God catch

Chapter 801 Opening the Level 1 Secret Vault

Chapter 801 Opening the Level [-] Secret Vault

"We also want to, but it's beyond our reach. The point is, it's too difficult to go from inside to outside the region." Ma Long actually showed a trace of fear on his face.

"Is it so scary outside the territory?" Xiao Qiyue was taken aback, but she didn't expect this.

"Isn't it scary outside the territory? We don't know, but the way to go outside the territory is too scary.

Because, there are several dangerous places to pass from the inside to the outside.

For example, Zhanshen Valley, that valley is like a chasm-like crack that separates the inside from the outside.

Even the strong in the Divine Aperture Realm will perish in the past.It is said that it is difficult to say whether the strong in the split state can survive.

Thousands of years ago, there were warriors who went there, but there were a lot of powerful warriors at that time.

In the past 1000 years or so, it has failed. Our Fang Tianyu's martial arts has gradually declined, and we don't know what caused it. It must have something to do with the aura of heaven and earth.

Therefore, there are very few warriors outside the territory, and we have never heard of them.

Perhaps, however, people will not come back when they go.

Even if some came back, we don’t know if people don’t tell them.

As early as a thousand years ago, the ancestors of the six doors all thought of expanding their business outside the domain. For this reason, they also set up a domain exploration team. As a result, the entire army was wiped out, and no one came back.

Others said that this matter had something to do with Wu Wang Miqiuhe, and it was his deliberate intention to protect the territory from foreign aggression.

Only then did he use Fang Tian's painted halberd to cut out Zhanshen Valley, just like this Fang Tianjiang.

It's just that Zhanshen Valley is much more terrifying than Fang Tianjiang.Thousands of years ago, several overlords fought for hegemony, and martial arts declined afterwards.

Others said that it was because of the intervention of strong outsiders and so on.

Anyway, there are different opinions, and there is no credibility for the messy ones. said Malone.

"Are there any related extraterritorial records in the secret vault?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"My subordinates don't know." Ma Long shook his head.

"Open the first-level secret vault." Xiao Qiyue knew that she couldn't find anything if she asked again, so she just went to find it by herself.

"Level one?" Malone was taken aback for a moment.

"Isn't this enough?" Xiao Qiyue threw out the sect master's token.

"Okay, let me ask for instructions." Ma Long glanced at it, hesitated for a moment and nodded.Then send out a rune message.

Knowing that just having this token is not enough, this matter must be approved by Luo Jia Beixiong.

Soon, Fu Xun turned around, Ma Long nodded, and led Xiao Qiyue to open the array of organs, and finally stopped in front of a bronze gate.

The gate master's order, the hall master's key, and the soul imprint of Fu Xun just now have to be added to open this door.

After Xiao Qiyue entered, the door closed automatically.

The volumes of books inside are all covered in crystal covers, and Xiao Qiyue can only be opened by pressing the door master's order and Fu Xun.

Use the causal net to scan comprehensively, memorize them first, and then slowly digest them when you go back.

Xiao Qiyue flipped through the volumes, but stopped when she came across the case of King Zhan.

It turns out that the case of the King of War here is recorded in more detail.

In it, there is actually the autographed record of Zhuge Yong, Ou Lian and the old sect master at that time 'Vulcan Emperor Longqiu':
Jiang Ziqiu's case is full of doubts, which may involve Wulin State.

Because, Wu Linguo suspects that the six doors have a major secret, and this secret is related to the struggle for hegemony of several major hegemons back then.

Therefore, let's start with the war king Jiang Ziqiu.

They want to completely destroy the six doors and replace them, to further find out the secret.

And Jiang Ziqiu was the most powerful among the six sects back then, and solving him would be equivalent to weakening the strength of the six sects by [-]%.

According to the comprehensive investigation, the clues point to the Daxia League.

In order to find out this matter, the six doors made some necessary preparations.

The records stopped abruptly, and there was no specific record of what kind of preparations the six doors had made.

With no head and no tail, Xiao Qiyue felt uncomfortable like a cat scratching.

This guy's heart moved, since the Karma Eye has the ability to deduce the cause and effect "past and present" forward after upgrading, why not use it to deduce it?
And this secret record has the soul imprints of the three people, but Zhuge Yong and the old sect master Di Longqiu are both dead, so the soul imprints should all disappear.

It is estimated that only the mark of Ou Lian still remains.

Xiao Qiyue decided to start with Ou Lian.

So, he walked cross-legged, adjusted his energy and energy to the best state, and then looked directly at Ou Lian's mark.

At the moment of Karma, Ou Lian really had nothing to hide and showed her true colors. Xiao Qiyue almost dropped her jaw when she saw it.

Because, Ou Lian has changed a lot, she is not the image of Ou Shishi in Fang Tian Qi Fang.

And the one who replaced her was an old woman who looked a little like Ou Zhan Fangtian, but she looked sick and dying, so she still had the potential to catch the emperor?

what happened?

Could it be that Ou Lian hidden in Ou Zhanfang's seal of arresting the emperor is not the real Ou Lian, but Ou Shishi from Fang Tianqi Workshop?

And I originally speculated that because Ou Lian is Ou Shishi, even Ou Yuanyuan with Fangtian Qifang and Fangtian Academy belonged to Ou Lian's gang.

Moreover, it is another branch that is not in line with the Ou family in Wulin Kingdom.

It's all messed up now.

Could it be that Ou Lian's family has been controlled by the Wulin Kingdom, Ou Shishi broke into the interior, and Ou Zhan Fang Tian didn't even know about it?
Now it's time to play big.

Doesn't that mean that Ou Lian is dead?
However, Luo Jia Beixiong said that Olian was not dead yet.

That's right, it's possible that Ou Lian was controlled by Ou Lian, leaving only one breath to be replaced, but Ou Lian has been using Ou Lian's name to deceive the six doors.

Xiao Qiyue decided not to 'deduce' Ou Lian for now, because she was afraid of causing Ou Shishi's soul to be shaken and startled the snake.

Therefore, the causal net was placed on Zhuge Yong's soul imprint.

Immediately, I was stunned again, fuck it!
Zhuge Yong's soul imprint has not disappeared yet, what is the situation?
He is also alive.

Paralyzed, did this old guy lie to himself?
Then this old guy must have a conspiracy.

Xiao Qiyue was so angry that she decided to take a risk and deduce it.

The causal line is stretched, trying to push Zhuge Yong's soul imprint forward. Once a ray of light extends outside the gray soul imprint, it means success.

I see!
With a flash of brilliance, another circle of light appeared outside Zhuge Yong's gray circle, which was cyan, and inside it appeared some of Zhuge Yong's things like a 3D image.

However, Xiao Qiyue was quite shocked.What I saw was what Zhuge Yong said before he was alive, that he fell into the trap of the Wulin Kingdom and went to Qixing Lake to investigate the Zhanwang case.

There will be no more after that, because this soul imprint is Zhuge Yong's memory before he went to Qixing Lake.

It seems that the causal eye can only deduce "the past life and the past life" but not the "behind the present life".

For another, Xiao Qiyue focused on the old sect master 'Di Longqiu'.

This person is also Luo Jia Beixiong's savior, and he is the one who passed on the title of sect master to Luo Jia Beixiong.

Xiao Qiyue first bowed to this soul imprint, performed a junior salute, and then began to deduce it.

However, the imprint was covered with ashes, and there was no movement at all.

It's over, he's completely dead.

As the head of the sect, this person definitely knows more secrets than the two big catchers.

Xiao Qiyue didn't give up, so she closed the door and went straight to Luo Jia Beixiong.

"Worshiping the old sect master?" Loga Beixiong was stunned for a moment, and said, "I have already checked the Ye family you mentioned, and it seems to be from outside the territory."

"Has the sect master ever been outside the territory?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"No!" Loga Beixiong shook his head.

"The old sect master should have been outside the territory." Xiao Qiyue asked.

"He didn't mention outside the domain, could it be that this is the purpose of your worship to the old sect master?" Loga Beixiong reacted, "However, he has already ascended to heaven, so it is useless for you to worship."

(End of this chapter)

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