God catch

Chapter 674

Chapter 674
Is there something wrong with this 'ice water'?

That's right, why the more I was splashed, the more I felt feverish all over, as if the heat in the cells could be activated, what kind of water is this?

Quite expensive, right?Otherwise, why did Ping'er keep twitching her little lips?
causal line scan...

After a long time, the outer chapters were flipped, and finally, it was fixed on a chapter.

"Precious nectar and jade dew!"

"This water can life and death human flesh and bones, and is full of strong vitality. It is collected from the Yulu tree growing on the top of the [-]-meter snow mountain. It is condensed and absorbed by the tree, and then spits out the essence. It is a rare treasure in the world! "

Xiao Qiyue finally remembered that she had eaten it last time, and it was also given by Nangong Linger.

Moreover, I heard from Ping'er that she also used the 'Great Compassion Needle'.

Shouldn't the Great Compassion Needle be used next?
Sure enough, at the end of the beating, Nangong Linger pulled out the hairpin from her head again, and poked Xiao Qiyue with it while beating.

That swaying figure is like a nine-day fairy descending to the mortal world.

Like a brisk goblin, this is the Great Compassion Needle.

Soon, the Buddha's voice rang out in the Karma Hall, and the Buddha's self-image opened its eyes.

Because, logically speaking, this Great Compassion Needle should be a Buddhist secret technique.Naturally, it resonates too much with Xiao Qiyue's self-portrait.

"Nan... Nangong Ling'er, I hope you can bury me after I die, otherwise, it would be too miserable to be eaten by an eagle..." Xiao Qiyue was out of breath, as if he was going to die soon.

"You won't be able to die all at once. After a while, wait until your body recovers, and then I will continue smoking, and then continue your life after smoking disabled." Nangong Ling'er said viciously.

"You...too poisonous..." Xiao Qiyue was speechless.

"Am I poisonous?" Nangong Linger blinked her eyes cutely, and then, tired from the fight, retreated to another room.

"Miss, you used too much nectar and jade dew this time. What should I do if something happens to me in the future? Besides, if I use it for a trash, God knows if he can recover." As soon as she entered the room, Ping'er couldn't help it. up.

"That kid is very treacherous. I was deceived by him last time. Why do I feel that he won't die?" Nangong Linger said.

"Could it be... Could it be that Miss is really moved, otherwise, I think he is a dead person." Ping'er murmured.

"Bah bah! I like him, Ping'er, do you think it's possible?" Nangong Linger also made a bah motion to the ground.

"Of course it's impossible. Who are we? There are not many men in the world who are worthy of you, Miss. Even the boy 'Ximen Feng' who ranks fifth on the Qinglong list is not worthy of you, Miss." Ping'er smacked. I bit my lips.

"Ximen Feng is very annoying, don't mention him to me." Nangong Linger frowned.

"I'm tired, Ping'er, wait for me to take a bath..."

There was a sound of water...

"Go and see, don't really die. I still want to ask him about that 'rabbit', why he hasn't woken up." After taking a bath, Nangong Ling'er ordered Ping'er to say.

"Ah..." Soon, Ping'er screamed.

"What's the matter?" Nangong Linger asked.

"He... he he... disappeared." Ping'er shouted, and with a whoosh, Nangong Linger appeared in Xiao Qiyue's room, but the bed was empty.

"Run away..." Nangong Ling'er was so angry that she jumped into the air and quickly searched around.

After wandering for hundreds of miles, Xiao Qiyue was still not found.

"Miss, we were fooled, look at this." Ping'er pointed to the bedside table, on which there was a piece of paper.

"Dear baby Ling'er, I owe you my life. Next time I meet you, I will warm your bed and repay you, cough cough!"

Just one sentence, signed below: Xiao Qiyue.

Moreover, there is a funny face next to the name.

"Bastard!" The two girls scolded at the same time.

"Ping'er, let's go now."

"Okay, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to dig out the corpse."

The two women left in a hurry.

Soon, Xiao Qiyue revealed a smiling face from the paper, but it was covered in sweat.

Nangong Linger's master and servant never expected that Xiao Qiyue disintegrated her body and hid in that piece of paper.

If you hide in the bed, you may still be found. Therefore, sometimes, the most unsafe place is sometimes the safest.

Xiao Qiyue felt that the quality of the aura was getting better and better as he went to Fangtian Island.

Probably because Mr. Jin and Luo Qiu believed that Xiao Qiyue was dead, Luoyue Pavilion and Chu State, including Juying Village, did not search for Xiao Qiyue anymore.

In this way, Xiao Qiyue reached the opposite side of Fang Tiandao smoothly.

Fangtian Island is a huge island, because it is surrounded by the mighty Fangtian River on all sides, so it is called an island.

In fact, it is accurate to say that it is a continent surrounded by water.

Seeing is believing, but hearing is believing. When she saw Fang Tianjiang for the first time, Xiao Qiyue was still shocked.

The river was roaring, setting off waves as high as ten feet high and rolling away. The rumbling sound of the water was deafening, and it made people's eyes change.

The mist rises on the surface of the river, and it is permeated with cloud-like water vapor all the year round. The sight distance of ordinary people is only a few hundred meters, and the visibility of warriors is also limited. The Lingwang Realm can only see a few miles.

However, the Fangtian River rolling south is hundreds of miles wide. With such low visibility and some uncertain factors in the river, water beasts are running rampant, vortices and longitudinal currents, it is dangerous to sail, and it is basically impossible to be safe. Landed.

Therefore, ships on the river are extremely rare.

Even if there were, they could only be controlled by those sects or aristocratic families with great influence in Fang Tianjiang.

Therefore, the vast majority of people had to arrive at Fang Tianjiang via ferries controlled by several major forces.

And Fangtianjiang has four major gates, with divisions in the southeast, northwest and four sides. They are the "dragon head" in the east, the "tiger palm" in the south, the "sparrow wings" in the west and the "turtle back" in the north.

Because these four places are the narrowest area in Fang Tianjiang, the straight-line distance is said to be only tens of miles.

Naturally, some powerful forces discovered this 'gold rush port' and immediately took possession of it. After thousands of years of operation, they formed a set of ferry boat methods to collect money from crossing the river.

On Fangtian Island, there is the Royal Academy of Fangtianguo, the Medicine League, and the top-ranked families of Fang Tianyu, as well as the super-class sects. Of course, the six sects occupy the largest area among these forces.

It can be said that Fang Tiandao is the center of Fang Tianyu's political culture and martial arts practice.

As a result, there are not a few merchants who go to Fangtian Island every year, including warriors.

These people all need to pay the river crossing fee, and the continuous silver has fallen into the hands of these powerful forces that control the ferry.

And Xiao Qiyue specially chose the 'Tiger Palm' pier located in the south, because the Tiger Palm pier is controlled by six doors.

Because of the wharf, a densely populated city—Tigerzhang City—was actually formed next to the Huzhang Wharf.

Of course, the city lord 'Wang Hefeng' is also a member of the Six Doors, and his status is not low, he is a king arrester.

The title of Catch the Lord is at the middle and high level among the six gates, above Catch the Marquis and below Catch the King.

The Tie Qi that Xiao Qiyue knew before was 'Fenglei Catch the Lord', but Tie Qi's strength is not very strong, only a first-level spirit king.

Therefore, hearing that Tiger Palm City is guarded by a Catcher, Xiao Qiyue doubted whether he was qualified for this role.

After all, because the wealth accumulated by the four major piers is too eye-catching, it will naturally attract the envy of other forces.

It is said that there will be major battles every few years. Over the past thousand years, the four major piers have changed owners many times.

Maybe it belongs to your six doors today, but tomorrow it will belong to the Xiahou family.

As a result, the pier is naturally the focus of protection for the major manipulation forces.

(End of this chapter)

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