God catch

Chapter 719

Chapter 719
The reason why warriors flock to the blood of the true spirit is because the blood of the true spirit contains powerful and pure ancestral veins.

"What are you calling me for? Do you want to take a picture of this seal?" Xiao Qiyue deliberately danced the seal in front of the old man and put it away.

"I, Zhuge Jin, will be the head of the Six-Fan Courtyard. Please forgive me for the poor reception you received just now." After Zhuge Jin finished speaking, he extended his hand to the second floor with a smile and said, "Young Master Xiao , please go upstairs."

"Uh uh, Principal Zhuge, how can this kid be qualified to go to the second floor?" Duan Hengshan asked dissatisfied.

"Yes, is he an eighth-level spirit king?"

"This is simply opening the back door, Master Zhuge, did you decide the rules?"

For a while, the few chatterers and Duan Hengshan huddled together, and jointly attacked Zhuge Jin.

"Hehehe, the owner of this courtyard really has this privilege. Cai Fei, tell them the rules of the Six Fan Academy." Zhuge Jin smiled skillfully.

"The rules of the six doors, for the head of the six doors, one of the privileges is that he can invite distinguished guests who he thinks are worthy of going to the second floor box for dinner, and others have no right to interfere.

It can even be confessed that there will be a feast of dragon and phoenix in the kitchen.

Of course, this privilege is only available once a year.

If it exceeds, it is a violation of the gate rules and will be severely punished. "Cai Fei answered in a resounding recitation style.

"Well, it makes sense to open the back door."

"What kind of bullshit privilege is simply messing around."

A few guys vented a few words, but there was nothing they could do.

"You guys, how did you talk just now?" Xiao Sen suddenly gained momentum.

"Why are we talking, boy, do you want to fight?" Duan Biaotou stared at Xiao Sen with a fierce expression on his face.

"Didn't you say that my son was convinced when he went upstairs to eat, did you say that?" Xiao Sen's chest straightened up, very pleased.

"This old man is not deaf." A seventh-level spirit king testified.

Duan Biaotou and his group looked at it, and could only nod helplessly to admit that it happened.

"Hehe, be careful next time, don't yell nonsense. Principal Zhuge, let's go upstairs." Xiao Qiyue raised her hair and taught a few guys a lesson. It was really cool.

"Young man, you have to be happy in life. However, if you can beat the old man and go upstairs, then you are the real winner in life." The seventh-level spirit king who testified just now said with a smile.

This seems to be warning Xiao Qiyue not to be complacent.

And, people are right.I am level seven, you must be an eighth level spirit king if you can beat it, so you are naturally qualified to go up.

"Senior, how can I defeat you, kid? At least, in another 1000 years, I hope I can live that long." Xiao Qiyue smiled, and the old man felt it immediately, touched his beard, and smiled, "Xiao Qiyue Young master, you are really cunning. However, I like the old man 'Qian Li Xiao'. If there is something to do, I will 'know heaven at a glance'."

"Ah, it's the hall master of 'Qian Xiaosheng', I'm so rude." Zhuge Jin hurried forward and clasped his fists when he heard this.

Although the two are quite equal in strength, Qian Xiaosheng is the master of the six fan kingdoms on Tiandao who knows heaven at a glance.

He knew half of what happened in Fangtian Island.

This kind of person can't be offended, otherwise, if someone stabs your 'evidence' behind your back, you won't be able to afford it.

After all, in this world, who can guarantee that someone will be caught without any 'handle'?

"If you want it, you must visit it when you have time." Xiao Qiyue needed him even more.

Because, the father's affairs need to know Tiantian's vast information network at a glance.

However, this person has always been mysterious, and he has never been seen in person.

"Hehehe, how many people in the world will know about a generation of emperor catchers? Farewell!" Qian Xiaosheng laughed three times, swayed his body, and walked away through the wall.

'Knowing Heaven at a Glance' is really powerful, it actually knows the origin of the Zhengtian chain in my hand.

It seems that Qian Xiaosheng is also showing himself the power of knowing heaven at a glance.

"Young Master Xiao, I...I want to see that chain." As soon as he entered the box, Zhuge Jin was a little excited.

"Whatever you want." Xiao Qiyue took it out generously and put it on the table.

Zhuge Jin touched the upright sky chain with his hands, and the sea of ​​popularity was stirring up waves.

His hands trembled a little, his popularity fluctuated, and even a hint of greed was revealed.

However, in the end, he calmed down and returned the chain to Xiao Qiyue.

"Master Xiao, can you resell this chain to me?" Zhuge Jin asked.

"Do you want to buy it?" Xiao Qiyue had already seen through his mind. As a junior, of course he wanted to get back the things of his ancestors.

"Young Master Xiao can put forward your requirements, panacea, spirit stones, beauties of fragrant cars, and other rare treasures. Even, even give you a decent position in the six doors." Zhuge Jin showed his cards. up.

"This matter can be discussed, but what kind of position can you help me get?" Xiao Qiyue wanted to see the energy of Zhuge's family today.

"If Mr. Xiao is sincere, I can introduce you to the Patriarch." Zhuge Jin said.

"I understand, your family should be one of the four great catchers, the Zhuge family of Zhengtian Chuanfang, the master of the first generation 'Zhuge Yinyue'" Xiao Qiyue said.

"Young Master Xiao has also heard about it." Zhuge Jin looked calm, as if he hadn't heard that it was abnormal.

"However, I don't understand. Why do you insist on moving to the boat when the good Zhuge's mansion can't be moved?" Xiao Qiyue became curious.

"Sigh... It's hard to say. When you meet the Patriarch and close the deal, if you can become friends, the Patriarch will tell you." Zhuge Jin is unwilling to say, because this is a secret of Zhuge's family.

"Believe me, we can definitely become friends." Xiao Qiyue nodded confidently.

Because Zhuge Yong's head is still preserved in the Qiankun bag, so he is still the benefactor of Zhuge's family.

Of course, Zhuge Jin didn't know about these things, so the popularity was naturally quite suspicious.

After eating and opening the box, Xiao Qiyue just walked down the stairs, a short middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper, well-dressed, and looked rich stood up immediately and walked towards Xiao Qiyue. Asked, "Your Excellency is Xiao Qiyue?"

"Huh? What's the matter with you?" Seeing that the other party was not polite at all, Xiao Qiyue naturally stopped being polite to him.

"I am Che Qingyun, the manager of the 'Green Castle', and I am here to give away the Lingshi by the order of the owner." Che Qingyun said as he handed Xiao Qiyue a space bag and said, "Two hundred pieces, one is not a lot, please check it .”

"Well, just enough." Xiao Qiyue glanced at it and nodded.

Because, he is quite unimpressed with this guy.

Green-browed Eagle King Che Xiangdong had lost face in the Banner Mansion. Naturally, the chief steward of the mansion was angry.

On the surface, he was arrogant and aggressive, but there was a hint of murderousness in his popularity.

For the person who wanted to kill her, Xiao Qiyue naturally didn't have a good face to show him.

"Just enough, Mr. Xiao, you have a lot of appetite." Sure enough, Che Qingyun raised his eyebrows and immediately became angry.Thinking that Tangtang Che's family was actually extorted by this kid for a large amount of Lingshi, he felt very angry.

After all, Lingshi is too difficult to get, there is a price but no market.

The Che family also prepared for three days before they could make enough. To put it bluntly, they even sold part of their ancestral property in exchange for it.

This face is bound to find a chance to earn it back.

"Eating with my ability. I solved the case of Che Jixiong's disappearance. The Che family paid me. This is what I should do. Is it true that Che Jixiong is not worth the price?" Xiao Qiyue responded lightly, and did not take Che Qingyun at all. The sixth-level spirit king takes it seriously.

"Of course our son of the Che family is far beyond this price tag. It cannot be measured by spirit stones. Mr. Che is priceless." Che Qingyun looked proud, as if the Che family members were masters, and all of them were treasures. .

(End of this chapter)

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