God catch

Chapter 675 Heidelberg

Chapter 675 Heidelberg

"Hehehe, little brother, are you a foreigner?" When Xiao Qiyue articulated this concern, a middle-aged man with a square face next to him touched his chin and laughed.This person is called 'Li Zheng', a warrior in the Real Infant Realm.

"Well, it's my first time here." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"Little brother, this Lord of Tiger Palm City is not ordinary. He is called 'Thunder Catcher', and his moves are like thunder and lightning, ranking first among all the six gates. He could have been promoted to King Catcher long ago, but the four The king catcher has been occupying the place. And they can't be promoted to the emperor catcher, so there is no room for him. Naturally, the thunder catcher is still the catcher. In fact, he is very depressed." Li Zheng laughed.

"That's right, little brother, City Lord Wang's strength is very strong. Just because the six doors have too strict requirements for the king and the emperor, they bought a talent who can be promoted to the king for nothing." A young man next to him raised his head Thumbs up.

"City Master Wang should be at the Spirit King Realm, right?" Xiao Qiyue pretended to be ignorant.

Because, he had a purpose in asking such questions.

After all, as a newcomer, he wanted to visit City Lord Wang and see if he could contact the six gates through him.

Although I have been relatively smooth all the way here, there is no guarantee that any major troubles will occur when crossing the river.

After all, you have your means, and others have their own unique ways to find you.

There is no absolute security in this world.

At that time, if you fall into a trap while crossing the river, you will really be called every day, and you will not work well.

Because, the sky above Fang Tianjiang is also filled with a terrifying mysterious thing, and it can't fly high.

Moreover, there are many dangers, even more terrifying than crossing the river.

Otherwise, all the spirit king realms would fly over directly.

I heard that only spirit kings above level four have the ability to fly across the Fangtian River, but the risk factor has reached nine point zero.

Therefore, generally speaking, as a last resort, even the fourth-level spirit king would choose to take a boat instead of flying.

Of course Xiao Qiyue can do it, but it's too eye-catching and easy to expose herself.

After all, anyone who can see the flying martial artist on the river will be amazed.

After all, each of them is a fifth-level spirit king, and ordinary warriors would be too sorry for their eyes if they didn't marvel at them.

"Spirit King Realm, little brother, you underestimate our city lord too much.

He was a master of the spirit king realm 20 years ago, but now, he must be at least a fourth-level spirit king.

Even, level five is possible. "Li Zheng laughed. Looking at Xiao Qiyue's eyes was like looking at an ignorant and immature child.

In Chu State, it is not easy to see a six-door arrester with a "Zhengtian Chain" tied around his waist, but here, you can often bump into it on the street.

However, Xiao Qiyue walked down a street and found that all the people he bumped into were low-level policemen, and he didn't even see a deputy altar master-level policeman.

So, wandered around and went to a restaurant that looked very luxurious. The more advanced the occasion, the more chances to meet senior police officers.

Going straight up to the second floor, Xiao Qiyue picked a table by the window, ordered a few dishes of wine and food, and drank a pot of 30-year-old daughter red by herself.

It really hit a ghost today. After drinking for a long time, I didn't see the senior policeman go upstairs.

"Xiao Er, why don't you see masters from the six doors coming to drink in this restaurant?" Xiao Qiyue asked a round-faced child.

"My lord, what are you talking about? We have the most high-level police officers who come to drink at the 'Huyue Tower'." Xiaoer rolled his eyes at Xiao Qiyue with some dissatisfaction.

"At most, I've been drinking here for an hour, and I haven't seen a single one." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Did you just arrive?" Xiao Er asked.


"That's about the same, young master, you definitely don't know what happened last night." Xiaoer said.

"Big event..." Xiao Qiyue looked at him puzzled.

"Look, your news is too closed, you don't know about such a big event." Xiaoer muttered.

"Don't be verbose, tell me quickly." Xiao Qiyue put a 500 tael bank note on the table and said, "Make it clear, it belongs to you."

"My lord, a major incident happened this morning. A disciple of the famous Luo family on Fangtian Island was killed. Does your lord know about the Luo family?" Xiao Er glanced at Xiao Qiyue at this point.

"I've never heard of it." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.He said in his heart that there are so many families in the world, there are not [-] or [-] families in this area of ​​Tianyu, I don't have the time to find out.

"You don't even know about the Luo family, but you've always heard of 'Heidelberg', right?" Xiaoer looked surprised, as if he didn't know that the Luo family was guilty.

"Heidelberg?" Xiao Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, then remembered, didn't senior brother Haiyun's first love Luo Qingmeng's family live in Heidelberg?
Well, what a stroke of luck.As soon as I came here, there was an accident in the Luo family, just in time, I asked to see if there was any news about my senior brother.

"You must have heard of it." Xiao Er heaved a sigh of relief.

"That's true. I heard that the Luo family living in Heidelberg is from the Wang family of Fangtian Island?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Wang family, you still don't know. Let me tell you my son, the Heidelberg Luo family is one of the top ten families in Fang Tianyu, and its strength is also at the middle level among the 36 major forces.

Moreover, recently, Luo Qianyun, the son of the ancestor of the Luo family, just broke through the ninth level of the spirit king, and suddenly there were two ninth-level spirit kings in the Luo family, and even the six doors did not dare to underestimate them.

And the person who was killed in the morning was Luo Qianyun's great-grandson Luo Wei, who was still in the direct line, and this time he stabbed a big hornet's nest.

Moreover, when a person died in Tiger Palm City, even the city lord was alarmed. "Xiao Er said.

"So, all the arresters went there quickly. By the way, where did they die?" Xiao Qiyue rubbed her chin and nodded, so that's the case.

"Of course, all the senior police officers of Tiger Palm City went to the 'Xunmeng Tower', and the city lord went to battle in person.

However, until now, I heard that there is no clue.

The Luo family lost their temper, saying that the Six Doors despised their Luo family and were unable to handle the case effectively, and demanded that the arresting king be sent down to investigate the case. "Xiao Er said.

"Just send it." Xiao Qiyue responded casually.

"It's not that easy, this is Lei Ting's territory, if he can't break it, he still has to ask the king to come down, how embarrassing is that?
Moreover, there are only four king catchers, and they are so busy that they don't have time to run around.

If City Lord Wang reported it, he would definitely be criticized.

Therefore, this case has been suppressed. "Xiao Er shook his head.

"The Luo family will definitely quit." Xiao Qiyue took a sip of wine.

"That's natural, the Luo family is getting more and more angry, and they don't want to wait for an hour.

No, Luo Qianyun came forward in person, and his subordinates sent all the tokens to the City Lord's mansion. The City Lord Wang is in a big mess now.

It's not easy to be a fast catcher, the criminal is very cunning, how could he force him to solve the case in a day. "Xiao Er shook his head sadly.

"This is strange. With Luo Qianyun's status as the ninth-level spirit king, he can directly send the token to the head of the six gates. At that time, wouldn't it be easier for the head to send the king down directly?" Xiao Qiyue Feel a little unusual.

"This is different, you don't understand." Xiaoer shook his head, thought for a while and said, "If you do that, you will be leapfrogging, and then City Lord Wang will definitely be unhappy.

Although City Lord Wang is only a king arrester, he is the leader of the king arresters.

Who can guarantee whether he will be promoted to catcher king tomorrow?

Moreover, arresting the king and arresting the emperor are both involved, and the city master Wang must have a backer at the helm.

(End of this chapter)

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