God catch

Chapter 688 Called Spring Chapter

Chapter 688 Called Spring Festival
"Earth-air whales" are often divided into sea and air.They are quite strange, the male lives in the sea, and the female sometimes lives in the air.

When the season of "calling spring" comes, the male whales in the sea will rush out of the sea to call, and attract the female whales in the air from you.

These whales have rough skin and thick flesh, and even the powerful Earth-Air Whale King, even the spirit kings of the sixth and seventh ranks, can hardly kill them.

Because their corporal punishment is too large, their lethality is extremely terrifying.Crazy, a mountain can collapse.

"Come up, kill!" When the male whale rushed to the range of 2000 meters, Dongmen Wangtian felt the upwelling of the giant and immediately gave the order.

Immediately, the bows and harps were fired, and the talismans exploded.

As if several depth-sea bombs were detonated at the same time, the sea water was blown up hundreds of feet high. .

The male whale was blown bloody, and it roared angrily.

"It's injured, keep bombing, kill it!" In the chaos, Dongmen Wangtian shouted excitedly, like a general.

Tens of thousands of people listened to his command, and even the policemen of the six gates listened to him. Being able to command the troops of his old enemy, the sense of accomplishment was of course over the top.

Boom boom boom...

There were continuous waves rising from the sea, and the boat shook violently.


At this time, there was a messy and shrill cry in the air.

"Not good, it seems that the space mother whale is responding." Someone screamed in fright.

"It's not good, it's really an air-to-ground whale." Because the cry was getting closer.

Xiao Qiyue found that a black and evil thing flew over like a strong wind.

Inside, there was a larger black whale with a dozen smaller ones.

Compared with the male whales in the sea, these whales have an extra pair of wings on their backs and no horns on their heads.

"Master Dreamcatcher, what should I do?" At this moment, someone remembered that Xiao Qiyue had come.

"Master Dreamcatcher, hurry up and find a way?"

"How do I know, go find your Dongmen seniors to solve it." Xiao Qiyue responded coldly. When Dongmen Wangtian heard it, his face was as black as charcoal, which was a big embarrassment.

"Everyone, this is just an unexpected situation. It's useless to find him, everyone obeys my order." Dongmen Wangtian shouted.

"I was killed by you before. If it weren't for your blind instructions, we wouldn't attack the male whale king indiscriminately. Now, a large group of female whales is coming, and we are dead."

"A bullshit sixth-level spirit king whose eyesight is not as good as Young Master Xiao's, let's listen to Young Master Xiao!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xiao, you command!"

"Young Master Xiao, hurry up. Otherwise, it will be too late." Mo Jie was in a hurry.

"Before they converge, kill one side first, the Dongmen Wangtian leader will be in charge of the sea, and Helen Gege and I will be in charge of the air.

Zhengtian is on standby at any time, and will help and attack wherever it is needed.

And the strong people left on the ship protect the students, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

Women, children, and the elderly all entered the boat, but they had to be prepared to jump into the sea at any time. "Xiao Qiyue gave the order in an orderly manner, and now is not the time to care about it.

"You, you, you... I went to the sea to kill whales!" Dongmen Wangtian dispatched troops, although he was furious, but he wanted to save some face, and led his people into the sea.

Xiao Qiyue and Helen Gege flew into the air.

The Seven Star Sword swept across the black cloud with the light of three stars, and Helian Gege was not slow, swung a strange-shaped big knife in his hand and slashed fiercely away.

A piece of hurricane was cut, there was a crackling sound in the air, the stars teamed up with the knife gang, and suddenly, a cracked air channel that was two miles long was split in the air.

As soon as the black cloud swayed, Xiao Qiyue found that under the lead of the female whale king, all the wings of the whales flapped outward.

Immediately, a gust of wind swept over, sweeping himself and Helian Gege's powerful qi and true qi away without a trace.

"Young Master Xiao, we are in big trouble right now." Helian Gege looked serious.

"You and I are no match. Besides, this female whale seems to have been trained, and she actually knows how to attack in formation." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"You and I attack separately, how about I attack the head and you attack the tail?" Helian Gege asked.

"Okay!" Xiao Qiyue nodded, shrunk to an inch, flashed behind the whales in an instant, and the stars flashed, spinning like a meat grinder and twisted towards the cloud.

But Helian Gege danced the strange knife into a big windmill, and even turned to the huge female whale with the knife.

chi chi chi...

There were continuous winds to break through, but when Helian Gege finally rushed to only a few feet away from the female whale.

The whale suddenly opened its mouth, and a flood of water spewed out from its mouth, directly hitting Helen Gege to roll over and fall.

Helian Gege became drowned instantly, and half of his dress flew away.

Suddenly, the **** half rolled.


Helian Gege let out a scream, in fact, most of the screams were made out of shame.

A star flew over and immediately broke the wind roll that rolled towards Helian Gege, and Helian Gege immediately pulled out from the powerful wind volume.

However, with a bang, the person jumped out, but the skirt was pulled down, revealing the soaked panties.

Helen Gege was so angry that she didn't realize it for a moment, she crazily spat out a mouthful of blood and poured it on the strange knife.

The strange knife hummed and turned into a monster roaring towards the female whale king.

Chi Chi!
Xiao Qiyue slashed three swords in a row, blood splattered, and finally slashed several small whales.


When the mother whale saw it, she burst into anger.A curly tail swept over.

Helian Gege was swept away by the flying, Xiao Qiyue hurriedly strode away with a shrunk inch, passed by with the wind, and grabbed Helian Gege back.

And Helian Gege hugged Xiao Qiyue tightly like an octopus in a hurry.

"Put it on quickly!" Xiao Qiyue took out a piece of armor she was wearing, Sehlengege.

"What to wear? Kill it quickly!" Because the mother whale's bloody mouth opened like a mountain, and it had already swallowed it.

The sharp teeth are like magic soldiers flashing with terrifying blood. If they are swallowed, there is no doubt that they can bite themselves into meat balls in a few bites, and Heba and Ba can make dumplings.

Helian Gege was indeed fierce, jumping out of Xiao Qiyue's body, piercing through his body like a shuttle.


Whale King's mouth was poked hard, and he quickly shut up.And Helen Gege had already been knocked back by it directly with its mouth.

Xiao Qiyue rushed to hug her, full of elasticity.

At this moment, she is almost naked.

"Ah, you bastard!" Helian Gege felt it at this moment, and looked down, it's over...

This kid saw everything with a pair of thieves, and he was still hugging him tightly.

Squeezed almost into one person, even close lovers are not so close...

"Quick!" It felt like a hard kick in the buttocks.

Thinking that this guy was taking advantage of the opportunity, Helen Gege almost went mad, cursing "You bastard!".

However, in a blink of an eye, it was found that the female whale had opened her mouth and swallowed Xiao Qiyue.

"Ah!" Helian Gege realized that he had misunderstood him. If Xiao Qiyue hadn't kicked him away, he would have been buried in the mouth of the whale with him.

Helen Gege burst into tears, she yelled frantically, and spat out a lump of something, and the thing hummed instantly, it turned out to be a bull.

With a flash of blue light above its head, the barbaric bull roared, raised its head and slammed into the female whale fiercely.

The female whale was hit so painfully that she opened her mouth, but Xiao Qiyue didn't jump out.

"My bastard, I'm sorry for you, Young Master Xiao!" Xiao Qiyue was probably bitten into pieces, Helian Gege cried out in pain, desperately destroying his natal martial spirit 'Brute Bull' to hit it.

The group of whales surrounded them, and they were about to tear the bull alive.

At this time, there was a crackling sound in the air, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, striking the whale group fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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