God catch

Chapter 718 Do something

Chapter 718 Do something

"Cut!" Xiao Sen pinched his nose, apparently not believing it.

"Alas..." Mo Jie was also a little frustrated, after all, rank nine is too difficult.

Those are all people who can enter the top ranks of the Medicine League. The Fangtian Medicine League has a larger spread than any sect or country, and it includes all the pharmacists in Fang Tianyu.

In terms of the number of warriors at the spirit king level, it is estimated that no one power can match them.

Of course, Fang Tianyao's alliance is not striving for hegemony.No force insists on fighting to the death with them.

Therefore, their strengths are quite vague, and even the Royal Academy has not estimated their true strength.

In the blink of an eye, the next day came, and until noon, the six doors remained silent.

Xiao Qiyue meditated patiently and practiced without even eating.

After waiting for another day, there was still no movement.

"I won't practice today, let's go to dinner." Xiao Qiyue decided to do something.Otherwise, it's not a problem to keep the six doors in the sun.

"Can I have a private room?" Xiao Sen rushed to Cai Fei, the envoy who led the way, as soon as he entered the lobby.

"No need, no need, let's just eat in the hall." Mo Jie quickly shook his head and said.

"My lord likes to be quiet, and there are many messes in the hall." Xiao Sen said.

Immediately, it attracted the attention of the diners in the hall.

However, Xiao Qiyue found that [-]% of the diners looked at her group with contempt.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue was also taken aback.

Damn, there are quite a few strong people among these guys, there are actually five or six spirit kings at the sixth or seventh level.And the ones below seem to be all the family members or guards of these guys.

It seems that what Mo Jie said is right, the six courtyards are indeed magnificent.

"Who is your son?" One of them, a big horse with a golden knife, monopolized a table, and the middle-aged guy with a beard looked at Xiao Sen frivolously.

"Myself!" Xiao Qiyue looked at him.

"Hahaha, boy, you can go into the box as long as you can beat me." The bearded guy laughed wildly three times.

"Hit and hit, who is afraid of whom?" Xiao Sen took a step forward.

"You're too weak, Lord Tiger, I'm not interested." Master Tiger shook his head with contempt on his face.

Xiao Sen suddenly went into a rage, and punched him with an aura of inspiration.

The aura exploded.

Deng Deng Deng!
Xiao Sen retreated three steps in a row, and finally sat on the ground with his buttocks. His whole body felt numb, as if falling apart, and he couldn't even get up.

"The jumping beam clown dares to go upstairs to eat, bah!" Master Hu took a bite to the ground, a chicken bone flew out, there was a crackling sound outside, and a dozen trees were immediately topped off.

"Duan Biaotou, this is Six Fan Courtyard." Cai Fei said hastily.

"Don't worry, I'll ask someone to move some bigger pine trees tomorrow, it's sure to look better than the current one." Duan Biaotou looked like a gentleman who was not short of money.

"Hehehe, Escort Duan is really brave, Xiao Sen, get up, let's go eat." Xiao Qiyue stomped his feet on the ground, the floor shook, and Xiao Sen felt relaxed all over, and jumped up.

He understood, the reason is that he was pinned to the floor by Duan Escort with dark force, and he couldn't even get up.

What strength is this guy?
"Young Master Xiao, stay a step!" Seeing that Xiao Qiyue was about to go upstairs, Cai Fei was in a hurry, and hurried up to stop him.

"Why, you're not allowed to go upstairs?" Xiao Qiyue asked deliberately stupidly.

"Young man, I think you just came here, right? This upstairs is only qualified for spirit kings at the eighth or ninth level." A kind person reminded.

"The ones from the countryside really don't know the rules. Do you really think that being a toubob in the countryside can be the king?" Duan Biaotou sneered.

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

A series of flashes of inspiration projected that hunchback fists rained down on Duan Biaotou.

The guy was caught off guard for a moment and was beaten to the ground, in a panic.

In the end, Xiao Qiyue kicked and smashed several tables, pouring wine and broth all over her body.

Suddenly, the whole hall was dumbfounded.

It's too fierce, you know, Duan Escort is also a sixth-level spirit king.

Just like being beaten to the ground like a gourd, that's OK!
Moreover, the assailant was still a young man.

Although that kid was engaging in a sneak attack, at least he had to be a fifth-level spirit king to be eligible for a successful sneak attack.

Such a young fifth-level spirit king is amazingly talented.At this moment, Xiao Qiyue's tall image was established.

This kind of person is definitely sent by a certain big family or sect.

"Where does Mr. Xiao come from?" No, someone came to make friends right away.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, if Chief Duan wants to cause trouble again, the old man will not agree." What's more, a seventh-level spirit king also opened his mouth.

Duan Biaotou, who was thinking of retaliation, turned black in an instant.How can he avenge this revenge?
A big fist is the last word!
"Thank you, I'm hungry, let's eat first." Xiao Qiyue clasped her fists and was about to go upstairs.

"Young Master Xiao, although you leveled Duan's head, you still can't go upstairs." Cai Fei said quickly.

"Is this enough?" Xiao Qiyue pulled out the Five Dragon Fan and opened it.

"You are Mr. Xiao Qiyue?" someone blurted out.

Because there is only one Five Dragon Fan, and it is rumored that it is in Xiao Qiyue's hands.

"Sorry, unless the prince is here." Cai Fei still shook his head and refused to let him go.

It seems that we have to make things bigger.

"What about this?" With a clattering sound, an iron chain flew out and hung on the stairs like a long snake.

"Well, I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean, Mr. Xiao?" Cai Fei looked puzzled, because he didn't know the goods, and thought it was just an ordinary Zhengtian chain?I can't see anything special about Zhuge Yong's treasure chain.

However, Xiao Qiyue was able to take out the five-dragon fan, so the chain probably has something to do with it.

Therefore, it is much more polite than before.

Meeting such a silly master B, Xiao Qiyue was really speechless.

"Well, since there is no one who knows the goods, Xiao will go to eat in a restaurant outside." After Xiao Qiyue finished speaking, she put away the chain and turned to leave.

"Think you're really a character?"

"Hehe, I really think that I am an eighth-level and ninth-level spirit king."

"Young and frivolous, you are not afraid of the sky and the earth."

"So what about the third place on the Qinglong list? Those who can make it to the top are the top 100 figures on the Fengyun list. They are the real masters of Fang Tianyu, the real people. The Qinglong list is just a place for a group of young people to play around."

Naturally, several dissonant boos came from my ears.

"The third place on the Qinglong list is nothing, but I would like to ask a few questions, have you ever won the third place on the Qinglong list?" Xiao Qiyue turned around suddenly, her cold eyes gliding over every gossiping guy.

"You go upstairs to eat if you have the guts, and you specialize in sneak attacks, what are you talking about?" Duan Hengshan sneered with a swollen face.

"That's right, if you have the ability, please come into the box, we will convince you." The other gossipers took the opportunity to boo.

"Go up... go up..."

"Do you have the guts to go up?"

"This is the lobby of the Six Fan Courtyard, even if you give him ten guts!"

For a while, the gossiper gained the upper hand.

"Come here to be in charge. If I don't come out, I will auction off this 'seal'." Xiao Qiyue fumbled in his pocket and took out Zhuge Yong's seal of catching the emperor.

"Hold on, Mr. Xiao." As soon as the words finished, an old man finally forced out from the back hall.Xiao Qiyue glanced at it, and suddenly felt a little strange.

Because, the old man actually looks a bit like Zhuge Yong.

The power of the blood was shattered, and the Karma Eyes slid across the old man's body.

It is certain that this person is probably the N-generation descendant of Zhuge Yong.

Because, the concentration of Zhuge family blood in the old man's body is still quite high.Maybe he is still a direct descendant of the current generation of the Zhuge family.

After all, the farther the branch tribes are separated, the farther they are from the main bloodline, and the more mottled the power of the bloodline.

(End of this chapter)

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