God catch

Chapter 697

Chapter 697
Now it seems that it is impossible to get out of the matter.Xiao Qiyue took a step forward and stood at the gate of the city with her head held high.

"Smelly shit! Hit!" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, and immediately, more than a dozen masters of the Ye family rushed forward.

"Protect Mr. Xiao." Seeing that Mo Jie was in a hurry, he shouted, and dozens of arresters rushed forward with their swords drawn.

Behind the middle-aged man, the silent old man in black waved his hand, and a spirit wheel flew out.

clap la la...

The mighty spirit king's aura immediately turned Mo Jie's men upside down like a raging wave.

The spirit shadow fluttered, and the area of ​​several tens of feet instantly turned into a violent sea.

Mo Jie's subordinates were struggling in the 'sea', while Mo Jie himself was trapped by a spirit ring, and he had difficulty breathing as if he was choking on water and was about to drown.

And the middle-aged man beside the carriage sneered cruelly. He was looking at Xiao Qiyue, waiting for Xiao Qiyue to beg for mercy.

A few dragon chants came, and five dragons flew past.

clap clap clap...

A series of dragon claw hands slapped, even the cyan spirit wheel of the old man in black was slapped down to the ground.

In an instant, the 'sea' disappeared, and the waves formed by the spirit chakra dispersed.And the old man in black rolled his hands outward, trying to take back the spirit wheel.

It did, and the spirit wheel was ripped out of the ground.

However, the moment he approached the old man in black, the spirit wheel suddenly lost control.

It emitted a brilliant blue light, and when the old man in black saw it, his expression suddenly changed.

He tried to grab the spirit wheel with both hands, but Xiao Qiyue's violent energy was injected into the green wheel.

There was a horrible cracking sound mixed with the sound of zi la, the green wheel broke and was cut in half by the five dragon fans.

And all the scattered Qinglun Zhengang splashed on the old man, even though the old man moved his body immediately.

However, the incident happened suddenly, and he never thought that his famous weapon 'Qinglun Zhan' would be shattered, and instead became a sharp weapon to attack himself.

Immediately, the black robe was shattered into pieces, leaving seven or eight horrible blood grooves on the chest, and bones could be seen inside.

Immediately, all the onlookers gasped.

Especially the members of the Ye family in Yuye City, their shock can be imagined.

Because this old man is not from the Ye family.He is a master hired by the Ye family, nicknamed 'Qinglun' and named 'Wu Gou'.

Usually, this old man has been by Princess Yuye's side.

Although it was stated that he was just a bodyguard on the surface, none of the Ye family dared to despise him.

And this old man seldom made a move, and was enshrined like a god in the Ye family.

But at this moment, the 'myth' of the Ye family was broken.That tall bodyguard was vulnerable in the hands of this young man.

In fact, Wu Gou is not that useless.However, he underestimated the enemy too much.

Coupled with the fact that the Ye family has been supporting him all the time, and the masters of the Six Doors are courting him in front of Ye Chuwang, naturally, his heart has already swelled.

Now that the boat capsized in the gutter, Wu Gou's mood can be imagined.

"Old Qing, use this 'Love Slashing Knife' to teach him a good lesson for me." At this time, the curtain of the carriage was raised, revealing the magnificent Princess Yuye Ye Wenmei, who was so flamboyant that she shocked the world. The boy's face was sprayed with nosebleeds.

Ye Wenmei is worthy of being the six beauties of Fangtian Island back then, not only inheriting the elegant demeanor of the catcher Ye Qiufeng, but also inheriting the unrivaled beauty.

Word down!

Ye Wenmei threw a 'leather ring' from the carriage towards Wu Gou.

"Young Master Xiao, don't underestimate that leather ring, it is the 'Love Slashing Knife', the legendary weapon of King Ye Chuu back then.

This knife can be extended in circles, and even can be divided into several parts.When they are separated, they are magic weapons, and when they are integrated, they can cut emotions and kill lives.

Moreover, it is good at disturbing your mood, attracting your emotions, and making you fall into the lingering old love and cannot extricate yourself.

It is said that Ye Qiufeng, the arresting king, was troubled by love when he was young. Later, after 30 years of sharpening his knife, he sharpened his leather belt into a love knife.

Moreover, it is not a whetstone or a casting furnace that sharpens it.It was tempered by Ye Chuwang's love.

This is a knife that kills people without blood, a magic knife that makes you not know how to die.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wenmei was so favored that she got the ancestor's magical weapon.

With Wu Gou's sword to help, he is like a tiger with wings added. It is better for Young Master Xiao to escape from afar.

As for other things, it is expected that the Ye family will not really kill us. "Mo Jie quickly came over via voice transmission.

"Emotional resonance is effective. Hehe, this knife is silent and affectionate. However, it would be a waste to use it for Wu Gou." Xiao Qiyue was unmoved, and responded with a light smile.

"Young Master Xiao, you'd better leave quickly. Although Wu Gou can't fully understand the feeling of catching a king, but a little fur is enough." Mo Jie was in a hurry.

"Don't worry, he has the Love Severing Knife, don't I have the Five Dragon Fan in my hand?" Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"This... this..." Mo Jie lost his temper all of a sudden, Xiao Qiyue made sense.

The five-dragon fan used to capture Wang Xiangdong is also a unique skill. It depends on the skill of the swordsman.

"Wu Gou's strength is not enough to make Fan Dongli, and the Ye family spent a lot of money to win him over." Mo Jie was still worried.

"Xiao Qiyue, you have a five-dragon fan, and I'll give Wu Gou a sword to cut love, isn't that fair?" At this time, Ye Wenmei asked with a playful look on her face.

"Fair!" Xiao Qiyue nodded with a flat expression.

"Okay! This princess will be a witness. Whether the Five Dragon Fan is stronger or our Ye Family's Love Severing Knife is sharper, let's wait and see." Ye Wenmei laughed.

Xiao Qiyue was taken aback for a moment and understood.

I dare say that there is another meaning in it, which represents the two big battles to catch the king.

Now that she couldn't get away, Xiao Qiyue relaxed, and laughed loudly, "Miss Ye, I'm afraid you won't be able to do what you want."

"This princess is also going to tell you this." Ye Wenmei raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiao Qiyue provocatively.

"Xiao Mousheng, I want to live in your boudoir tonight!" Xiao Qiyue was suddenly majestic and full of style.

"Bold bastard, how dare you say such dirty words?" The middle-aged man was almost dizzy, and pointed at Xiao Qiyue with a cannibalistic face.

"Hehehe, Tianyang, don't worry." Ye Wenmei was able to hold her breath, waved her hand at the middle-aged man, and smiled at Xiao Qiyue, "Okay! As you wish!
However, if you lose, you will be a servant of my Ye family.

Moreover, life after life is a slave, I, Ye Wenmei's dedicated slave.

Xiao Qiyue, do you still dare to live in my boudoir? "

"Young Master Xiao, we still have something to do at the helm. We just need to discuss and learn from each other. There is no need to fight to the death." Mo Jie knew that Ye Wenmei wanted to play tricks to Xiao Qiyue, and he became anxious immediately.

After all, this bet is too big, and it is a lifetime bet.

Moreover, the Ye family must not be cheap.

Although Mo Jie wasn't from Wang Xiangdong's family, he didn't want to see the Ye family become more powerful, and there was no way out.

Because, if Tiger Palm City wants to enter the core of the six gates, it has to pass through Jade Leaf City.

Every time he raises his eyebrows and raises his eyes, it seems that this Yuye City belongs to the Ye family, and many arresters have already had enough.

In this way, it is always uncomfortable to have the Ye family guarding the gate.

"Slave dog, your boss hasn't spoken yet. When is it your turn to speak? Shut up for me, the princess. If you keep talking, I will kill you!" Sure enough, Ye Wenmei suddenly became angry and cursed directly.

Mo Jie was scolded, but he didn't dare to talk back, and stayed on the spot blushing.

The Ye family is too powerful to be offended.

"Is it just a boudoir without someone to accompany you? Miss Ye, do you understand what I mean?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

(End of this chapter)

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