God catch

Chapter 690

Chapter 690

"Little brother! Come to my 'Tianwangbao' for tea when you have time." At this time, the little thunder hero Luo Xuan finished healing, threw a token to Xiao Qiyue, turned around and was about to leave.

"Senior, Dongmen Wangtian from the Northwest Prison is being polite." Dongmen Wangtian, in order to gain a sense of presence, of course would not let go of this opportunity to make friends, and came forward to meet him with the courtesy of a junior.

After all, the Hero League is the largest giant among Fang Tianyu's 36 major forces, and the Northwest Prison is far behind them.

"What kind of gift do you give to a prison boss? You have no ability to solve cases, and you specialize in doing some crooked ways." Unexpectedly, Xiao Leixia didn't give him any face, so he scolded him and walked away. up purple eggplant.

"Xiao Qiyue, Dongmenwangtian was born and died. If we hadn't resisted the whales in the sea, would you have survived? Hurry up and get your things out!" The little Leixia in the air let out his anger, so naturally he had to find a substitute.

Among these people, Xiao Qiyue is of course the most suitable.

"What do you mean, what is it?" Xiao Qiyue pretended to be confused with understanding.

"I thought I didn't know, there must be something good in the belly of the female whale, since you came out of her belly, you must have taken them all away." Dongmen Wangtian said viciously.

"Yes! But, who cares about you? That's what I deserve." Xiao Qiyue patted his pocket.

"That's right, Mr. Xiao got it through his life and death, of course it belongs to Mr. Xiao." Mo Jie immediately stood up and said.

"Whoever sees it has a share! Didn't I say that, if it weren't for me..." Dongmen Wangtian had a fierce face, and his aura expanded and contracted, locking on to Xiao Qiyue.

"Old man Dongmen, do you know how to be ashamed? If you killed the male whale in the sea, would you share the spoils with us?" Helen Gege scolded.

"Miss Helian, it's none of your business here. At that time, if there are benefits, you will not lose your share." Dongmen Wangtian snorted.

"It belongs to Mr. Xiao, I, Helen Gege, would not be so shameless." Helen Gege scolded Dongmen Wangtian in disguise.

"Xiao Qiyue, are you going to take it out?" Dongmen Wangtian was about to lose his temper.

"When did the Northwest Prison be changed to 'Northwest Robbers'?" Xiao Qiyue said coldly, now that she has advanced to the fifth level, she is not afraid of looking at the sky at the East Gate at all.

However, for the time being, Xiao Qiyue doesn't want to reveal her true strength yet.

Otherwise, he would have blown his head with a punch.

"Young Master Xiao, we support you!"

"That's right, what's yours is yours, and no one can take it away."

"Who wants to rob us and beat him with you!"

"If the Northwest Prison is really a bandit, we will destroy the bandit!"


All of a sudden, everyone on the boat stood by Xiao Qiyue's side. Looking at her side, there were only a few dozen people, and it seemed like they couldn't get anything good in a real fight.

The key is that Dongmen Wangtian himself was also injured, and although Xiao Qiyue looked covered in blood, this kid seemed to be quite energetic.

Another main reason is that Dongmen Wangtian is worried that the little thunder hero Luo Xuan has not gone far.

If that guy shot back, he probably would have died here.

People are afraid of you looking at the sky from the east gate, but Xiao Lei Xia thinks you are a fart!
"Boy, I'll let you keep it for now. From now on, I'll charge you interest." Dongmen Wangtian threw down a cruel sentence, squatted down to heal his wounds and sulked.

The sky was bright and the red sun was rising, and Xiao Qiyue finally set foot on Fangtian Island in her dreams.

He couldn't help but think of Armstrong's first words after opening the door of the lunar module-this is one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind".

Xiao Qiyue looked up to the sky and laughed heroically, "For the warriors on Fangtian Island, this is just a small step for them, but for me, it is a big step to start my wonderful life."

"Indeed, Fangtian Island is too far away for warriors from the remote state of Chu. Here, it is the temple of all warriors, the center of prosperity and prosperity of martial arts, and the dreamland of martial arts. The peak and strong fighters of martial arts are all here .” Helian Gege smiled domineeringly and raised his head.

Looking around, I found that "Xuan Lingjing" accounted for [-]% of the fighters coming and going on the pier.

You know, the Xuanling Realm can already be called a great master in Chu State.

Because, in the vast territory of Chu State, there will not be more than one hundred True Infant Realms, and there are only a handful of Spirit King Realms.

In order to find out the secret of the 'Fang Tian Hua Halberd' shaped iron talisman, Xiao Qiyue decided to rest at the pier for a few days before leaving.

Tiger Palm Wharf is controlled by six doors. Naturally, Xiao Qiyue was arranged to enter a luxurious VIP courtyard.

Although the iron talisman was broken, the overall talisman shell was still there.

Because, after Xiao Qiyue absorbed the energy stored in the iron talisman, the moment the iron talisman burst open, he vaguely discovered that a cyan line of cause and effect rushed out of the iron talisman and went straight into the sky.

At the moment when Xiao Qiyue broke through the belly of the Space Mother Whale, Xiao Qiyue's eyes followed the causal line, and he was shocked to find that a Fangtian painting halberd appeared in the dense fog.

And there are many causal lines entangled between Fang Tian's painted halberd and the iron talisman, could it be that there are multiple causal ties between them?
Fang Tian's painted halberd in the air was just a flash of inspiration, like a mirage, like a dream, giving people a strong sense of unreality.

However, Xiao Qiyue believed in her causal intuition.

The magic weapon must be hidden in the mysterious sky, and it is very likely that it is the magic ax weapon used by King Wu Mi Qiuhe to cut Fang Tianjiang out.

But why is it hiding in the air?

Is it banned?

If it is said to be banned, then who has the ability to lock King Wu's unrivaled divine weapon.

Reminiscent of the fact that the "green dragon bone" at the bottom of the Seven Star Lake was suppressed by the dragon-suppressing stone in the mysterious bronze coffin, it is very likely that Fang Tian's painting of the halberd was also caught by the mysterious things set by the Oufeizi family, and he could not get out.

For Xiao Qiyue, this iron talisman is the most powerful clue that has been found for the time being.

He was wondering if he could use causal reasoning to deduce the hiding place of Fang Tian's painted halberd in the air through the remnant shell of the iron talisman.

Of course, with my current abilities, trying to solve Fang Tian's troubles by drawing a halberd is tantamount to wishful thinking.

Xiao Qiyue is unwilling to let go of any chance, even if the chance is slim.

Still connected to the iron talisman through Zhenlongshi, Xiao Qiyue can be sure that the energy in the iron talisman has been exhausted.

Three days passed, and Xiao Qiyue didn't gain much.

However, this iron talisman was deeply imprinted in his consciousness.

Moreover, the casting path of this iron talisman has also been initially explored.

And, scan repeatedly through causal lines.

Xiao Qiyue even smelled a hint of orchid grass, but that smell was too mysterious, maybe it was hidden too deeply, and it was impossible to find its hiding place from the iron talisman.

It is certain that the craftsmanship of this iron talisman is higher than that of Zhenlongshi.

It may even be the handwriting of Ou Feizi, one of the overlords of the year.

Xiao Qiyue was not discouraged either, so she put away the iron talisman and left the secret room.

He found Xiao Sen waiting outside the door, and when he saw Xiao Qiyue coming out, he immediately said respectfully, "I've seen you, Young Master."

"It's good that you can arrive smoothly." Xiao Qiyue smiled and pulled Xiao Sen up personally.

"My lord, your reputation has spread far and wide. In the past few days, there have been rumors about you on Fangtian Island." Xiao Sen looked adoring.

"Fame is a good thing, but it is a double-edged sword. Sometimes, it is a burden." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Whatever it is, it's better to be famous than to be unknown. Moreover, the young master was an instant hit when he first arrived, and all the news spread about the young master's amazing talents and heroic feats." Xiao Sen said.

(End of this chapter)

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