gong Yue nodded, "I sent someone to take care of you, and you'll be like this for the rest of your life. If you want to die, it's up to you, my girl There is something, let's go."

"Uh, I said Miss Gong, we were on a blind date anyway." Xiao Qiyue shouted.

"Blind date! Don't tell me what you are like now. What about the past? Show off your ability to solve crimes in front of me? This girl is not interested." Gong Yue shook her head.

"I have some feelings for you now." Xiao Qiyue said deliberately.

"Hehehe..." Gong Yueyao's smile was almost the same as Gong Yaoyao's, carved out of the same mold.That kind of arrogance and extreme contempt will hurt anyone who sees it.

"Bah!" Gong Yue said as if about to vomit, "Have you heard the story about the toad and the swan?"

"Of course, it's not that those toads want to eat swans. It's nothing, it's normal." Xiao Qiyue looked serious.

"Normal, I think you're mentally ill. You're not even a toad now..." Gong Yue's eyes were full of contempt.

"That's not certain, man, there will always be a time for a comeback." Xiao Qiyue said.

"A comeback, I believe others have it. But, just you, you will never have a chance." Gong Yue hummed.

"Miss Gong, you are so right..." Someone came to interrupt again, and it turned out that it was Nangong Linger's master and servant that Xiao Qiyue didn't want to see the most.

"Poor thing!" Ping'er spat, with a happy expression on her face.

"Nangong Ling'er, this person used to be in front of you, now you don't have to search all over the world." Gong Yue said.

"Of course there's no need to fight, but I was lied to by him before, so I have to get it back." Nangong Ling'er had a vicious look on her face.

"Miss Nangong, he is the president's brother-in-law. You can beat him hard, but don't beat him to death." Gong Yue said.

"What does this have to do with you? You don't care about a trash." Nangong Ling'er stared at Gong Yue proudly.

"Of course it has nothing to do with me, but the president is my grandma's president, so there must be some kindness." Gong Yue said.

"Ning Xueyi is not my president, why should I give her face?" Nangong Linger said arrogantly.

"If you really want his life, then I won't be polite." Gong Yue said coldly.

"It's strange, you hate this trash so much, is it because you can't forget your old love?" Nangong Ling'er stared at Gong Yue with a strange expression.

"What old love, I have nothing to do with him, where did the old love come from?" Gong Yue was furious.

"Hehehe, the president once acted as a great matchmaker for you two." Nangong Linger laughed.

"I haven't seen him before, and she doesn't mean that. What does this have to do with old love?" Gong Yue's face turned red, and she glared at Nangong Ling'er angrily.

"You say this, but in fact, you may still be a little moved.

In the past, Xiao Qiyue was the 10th-ranked genius on the Qinglong list. Which woman doesn't have a spring?
You, Gong Yue, are no exception, but now that he is already a waste, of course you are boring.

Still, a little old love, isn't it? "Nangong Ling'er is really messing around, holding on to this, with a posture of breaking the casserole and asking the end.

"Bah, bah! Don't tell me about this trash, it's disgusting to talk about." Gong Yue yelled on the ground.

"Are you really not interested in him?" Nangong Ling'er said with a serious face.

"You're here again, well, I don't care if you beat him to death now, lest you gossip on the sidelines." Gong Yue said.

"Since you have no interest in him at all, then it's easy." Nangong Ling'er nodded.

"Absolutely boring, you can do whatever you want with him." Gong Yue was so annoyed that even Xiao Qiyue's life was lost.

"Then you can go." Nangong Linger said.

"Aren't you leaving?" Gong Yue asked in a daze.

"Of course, I want to fix him." Nangong Ling'er raised her eyebrows.

"I see. It turns out that you are interested in him." Gong Yue had a sarcastic look on her face.

"Fart! Would my lady be interested in a waste?" The maid Ping'er quit and immediately retorted.

"You mean your lady was interested in him when he wasn't trash?" Gong Yue immediately fought back with a quick mind.

"My lady is looking for him to challenge, and she has dealt with the matter of being cheated." Ping'er shook her head and said.

"Hehehe, Nangong Ling'er, it's useless to try to hide it. However, if you like him, you can serve him. I don't even have to keep the person I arranged. Take good care of this trash!" Gong Yue sneered a few times, and shook his head. Sleeve away.

"Gong Yue, you will regret it." Nangong Linger's voice came from behind.

"It's him, cut it! It's you who treats a trash as a treasure." Gong Yue's laughter faded away.


"Ah, it hurts, what are you doing?" Xiao Qiyue yelled after being kicked by Nangong Ling'er.

As a result, he was hit with another palm and rolled over.

"I'm injured, you will kill me." Xiao Qiyue is pitiful.

"You're still pretending that I don't know, you won't die all at once. I'll save you after I beat you half to death." Nangong Ling'er smiled sinisterly.




Boom boom boom...

ah ah ah...

Nangong Linger poured 'ice water' on Xiao Qiyue while punching and kicking.But the maid Ping'er beside her had a heartache look on her face.

What is this girl 'heartache'?
(End of this chapter)

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