God catch

Chapter 682 Dry wood meets fire

Chapter 682 Dry wood meets fire

"Old man, I am the presiding judge. Otherwise, you will judge this case." It is not indecent, you call me 'boy', we will call you 'old man', Xiao Qiyue looked at him without fear .

"Do you think I can't judge cases? I have tried more cases than you have traveled." Dongmen Wangtian was enraged.

"Brother Dongmen, it's best to hear Mr. Xiao finish the trial first." Wei Jingyuan interjected.

Even the employers opened their mouths, Dongmen Wangtian had no choice but to shut up resentfully.

"Young Master Xiao is really courageous." Mo Jie said.

"A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but at our age, we look forward and backward." Wang Hefeng touched his chin and sighed.

"That's a reckless man, I don't know how to die." Mo Jie snorted.

"Xiao Qiyue is very smart. With us and Wei Jingyuan around, Dongmen Wangtian dare not do anything to him." Wang Hefeng said.

"What about later?" Mo Jie snorted.

"That's true. It's really unwise to look at such a powerful enemy under the tree at the east gate as soon as you arrive at Fangtian Island." Wang Hefeng shook his head.

"Steward Luo, do you know the boss of the Guo family?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"I know him, but I'm not familiar with him." Luo Mianfeng was really angry, and he didn't know what kind of demon moth this kid was playing.Those who ask back and forth are asking themselves again, so don't let the tricks come in.

"Hehe, he bought your dragon blood fruit, didn't he?" Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"This...you...you know too." There were too many things that shocked Luo Mianfeng today, this kid was like a roundworm in his stomach, as if he knew everything he did, it was too scary.

"The third housekeeper, Wang Chujun, immediately surround the Guoji Pharmacy in the east of the city and take them all!" Xiao Qiyue said.

Wei Jingyuan is not a fool either, and she also felt something.Immediately following the order, a large number of police officers and Luo family members rushed to the pharmacy in the east of the city.

It's a pity that it's too late, and the Guoji drugstore is already empty.

Luo Mianfeng's face was sallow, and he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

"Mr. Xiao, what is the relationship between the dragon blood fruit and the 30-year-old pumpkin?" Wei Jingyuan asked, and Dongmen Wangtian and the others raised their ears.

"A 20-year-old pumpkin doesn't matter, and a 30-year-old pumpkin doesn't matter. However, a [-]-year-old pumpkin does.

Moreover, those who grow up in extremely sunny places are even more relevant.

You think, dragon blood fruit is originally a thing of the sun.The man was extremely excited after taking it.

What will happen if you meet another extremely positive thing at this moment, dry wood meets a raging fire? " Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Boom! It's burning." Mo Jie replied excitedly.

"Yes! Li Qingqing's body contains the energy of the old pumpkin, and she accidentally bit the skin of Luo Wei's thing, and the blood flowed out, arousing the Yang Lie energy even more.

In this way, two things collide, plus Yin and Yang collide, so it is no wonder that Luo Wei is not crazy.

And he had hallucinations, and he was very excited and exciting.As a result, he killed himself. "Xiao Qiyue said.

"All of this should be a good thing that Guo Ji's Guo Dongdeng did, right?" Wang Hefeng said.

"It must be, and there must be someone behind Guo Dongdeng behind the scenes." Wei Jingyuan said.

"Did your Luo family have any hatred against the surname Guo?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"It seems that there is no enmity with Guo Shi, but I don't know if Luo Wei has any." Wei Jingyuan said.

"Hehe, I know the real murderer." Xiao Qiyue suddenly laughed.

"Who?" Wei Jingyuan, Dongmen Wangtian, including Wang Hefeng and others asked in unison.

"Hehehe, this case has been solved. The truth is revealed. As for Guo Ji's behind-the-scenes boss, that is no longer my business." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"It's impossible for you to know, it's just prevarication." Dongmen Wangtian sneered.

"Young Master Xiao, this is the order of the Luo family's first-class Hyde guest official. You can come to Luo's house as a guest at any time. If I have something to do, I should go back to the castle and report it to the Patriarch." Wei Jingyuan presented a box and led them away in a hurry. .

The Luo family lives in Heidelberg, so the tokens of the Luo family are all named after Hyde.

"Amazing, awesome, Mr. Xiao." Mo Jie stepped forward to greet him with admiration.

"It's really a strange case, and it's closely related. Moreover, it actually uses medicine to harm people. No wonder we haven't been able to find it out. This requires profound knowledge of medicine." Wang Hefeng sighed.

"It's just a fluke, I happen to be a pharmacist." Xiao Qiyue said modestly.

"Hmph, you just stepped on dog shit. Xiao Qiyue, I am looking forward to the next confrontation with you." Dongmen Wangtian flicked his sleeves and returned depressed.

"Next time, I will step on you as usual." Xiao Qiyue raised her eyebrows and looked at his back with a smile.

"You, no chance!" Dongmen Wangtian didn't turn his head back, his steps were heavier and faster.

Heidelberg, the place where the Luo family, one of the top ten famous families in Fang Tianyu, lived.

There, it is actually composed of a series of castles, and its scale is no less than a small county town.

But the most conspicuous, the largest, the most luxurious, and the tallest building among this pile of castles is a sea-blue castle.

Because the first patriarch of the Luo family was called 'Rohide', the residence was called 'Heidelberg'.

From then on, the token of the Luo family was also called 'Hydling', and the third butler, Wei Jingyuan, hurried into the sea-blue castle.

Patriarch Luo Yidao was sitting on a piece of killer whale skin waiting, because he got the news in advance, and there were several important clan elders from the Luo family on the left and right sides to accompany him.

"Castle Master, the matter has been investigated. This is the file, please check it." Wei Jingyuan bowed slightly to salute, and then offered a paper bag with both hands.

After Luo Yidao took it, he flipped through it several times, and then passed the dossier down. After a long time, he said, "Xiao Qiyue is quite courageous."

"Well, that kid is so cunning that he didn't say anything clearly." Wei Jingyuan nodded.

"What are you talking about with him, just catch him and torture him. Leave it to me, and you will be satisfied." Luo Yidao's third brother, Luo Zhitong, is a messy person, and his style of doing things is quite vigorous. He doesn't like to use his brain, but only likes to move. Fist.

"He knows how to fight and kill all day long. It's not easy to win Xiao Qiyue. Even if he is the 10th genius on the Qinglong list, so what? But, third brother, can you use your brain? Take After leaving him?" Luo Yidao scolded directly.

"Afterwards, I will serve you under torture. I think he can withstand our Luo family's soul-refining hundred knives?" Obviously, the third brother of Luo Yidao didn't understand what Luo Yidao meant, and he thought the elder brother's question was too stupid Well, such a simple question is actually used to ask, this is simply insulting my IQ.

"Three castle master, does the castle master mean that the six doors will agree?" Wei Jingyuan turned his head and asked.

"Just refuse to fight. Don't tell me we in Heidelberg are afraid that we won't succeed in six doors." It has to be said that Luo Zhitong is really a reckless man, and he belongs to the kind of person whose IQ is seriously biased.

"You're not afraid of them, are they still afraid of us?" Luo Yidao glanced at the third brother and asked, "Can we beat the six doors?"

"I can't beat it. I'm going to practice. After I reach the ninth level of the Spirit King, I have to tear down the six doors." When Luo Zhitong heard this, his face turned black with anger, and he stood up and turned around to leave the venue to practice.

"Sit down for me, shut up and listen." Luo Yidao's face was serious, Luo Zhitong saw that he was really a little afraid of his big brother, and sat down obediently.

He glanced at Wei Jingyuan and said, "Jingyuan, tell me, what does that kid want to do?"

"It's nothing more than negotiating terms and wanting to get more benefits from the Luo family. We can't get used to this problem. Otherwise, what will happen to our Luo family?" Luo Yidao's sixth uncle, Luo Wei, stroked his beard and said.

This sixth uncle not only has Luo Zhitong's domineering spirit, but also is not confused and has a sharp eye. He can be regarded as one of the brains of the Luo family.

(End of this chapter)

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