God catch

Chapter 689

Chapter 689

The whale group was split into two pieces, the two female whales were cut into eight pieces, and pieces of meat rained down from the sky.

However, what is amazing is that they didn't panic in the slightest, and immediately regrouped tenaciously and counterattacked towards the source of the lightning in the air.

Chop chop chop!
The lightning was like a flurry of dancing long snakes slashing down continuously, and it was particularly eye-catching in the misty sky.

Helian Gege was also crazy, and he specially picked up the leaks, rushing to those injured female whales and slashing them with vicious knives.

And the huge female whale king who swallowed Xiao Qiyue suddenly became dark all over, like a lump of black gold rushing upwards, and a barracuda-shaped golden shadow flashed towards the place where the lightning came from.


The lightning exploded, and a man with disheveled hair exploded out, tumbling and flying into the distance, and behind him was a pair of black hammers tumbling.

"Ah, it's Little Leixia!" The people on the boat screamed.

"Little Leixia is here, we are saved."

This 'Little Thunder Man' Luo Xuan wields a pair of black steel hammers, the powerful lightning just now was sent out by him striking the black hammers.

This person is not simple, his ancestor is the hero of Fang Tianyu's 36 major forces, the hero of the Hero League generation, the thunder hero Luo Tianwang.

Therefore, outsiders gave him the title of 'Little Thunder Man'.

Its strength is even stronger than Dongmen Wangtian, a seventh-level spirit king.

However, only he understood that he suffered a big loss just now.

He was projected by the 'Earth Space Mother Whale' with an aura of light, which almost killed him.

However, looking at the warriors who are full of enthusiasm, full of admiration for themselves, and full of ardent hope, Xiao Lei Xia is Xiao Lei Xia.

He turned his head around, grabbed the double hammer again and threw himself at the whales.

Suddenly, a big battle started.

In the air, only lightning bursts and a strange knife interspersed from time to time can be seen, but no one is seen.

And the East Gate Wangtian in the sea seems not very optimistic, a quarter of the people brought down have died, and the residual limbs and internal organs of the warriors are heaving and falling on the Fangtian River.

Dongmen Wangtian was even more embarrassed, his arms were covered with blood, and his disheveled hair didn't look like a generation of prison masters?
One is in the sky, the other is underground, and the two seem to be in the same situation.

Mo Jie's heart sank to the bottom. Under such complicated and harsh weather conditions, even if the strong people on Fangtian Island received the information, it would be extremely difficult to rescue them.

Because the sky above Fang Tianjiang is too mysterious.

When the ninth-level spirit king comes over, maybe, if one is not careful, he will fall into a mysterious vicious circle, as if he has fallen into the devil's labyrinth, and he will often 'wrap' himself into it.

As for the ferry coming, that's even more impossible.

Because, at this moment, it is not suitable to sail on the river.And the ground-air whale king group seems to be supporting the world, and it has already caused huge changes in all the environments here.

Helian Gege burst into tears, desperately fighting with the female whales, but Xiao Qiyue turned into air and flowed down his throat at the moment of being swallowed.

He could have slipped out, but he didn't.

That's because there is a causal line in the universe bag that is directly thrown into the internal organs of the female whale king.

Xiao Qiyue made a bold decision in an instant, to take a look inside its stomach.

Amidst the stench that could suffocate people to death, Xiao Qiyue shuttled through the internal organs, and finally, he saw the edge of cause and effect.

A totem was suddenly printed on the heart of the mother whale king, which should be a seal.

Moreover, the seal seems to be made of iron, like a piece of iron.

That thing seems to be equipped with a metal spear point at one end of the halberd shaft, with a crescent-shaped sharp blade connected to the spear point through two twigs on one side, and two ears, in the shape of a well. Isn't this a 'halberd'?

A weapon.

And there seemed to be the spirit of the fire dragon on the painting rod, Xiao Qiyue reached out and touched it, and suddenly, there was a terrifying feeling of burning; and the sharp point on the top of the painting halberd revealed a fierce and murderous look. Gradually rising; Fang Tian's four-cornered blade seems to hide the power of Shura, charming the mind, bloodthirsty and killing.

After just touching it, Xiao Qiyue felt lost.

However, the self-image of the Buddha in the Karma Hall automatically activated, and the sound of the Buddha sounded again, which eliminated the demonic power on the painting halberd.

Fang Tian draws a halberd!

Oh my God!
Could it be the magical weapon 'Fang Tian Hua Halberd' used by King Wu Miqiuhe?
That is an unrivaled weapon that cuts through Fang Tianjiang in one blow...

Although this is just an iron talisman like a painted halberd, it probably has something to do with King Wu.

At this moment, the green dragon roared, and Xiao Qiyue fell into the mysterious vortex of the starry sky again. The vortex rotated, and the power of the stars continued to penetrate into the iron talisman.

The iron talisman is expanding!

Damn, this iron talisman must be knocked open.

Xiao Qiyue yelled, her physical body was growing, and after a few years, her nihilistic body had reached a higher level.

It spun, turned into nothingness, followed the stars, and with the power of the vortex, rushed towards the iron talisman.

The iron talisman was not destroyed, but Xiao Qiyue felt like he had crashed into a cage.

At this time, the iron talisman tightened, and Xiao Qiyue was squeezed continuously, getting tighter and tighter, and her body was squeezed smaller and smaller.

In the end, the hoop was the size of a fist.

If the hoop continued, Xiao Qiyue completely believed that she was hopeless.


Xiao Qiyue let out a loud roar, and fixed the dragon-suppressing stone cast by the Oufeizi family in the copper coffin of Qixing Lake, which was supposed to suppress Qinglong, and slammed into the iron talisman fiercely.


A voice sounded, and the iron talisman twisted together, and it actually loosened.

And Xiao Qiyue felt a sympathy.

Could it be that this iron talisman was also cast by the Oufeizi family?

So, it resonated.

Now that it has been recognized by it, most runes have energy storage to support its sealing ability.

As long as these energies are destroyed or absorbed, the taboo power of the spell will naturally be released.

It is impossible to break it, then absorb it.

Xiao Qiyue made a bold decision to use Zhenlongshi to deceive Tiefu's approval.

Sure enough, not long after, the continuous high-end energy was absorbed by Xiao Qiyue.

It was so fierce that Xiao Qiyue almost destroyed his body directly.

Fortunately, the vortex of stars in the back resolved most of it, otherwise, it would have been strangled to death.

A few years passed, Xiao Qiyue put him to death and came back to life. Finally, with a bang, the iron talisman exploded.

And the last energy ball was swallowed by Xiao Qiyue, and there was a crackling sound in Xiao Qiyue's body, and the fifth spirit king's halo surrounded her body, like an eminent monk illuminated by Buddha's light.

A blessing in disguise, the fifth-level spirit king.

A group of blue flames condensed into a green dragon of fire. At this moment, the flame was upgraded to level [-].

Xiao Qiyue looked at the fireball, he roared and threw it out.

The bloody light flew out of the sky, and a big hole was blown out in the belly of the Space Mother Whale, and the blood soared to a height of hundreds of feet.

While the pieces of meat flew up, the ground and space mother whale screamed and rolled over, startling the little Leixia and Helian Gege who were already covered in bruises.

He stared blankly at a blood man who got out of the hole and stood on the back of the ground sky whale.

"Hahaha, I, Xiao Qiyue, have come out!"

This guy pretended to be really high-end and high-end. With a roar, the clouds and mist were turbulent, and the people on the boat saw him as a god.

The gigantic body of the female whale king slammed down into the sea, and at the same time, the male whales in the sea scattered and fled away in fright.

Dongmen looked up at the sky, and quickly dived into the sea, looking for it in the body of the Earth and Space Mother Whale King.

"Hehe, what are you looking for?" Xiao Qiyue asked with a dry smile after Dongmen Wangtian boarded the boat with a depressed face.

"Never mind your business." Dongmen Wangtian was in a bad mood, so he said casually.

Xiao Qiyue glanced at the universe bag, which was filled with the blood essence of the Earth Air Mother Whale King, including its heart, whale treasure, leather...

For a female whale king equivalent to the eighth-level spirit king, its whole body is precious.

(End of this chapter)

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