God catch

Chapter 681

Chapter 681

After all, compared to Luo Mianfeng, Wei Jingyuan is not from the Luo family, but just an outsider.

And Wei Jingyuan has always occupied the important position of the third housekeeper, and, it seems, the head of the house does not let himself know about any important matters, but let an outsider spread the word, which makes Luo Mianfeng very upset.

Thinking that the head of the family is eccentric, this time they just seized the opportunity and broke out together.

"Come on! I still want to beat you.

You see, what has become.Accompanying the ninth son down, in the end, it is not clear how the son died.

What's more, it was brought to this kind of place, and he died inexplicably.

The face of the Luo family has been completely humiliated by you, yet you still have the face to accuse Lao Tzu, and Mr. Xiao is solving the case for the Luo family. You have been making trouble every now and then. Is it true that what Mr. Xiao said, you have ulterior motives? "Wei Jingyuan has tolerated this guy for a long time. This guy, because he is a direct member of the Luo family, has always been arrogant and domineering, and has never regarded himself as an outsider in his eyes.

If it weren't for the fear of the Patriarch, he would probably have taken his own knife.

However, even so, this guy often gossips behind his back and stabs his knife from time to time.

"You're talking nonsense! Wei Jingyuan, I'm going to sue the old man for deliberately slandering you." This is a good thing, the Luo family is also torn apart.

"Today, if Mr. Xiao finds out that Luo Wei's death has something to do with you, even if the old man is present, the butler will also attack you." Now that his face has been torn, Wei Jingyuan will not be polite.

Moreover, what Wei Jingyuan is most angry with is that Luo Mianfeng moves out the old man to suppress him from time to time.This, but let yourself lose face.

"Okay, okay, you Wei Jingyuan, your elbow is turned out. This matter is endless, endless!" Luo Mianfeng was so angry that he was shaking all over, but there was nothing he could do about Wei Jingyuan.

When it comes to fighting, even ten of them can't beat him.

In terms of his status in the Luo family, he could only move out of the old man, and only by virtue of his blood relationship could he gain the upper hand.

But Wei Jingyuan was protected by the Patriarch, so it was impossible for the old man to attack him cruelly.

"Shut up! Wipe your butt clean first!" Wei Jingyuan snorted, and a flash of spiritual light glanced at Luo Mianfeng, which was a naked threat.Luo Mianfeng almost exploded with anger, but the situation was so pressing that he had to shut up.

If this guy is really in a hurry, he will be beaten and disabled by then, even if the old man comes out, the heartache will be his own.

The Luo family is fighting among themselves, and of course people from all sides are willing to watch from the sidelines.

"Luo Mianfeng, let me ask you, did you give Luo Wei any medicine before entering the Spring Pavilion?" Xiao Qiyue stared at him intently.

"Medicine... what kind of medicine?" Luo Mianfeng's eyes flickered, and a fruit as bright as blood appeared in his anger.

"Third butler, the Luo family wants to cover up the truth about Luo Wei's death, how should we deal with it according to the family rules?" Xiao Qiyue turned to Wei Jingyuan and asked.

"If the circumstances are minor, you will be beaten with a hundred sticks. Send them to a water prison. If it is serious, you will be beaten with random sticks, and your body will be thrown out to be eaten by vultures." Wei Jingyuan's voice was a little eerie.

"It's just a pill for fun. Most people will take one when they enter the brothel." Luo Mianfeng knew that he couldn't hide it, so he quickly admitted it.

"I'm afraid what you feed him is not just for fun, is it?" Xiao Qiyue sneered.

"Xiao, what do you want to do?" Luo Mianfeng looked fierce, and threatened Xiao Qiyue in turn.

"It seems that the other half of your face is not swollen yet." Xiao Qiyue said coldly, Luo Mianfeng jumped behind the two Luo's nursing homes like a reflex, before he dared to point at Xiao Qiyue and said, "You slandered me! "

"To slander you, is the pill you gave Luo Wei called 'Dragon Blood Fruit'?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"You...well, it's dragon blood fruit." Luo Mianfeng almost jumped up, his heart was horrified, how did this kid know, as if he was at the scene.

However, at that time, only Luo Wei and I knew about this matter. After thinking about it, in the end, this fellow had no choice but to nod his head.

"Dragon blood fruit, the most yang thing. It can invigorate the blood and unblock the collaterals, and it can only cure impotence... It belongs to the kind of extremely yang thing. Some people say that even if it is taken by a dying person, he can still support the sky with one pillar. The glory once." Xiao Qiyue said.

"That's right! That fruit is really powerful." Dongmen Wangtian nodded ambiguously.

"I have eaten that thing myself, but does it have anything to do with Luo Wei's death?" Wei Jingyuan looked at Xiao Qiyue suspiciously.

"It didn't matter at first, but later it became involved." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Nonsense, what do you mean getting involved?" Luo Mianfeng jumped up again.

"Dog, Luo Wei was killed by you, do you know?" Xiao Qiyue pointed at Luo Mianfeng, and the guy covered his face in fright and shouted, "Fart! Luo Wei is still my nephew, how could I kill him?" kill him."

Of course, Luo Mianfeng's uncle was not his own uncle, but his cousin after another generation.

"Dragon blood fruit is a thing of the sun. Originally, as long as it is vented on a woman, it will not be a big deal. However, the strange thing is that Li Qingqing must have eaten something last night?" Xiao Qiyue looked at Li Qingqing.

"Tell me, what did you eat that killed your son." Luo Mianfeng seized the opportunity and pointed at Li Qingqing with a fierce face.

"I... I didn't eat anything?" Li Qingqing was so frightened that she began to cry.

"How could you kill my young master without eating?" Luo Mianfeng asked.

"Miss Li, tell me what you ate last night. For example, you must explain everything about the meal." Xiao Qiyue has already smelled it, but the necessary procedures are still necessary to make the case known to the world. go.

"I ate a steamed bun, drank half a catty of 20-year-old Nurhong, and, by the way, half an old pumpkin. They all know that I like eating old pumpkins the most." Li Qingqing cried.

"Old pumpkin, what's its name?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"It's just an ordinary old pumpkin, it just matures after ten years of growth." Li Qingqing said.

"Where did the pumpkin come from?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"I bought it from the Guoji Pharmacy in the east of the city, because they are the only ones who sell pumpkins that are more than ten years old. I will ask the cook to buy them every once in a while." Li Qingqing said.

"Can the old pumpkin poison people to death? It's a joke. Asking such nonsense is a waste of our time." Dongmen Wangtian joked aside.

"I think Mr. Xiao is talking nonsense." Mo Jie Miyin said to Wang Hefeng.

"You have to let him finish the nonsense." Wang Hefeng replied helplessly.

"Call the cook over here." Xiao Qiyue shouted.

Soon, a guy as fat as a pig came up, and he knelt down on the ground in fright, and said, "The villain is called Li Qian, and he is the chef of Xunmenglou. I bought the old pumpkin that day, and I have been buying it all the time." .Because, Miss Qingqing likes to eat."

"Did Guo Ji's boss tell you that the old pumpkin tastes pure this time, because it took a full 30 years to mature. Moreover, it grew in a particularly sunny place?" He sees through everything in his popularity.

"Yes, yes, that's what I said." Li Qian nodded quickly, and his jaw almost dropped from the shock in his heart.This kid, as if he was at the scene, is really a ghost.

"A 30-year-old pumpkin won't poison people to death. What's more, Luo Wei is a strong person in the real baby state. Hehe, it's ridiculous to be poisoned to death by an old pumpkin." Dongmen Wangtian came again.

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb." Xiao Qiyue turned her head and gave him a cold look.

"Boy, what do you want to do? I, Dongmen Wangtian, are here to investigate the case, so I can't even ask?" Dongmen Wangtian immediately revealed his fierce look.

(End of this chapter)

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