God catch

Chapter 696 Princess Yuye

Chapter 696 Princess Yuye
"No, but the strength is not weak.

Moreover, it is probably because the big tree of six doors is too sharp.Therefore, it is difficult for the Ye family to stand out and be on par with Fang Tianyu's top ten families.

The chief rudder also knew that the Ye family felt wronged.

Therefore, after so many years, as long as the core interests of the six doors are not touched, the chief rudder will turn a blind eye and close his eyes.

Moreover, the door also gave a lot of compensation.

Even, a lot of land was awarded to the Ye family. "Mo Jie nodded.

"Hehe, it's hard to fill the gap." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"This..." Mo Jie couldn't speak.

"The Ye family seems to have plans to become king on their own." Xiao Qiyue pointed at the gate tower.

"Young Master Xiao is referring to the jade leaf logo? Well, it has been inlaid on the city gate for a long time. Young Master Xiao, you misunderstood." Mo Jie looked at it and shook his head.

"If I'm not mistaken, this jade leaf is the symbol of the Ye family. Moreover, this symbol should not have been inlaid on the tower for less than 100 years." Xiao Qiyue said, feeling that the water here is as deep as the sea.

"Sigh... I know I can't hide it from you, Mr. Xiao, that's true. Originally, there were only three words on the top of the jade leaf city. Later, a hundred years ago, a jade leaf was inlaid for the Ye family." Mo Jie sighed. .

"That's not enough, but every place in the city that represents power is inlaid with the Ye family's jade leaf logo. Our six-door site is almost becoming the land of the Ye family." Zhao Yi continued.

Isn't this the ancient version of fighting for independence?

It seems that the six doors are not peaceful.

"We are under the Deputy City Lord Mo Jie of Tiger Palm City. We pass by Yuye City and want to enter the city to fight for the top. Why do we need to check the token?" At this time, there was a quarrel in front of us.

Xiao Qiyue looked up and found that a group of men brought by Mo Jie had stopped outside the city gate, and all the fast-moving soldiers stationed at the city gate had a jade leaf logo embroidered on their sleeves.

Right now, Xiao Qiyue was a little surprised to find that all the arresting tokens representing the identities of the six doors had been modified.

There is also a jade leaf inlaid on the token, giving people the feeling that the six doors still have the Ye family in Yuye City as the core.

"Tiger's Palm City, hehe, this is Yuye City. Here, you all have to listen to our Ye family." A tall and thin man said arrogantly. Will.

"I'm Mo Jie, General Ye. I want to go to the city to rest." Mo Jie was also a little annoyed. He walked up to the tall and thin man and said with his head held high.

"Show the token!" Unexpectedly, Ye Biao asked stiffly without raising his eyes.

"Bold Ye Biao, what do you want to do if you see Master Chuhou and you are not polite?" Zhao Yi couldn't see it anymore, he stepped forward and shouted.

After all, the Marquis of Catchment beats the General of Catchment by one rank.It's like the county magistrate meeting the magistrate, if he doesn't show courtesy, he is provoking.

"What you want to do depends on your mood. Anyone who passes through Yuye City must be verified and approved by the Ye family before they can be released. Otherwise, they will be arrested and put in prison." Ye Biao was very tough.

"Are you going to eat the bear's heart and the leopard's guts?" Zhao Yi was completely enraged, and punched him.

The two directly punched each other, and both sides took a few big steps back in shock.

However, Ye Biao obviously suffered a dark loss, and his lips were still bloodshot.

"Foreign enemies are invading, level three combat readiness!" Ye Biao was furious, and shouted arrogantly as he pulled out his big golden knife.

A cyan flame flew out towards the city, and the dozens of Ye family guards guarding the city gate all raised their weapons and surrounded Mo Jie and his group like wolves and tigers.

"Captain Ye, what are you doing? We are our own people, when did we become enemies?" Mo Jie almost twisted his nose in anger, pointing at Ye Biao and asked loudly.

"That's right, General Ye, what do you mean? We belong to the same six doors, so why are we enemies?" Zhao Yi also turned black with anger.

"My lord, these six doors are quite complicated." Xiao Sen said via voice transmission.

"In the struggle for power, it's not surprising that father and son turn against each other, and brothers become enemies." Xiao Qiyue saw it clearly.

"My lord, why do I feel like I have something to do with us?" Xiao Sen said.

"You see it too? Tell me." Xiao Qiyue snorted.

"I was thinking, the four big catchers must not be very compatible.

In their eyes, son, you must belong to Xiang Dong's family of arresting kings.And Mo Jie escorted you back to the helm, and this matter is also related to the secrets of the six doors.

Once you have done meritorious service, son, wouldn't it mean that Xiang Chuwang's face will be radiant.

Naturally, the other three king hunters would not give him a good look.

In this way, they will definitely do something to prevent you from going to the helm.

Otherwise, for such a trivial matter as entering the city, why would the Ye family mobilize their troops so much that all plants and trees are soldiers.

It must be for you, Young Master, firstly to warn you not to get too close to Xiang Dong and his gang.

Secondly, it is also to show strength in front of you, to deter you, son.

There is another purpose, that is, if the young master can surrender to the Ye family, they will be even happier. "Xiao Sen analyzed.

"There's one more thing you didn't mention." Xiao Qiyue snorted coldly.

"And..." Xiao Sen touched his head.

"That's right! They want to know the secret in my hands, that's the key." A murderous look flashed across Xiao Qiyue's face.

"This Jade Leaf City has become a place of right and wrong, it's better not to enter the city, let's go around and forget it." Xiao Sen looked worried.

"I want to leave, but it's too late." Xiao Qiyue sneered.

Sure enough, the voice just fell.There was a gust of wind blowing in the city, and in just half a minute, several huge golden sculptures guarding a luxurious carriage landed in front of Xiao Qiyue and the others.

"I've seen Princess Yuye." Ye Biao and the others were overjoyed when they saw it, and quickly knelt down to pay homage to the carriage.

"Mo Jie, deputy city lord of Tiger Palm City, has seen Princess Yuye." Mo Jie had no choice but to bow slightly, leading all the arresters to salute.

"Marquis Mo, I haven't seen you for a few years, are you a little 'bloated'?" A cold female voice came from inside the carriage.

"Princess, why did you say such a thing? Momou is committed to his duty." Hearing this, Mo Jie frowned.

This Princess Yuye has no name and no role, and it is already enough face for her to see her as a dignified arrester.

I didn't expect her to be aggressive, it was too much.

"Duty, this princess hopes you can remember your 'duty'." Princess Yuye snorted, "By the way, who is that kid? Why don't you kneel when you see this princess?"

"Princess, he is Young Master Xiao Qiyue, from Da Chu, and I was ordered by the king to escort him back to the helm," Mo Jie said.

Secretly, it was transmitted to Xiao Qiyue and said, "Young Master Xiao, she is Princess Yuye. She is Ye Wenmei, the daughter of Ye Gufang, the current lord of Yuye City. This girl has always been aloof and arrogant. Please take care of me later. .”

"Bold! A country boy didn't kneel when he saw the princess, took it down, and hit a hundred killing sticks first." At this time, a middle-aged man standing beside the carriage pointed at Xiao Qiyue and suddenly shouted.

"Princess, Mr. Xiao is a guest of our Six Doors, absolutely not." Hearing this, Mo Jie became anxious.

"Guest, this Yuye City's surname is Ye. Seeing the princess not kneel down, that's a contempt for the Ye family, and openly looking down on the Ye family in Yuye City. I must have something wrong with our Ye family in my heart, waiting for an opportunity to commit crimes, take it down! Hit hard!" The middle-aged man shouted arrogantly.

"Marquis Mo, it doesn't matter if we don't enter Yuye City, let's change places to rest." Xiao Qiyue frowned.

"Bold! You are standing on the territory of Yuye City. If you don't kneel and kowtow three times today, it means that you don't have the Ye family in your eyes, and my Ye family can be killed on the spot." Ye Biao raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"Whoever wants to take Xiao's life, just let the horse come and take it!" The clay figurine was also somewhat angry, and originally didn't want to get involved in the power struggle within the six doors.

(End of this chapter)

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