God catch

Chapter 692

Chapter 692

Immediately, Dongmen Feng felt as if he had been spat with chicken blood, and his face swelled red.He shouted domineeringly, "Hurry up boy, I can't wait to return home with the beauty in my arms."

"You are so pitiful!" Xiao Qiyue looked at him with pity.

"Xiao Qiyue, don't be jealous of me. In this world, only I, Dongmenfeng, can be worthy of Helen Gege. You are a pile of stinky shit!" Dongmenfeng snarled at each other, raised his leg and stomped on the ground, and suddenly, The silver light flickered, the giant sword ejected from the scabbard, and Dongmen Feng rushed forward, combined with the light of the sword, the human sword merged into one, like a group of silver shadows, flying with a terrifying aura of aura To Xiao Qiyue.

This is the rhythm of cutting corpses with one sword.

"Young Master Xiao, this is the Dongmen Clan's ultimate move 'Flying Dragon Yin'!" Mo Jie was so anxious that he hurriedly reminded him.

Xiao Qiyue suddenly stretched out her palm, and the eight fingers popped out, forming a sword palace in an instant.

Annihilation of the Universe!

One caught the flying sword energy and threw it into the air, and quickly retracted his hand again to squeeze and punch.

A punch hit Dongmen Feng who had been trapped in the air and lost his combat power.

There was a muffled sound, the silver glow exploded, and blood flew.

Dongmen Feng, the fifth-ranked genius on the Qinglong Ranking, has turned over eighteen rolls in a row, and his disheveled blood spilled on the Tiger Palm Wharf.

In the end, he lay down on the pier in a muddy state.Beside, accompanied by a pool of blood.

Suddenly, the audience was dumbfounded.

The fifth genius on the Qinglong list, he is also a strong man who has just stepped into the third level of the spirit king.

Just like that, Xiao Qiyue grabbed and punched him and made him crippled, yes, he must be crippled.

Because even a fool can see that Dongmenfeng is completely abolished, and the bones are broken into countless pieces.

That handsome face was now pale and covered with dust, and there were many scratches on it, which might even disfigure it.

At this moment, the spectators on the pier looked at Xiao Qiyue with awe in their eyes.

Especially the small-eyed young man, he was so frightened that he babbled.

"Young Master, Young Master..." A group of people rushed in from outside, they were the arresters of the Northwest Prison.

However, there is obviously no strong person in this group.Lifting the east gate, Feng ran away quickly, not even daring to say a harsh word.

"Damn! The Northwest Prison, usually they are quite majestic, but now it seems that they are all a bunch of cowards!"

"It will only bully us ordinary people, it should be hit!"

"Young Master Xiao is too kind, he should be killed directly."


"I wish you a smooth journey, but there are obstacles ahead. I hope I can see you next time." Helian Gege smiled maliciously.

"Hehe, wouldn't I be a widow if I don't see you?" Xiao Qiyue said with a dry smile.

"Bah! Dogs can't spit out ivory." Helian Gege blushed, thinking of the beautiful scene in the sea, he hurried away with his students as if flying away.

"Young Master Xiao, let's go on the road too." Mo Jie urged.

"Are you worried that Dongmen Wangtiansha will come back?" Xiao Qiyue smiled coldly.

"You have disabled the Dongmen style, he is the pride of the Dongmen family, hope. The road ahead is so dangerous, I hope God bless us to return to the main helm safely." Mo Jie looked worried.

"No one can stop us from moving forward!" Xiao Qiyue looked at the sky proudly, and sternly raised her hand to the sky, "Let's go!"

Qingxia Town Restaurant, Xiao Qiyue and his party were really tired after driving for a long time, so they decided to rest here.

"Hehehe, what a coincidence, you guys are coming to eat too?" As soon as they entered the lobby, they unexpectedly found an old acquaintance, he was Wei Jingyuan, the third housekeeper of the Luo family.

"We're passing by, and we'll leave after dinner." Mo Jie looked at it, nodded with a smile, and was about to ask Xiao Er to come over and arrange a table, but Wei Jingyuan invited him enthusiastically, "Mr. Catch Hou, my side is also empty, how about having a few drinks together? I just got a seabass, and there is only one in the store, so we just taste it together."

"No need, we don't drink, and we have to go on our way after eating." Xiao Qiyue had already felt a little crisis, because, beside Wei Jingyuan, there was a fierce-looking man sitting on a big horse with a golden sword, but he was paying attention Besides, the man was full of contempt in his anger.

I can be sure that I don't know him well, and I despise myself so much in my heart, there must be no good things.

"Young Master Xiao is not giving face?" Sure enough, the fierce man gave himself a cold look and hummed.

"Who is your Excellency? Why does Xiao want to give you face?" Xiao Qiyue was furious, as if she couldn't do it if she didn't listen to him.I'm not your Luo family, so naturally I don't give him a good face.

"Who am I? I am the third son of the Luo family!" Crack!Luo Laosan slapped the table, and the wine glasses jumped up.

Wei Jingyuan frowned involuntarily, and said to Luo Laosan, "The third master, Mr. Xiao is a distinguished guest of our Luo family. Mr. Xiao helped solve Luo Wei's case last time, so don't be rude."

"Third housekeeper, is he rude or I, Luo Zhitong, are rude?
Could it be that he is arrogant at me and I, Luo Laosan, have to accompany me with a smiling face?What about the first-class guest?It's not from our Luo family.

I hate the most that some people hold chicken feathers as arrows, and the guest is the guest. If you want to recognize the guest, who is the host and who is the guest. "Luo Zhitong said arrogantly.

"My young master is a benefactor of your Luo family, a distinguished guest, not a servant of your Luo family." Xiao Sen who was standing beside him had already become angry, and coldly persuaded him to go back.

A flash of spiritual light exploded, like brilliant fireworks blooming, the whole restaurant jumped violently, thump, thud, Xiao Sen was punched by Luo Zhitong so violently that he retreated seven or eight steps before stopping.

The one-meter-thick thick stones cracked one after another, leaving seven or eight footprints half a foot deep.

"It turns out that it's the third head of the Luo family. I'm so rude." Mo Jie saw it, and quickly smoothed things over.

Here, he quickly sent a voice transmission to Xiao Qiyue and said, "This person is a muddleheaded person, and his style of doing things is quite vigorous. He doesn't like to use his brain, but only likes to use his fists.

Moreover, it is powerful.He is the strongest person in the generation of the head of the Luo family except for the head of the Luo family, Luo Yidao.

Even if he takes the entire Luo family, his strength can still rank sixth in the family. "

"I know that his skill has reached the peak of the fifth-level spirit king, and he is a guy with super combat power, only slightly inferior to Dongmen Wangtian." Xiao Qiyue replied.

"So, it's not wise to confront him. This kind of person, as long as you are willing to give in, he will not bother you if he thinks he has face. At that time, let's leave after dinner, there is no need to make extra troubles." Mo Jie said.

"You think so, but others may not think so." Xiao Qiyue sneered.

"Do they have other goals?" Mo Jie's expression changed immediately when he heard that.

"There is no such coincidence in the world. If you guess correctly, they are waiting for us here." Xiao Qiyue said coldly.

"Why are they doing this?" Mo Jie was a little confused.

"Why, because they want to know the real mastermind behind killing Luo Wei." Xiao Qiyue said.
"This...is troublesome." Mo Jie was worried for a moment.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes and soil floods, what are you afraid of?" Xiao Qiyue said disdainfully.

"But we can't beat them at all, not to mention Luo Zhitong, just Wei Jingyuan is enough for us to drink a pot." Mo Jie said.

"Don't worry, let's see what tricks they play." Xiao Qiyue replied.

"Ask this kid to pour me wine, and after that, punish yourself with three glasses. Otherwise, don't blame me, Luo Zhitong, for being an idiot who doesn't understand those messy manners, just take it home and torture him." Luo Zhitong is really an idiot, It actually revealed the Luo family's purpose directly.

(End of this chapter)

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