God catch

Chapter 691 The Challenge of Dongmen Wind

Chapter 691 The Challenge of Dongmen Wind
"Let's not talk about this, let's go!"

Now that Xiao Sen has arrived.So, Xiao Qiyue was going to set off to the main rudder of the six gates, but just as he went out, he found a large group of people surrounding the wall opposite the VIP building.

"This kid has upgraded again." Someone pointed at the wall and sighed.

"Yeah, flying up like a flying arrow. I was ranked 10th a few days ago, but today I'm number [-]."

"I really wonder if this kid has bribed Fang Tianguo Royal Academy."

"Isn't Helian Gege the third one? Who took his place?" An accompanying policeman couldn't help asking.

"Who else but Xiao Qiyue?" A small-eyed young warrior said indignantly.

"Didn't Helian Gege be squeezed to fourth place?" the policeman asked, and couldn't help but cast a glance at Helian Gege behind him.

"Of course, the following series are all downgraded by one level." The small-eyed young man raised his eyebrows.

Mo Jie looked at Helian Gege with some concern, but to everyone's surprise, Helian Gege remained silent, as if nothing happened.

Weird thing...

With her character, would it be weird if she didn't fight Xiao Qiyue to the death at the pier?

"The Royal Academy is really messed up. How could Xiao Qiyue jump from tenth to third all of a sudden? Didn't he just come out of the belly of a whale? That can only prove that he has a lot of life. When it comes to fighting, it's all small Thanks to Lei Xia and Helian Gege."

"Well, this kid didn't do any shit, and his reputation is even louder than Helen Gege."

"Yeah, he can't be Helian Gege's opponent."

"Don't talk about Helian Gege, it's the No.4 Xiahouying behind her, and the fifth Dongmenfeng. Which one is not amazing?"


At this time, the small-eyed young man smiled happily, "Everyone, you don't know yet, do you? That kid is going to be in trouble."

"Unlucky, that's what it should be. First of all, Helen Gege won't let him go."

"Who said I won't let him go?" Helian Gege was really surprising, and he rushed to the crowd and blurted out.

"Girl, you don't know Helian Gege at all. Miss Helian is very hot-tempered. Whenever she advances, she won't fight to the death. Even if she can't beat her, she has to take off the opponent's skin."

"Giggle..." Helian Gege laughed loudly.

"What are you laughing at? What I said is true.

You don't know, my family lives near Zhengtian College, and I am very familiar with her.

Occasionally, they would meet to say hello. Helian Gege is usually arrogant, but he is quite polite to acquaintances. "A little fat man boasted frothyly.

"You are really lucky to be able to meet Helian Gege." Many people exclaimed.

"Hey hey, young man, do you know her?" Mo Jie came up with a childlike heart, pointing at Helian Gege and asked the little fat man.

"Although this girl is as beautiful as a fairy, she is not as domineering as Helen Gege, she is far behind." The little fat man looked contemptuous.

"That is, how many people in this world can compare with Helian Gege's overbearing aura?" The small-eyed young man also gave a thumbs up.

"Hahaha..." Mo Jie and his gang of policemen leaned forward and backward with laughter, almost dying of breath.

"You have six doors, but you can't laugh at people like this." The little fat man and the small-eyed young man were a little annoyed.

"I am Helian Gege." Helian Gege looked at the two with a straight face.



"No way……"

"I'm Mo Jie, deputy city lord of Tiger Palm City, can Miss Helian tell lies?" Mo Jie confirmed.

"No... I'm sorry..." Little Fatty and Xiaoyan almost collapsed in fright.

"Little fat pig, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, didn't you say that I'm nice to my acquaintances? It's just that I don't seem to know you." Helian Gege looked at the little fat man with a teasing smile on his lips.

"I...I'm bragging...Damn it, damn it..." The little fat pig finally cried out in fright, knelt down on the ground and slapped his mouth violently.

"Who did you say was going to make Xiao Qiyue unlucky?" Helian Gege asked the small-eyed young man again.

"Miss Helian, that's not what I said, I've heard of it too. It's said that Xia Houying and Dongmen Feng both want to look good to Xiao Qiyue." Xiaoyan shook his head quickly and said.

"Hehehe, they want to make me look good. That's okay, then I can move my hands and feet to be healthier." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Ah...you...you are Xiao Qiyue...ah no, you are Mr. Xiao, Xiao Mengcatch." Xiaoyan also knelt down in fright, and slapped her hand pitifully.

"Forget it, if you don't know the crime and are fearless, I will spare you a beating." Xiao Qiyue waved her hand.

"Look at you, I have something to do, I'm going to take the students to practice first, so let's break up." Helian Gege rolled his eyes at Xiao Qiyue, and walked away with thousands of students.

"Teacher Helian, I won't go." Fan Meili said.

"Don't you understand the rules of the academy? Go out and listen to the instructor, and you are not allowed to desert." Helian Gege looked at her sternly.

"President Xi, I'm going back to learn from my teacher." Fan Meili said quickly, she was a little apprehensive.

"You go to practice first, and we'll talk about it when you come back." Xiao Qiyue said.

"You don't even want to leave me behind!" Fan Meili looked determined.

"Hey, good, good, I support you. Go!" Helian Gege didn't know what was thinking in his heart, as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, he agreed.

"Xiao Qiyue, you're still here, just in time!" At this moment, a cold voice came.Walking around the corner was a handsome young man in white clothes with a huge sword on his back.

"Dongmen Feng, you came just in time. I can't fight with him because I have something to do. Let me see if you fight first." Helian Gege looked at it, and his eyes almost turned into crescent buds.

Xiao Qiyue glanced at the popularity on her head, and found that she was happy and happy, twisting her body like dancing.

What kind of psychology is this?
Balance your mind!

I was half-molested by Xiao Qiyue in the sea, and of course, I also wanted to see other people suffer.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." Dongmenfeng said handsomely with a toss of his hair.

You know, although Helian Gege is domineering, he is an ideal training partner in the minds of many geniuses.

Coupled with Helian Gege's family background as one of the top ten families, if the Northwest Prison can marry them, their strength will reach a new level.

"Hey, ok, ok. Dongmenfeng, if you can defeat him, I will marry you!" Helian Gege said a word, and everyone in the audience was amazed.

This girl is too poisonous, even if she can't do it herself, Dongmen Feng must not be able to do it. Doesn't she want to play Dongmen Feng to death, Xiao Qiyue couldn't help shaking her head in her heart.

So, he laughed dryly, sent a voice transmission to Helian Gege, and said with a sinister smile, "I said, aren't you afraid that I will release water?"

"How dare you!" Helian Gege responded domineeringly.

"Why don't I dare? At that time, you will say it yourself. Poor thing, you will have to marry Dongmen Feng." Xiao Qiyue backed up.

"What am I afraid of? When the time comes, I will declare first. I am already pregnant with your child. If the Dongmen family still agrees to let me marry in, what am I afraid of?" A series of smug smiles came from Helian Gege.

Xiao Qiyue is completely speechless, pregnant with your sister?

With a flash of silver light, the giant sword with its sheath on Dongmenfeng's back flashed into the hard rocky ground.

"Xiao Qiyue, for the sake of Helian Gege, you and I can only leave one today." Dongmen Feng was arrogant, and at this moment, the wind was just blowing, and the wind was blowing, and his hair was fluttering, so handsome.

"Dongmen Feng, you are so handsome, come on!" This girl wanted to cheer for Dongmen Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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