God catch

Chapter 802

Chapter 802

"The heroic feats of the old sect master shocked the entire Fang Tianyu. It is said that he participated in the 'Bai Ling War' back then, so I want to pay homage to him." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Oh, that's right.

Back then, when hundreds of spirit kings joined forces, my old master of the six sects killed thirty spirit kings by himself, wounded thirty or so, and the remaining twenty were scared to shit and ran away.

This battle is also hailed as a battle between righteousness and evil, where righteousness prevails in the world, how can the evil and crooked ways be vulnerable? " Luo Jia Beixiong stroked his beard and smiled, this flattery was quite useful, Luo Jia Beixiong thought for a while and said, "Come with me. "

Soon, the two turned into the mysterious Tiankeng tomb again.

Luo Jia Beixiong stopped in front of a statue of a middle-aged man who looked like Guan Gong. The man actually had a small football-shaped mole between his eyebrows.

"The God of Vulcan is really extraordinary. This should be his eyes." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Well, back then, the fire that spewed out between the eyebrows of the old sect master could burn down a mountain, making even the great alchemists of more than a dozen ranks feel inferior.

Therefore, outsiders gave him the title of 'Vulcan'. "Loga Beixiong said.

"God of Fire, boy Xiao Qiyue is being polite. I am an alchemist, if I can inherit your Fire Eye, it will be more perfect." Xiao Qiyue immediately knelt down on both knees, kneeling three times and prostrating nine times devoutly.

"Your ambition is not small, but it's a pity that the old sect master has passed away. Otherwise, maybe I will reward you with a fire and send you to heaven." Luo Jia Beixiong couldn't help but laughed and cursed.

Soon, Loga Beixiong was taken aback.Because, Xiao Qiyue has been kneeling motionless, as if in trance.

"What are you doing here, boy?"

"Suddenly I realized something, sect master, can you allow me to sit down and understand something." Xiao Qiyue looked serious.

"I really have a feeling, well, just sit down." Luo Jia Beixiong couldn't decide whether there was a 'yes' or a 'no' in this kind of thing, so he could only accompany him.

After all, the souls of the past sect masters and famous arresters of the six sects rest here, and the sect masters have the responsibility to protect them from destruction.

Even if there are no bones left, not even ashes.

However, an empty box with a man-made statue is also a symbol.

It's just that Luo Jia Beixiong never dreamed that Xiao Qiyue was peeping and harassing the ancestors.

The net of karma quietly covered the statue of the old sect master 'Di Longqiu'.

For a long time, I didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of the soul.

Is it really dead?
How could the strong men of the 'Bailing War' be completely exterminated, without leaving even a little bit of remnant soul behind.

Xiao Qiyue scolded her mother in her heart.

People are dead, no matter how powerful the causal eye is, it will lose the basis for further deduction.

It's like being a master of decoration, you can't even build a building, and no matter how high your decoration level is, you can't show your level.

Just when Xiao Qiyue was about to cough a few times, trying to pretend to trick Luo Jia Beixiong and leave.

The word 'Witch' on the arm suddenly popped up a gray causal line straight into Di Longqiu's third eye - the fiery eye between the brows.

Xiao Qiyue seemed to hear the sound of the match head being lit, and her causal eye jumped, and found that Di Longqiu's third eye was originally gray and plain, but now there was a tinge of heat.

A spark the size of a hair appeared.

Don't kill it...

Xiao Qiyue yelled in her heart, covered up cause and effect, and moved forward.

Sure enough, there is a secret:
Back then, because of the death of the war king Jiang Ziqiu, Di Longqiu synthesized the information obtained from various investigations, and he suspected Daxiameng.

But the Heroes League is too powerful, it is Fang Tianyu's most powerful alliance at present, even a group of ten six sects can't defeat a Heroes League.

If you go directly to check, how can they let you check?

Maybe there will be a sect war, and in the end, the end of waiting for the six doors is to be wiped out.

Di Longqiu was unwilling to let it go.

He is also a hero with great determination, so he made a very tragic decision.

When his own skill has not yet reached the 'separation state' and he cannot independently separate the clone, he abruptly released his primordial spirit, separated the five primordial spirits, and embraced the failure to become benevolent. He made up his mind to seize the body of a young man named 'Yang Xiao' whom he found from the Daxia League in advance.

Of course, beforehand, Di Longqiu had been investigating for a long time before choosing Yang Xiao.

Because, Yang Xiao's blood, physical condition, and other aspects of the situation are more suitable for him to use the "primordial spirit seizing soul method".

It's just that the success rate of this 'spiritual soul seizing method' is extremely low, if a thousand people use this method, one success is not bad.

Moreover, if the seizure of the body is unsuccessful, it will end in a tragic ending where the soul will disappear and the body will not enter reincarnation.

As a result, even those strong people in the Divine Aperture Realm whose lifespan is approaching and who are about to die are not willing to use this method to seize their rebirth.

After all, even if they die, they still have the chance to reincarnate.

However, Di Longqiu was lucky. With his determination not to fear death, he actually defeated the god of death and successfully seized his body.

It's just that, although Yang Xiao meets the conditions of Di Longqiu Duo Body in all aspects, he is not very well-developed, and his talent for cultivation is not high, so this guy is in his early thirties and has not yet mixed up. What's the name.

Fortunately, the genius Di Longqiu was replaced in his head, coupled with the financial support of the Six Doors, a few years later, Yang Xiao came forward and gained the reputation of Xiaoxia.

However, it is still very far away from the power core of the Daxia League.

Di Longqiu could only think of ways to improve Yang Xiao's strength, while taking advantage of the Hero League's loopholes to speed up Yang Xiao's approach to the core of power.

The good times didn't last long. Just 30 years ago, the main body of Emperor Longqiu, supported by only two primordial spirits, suffered a heavy blow.

At that time, during the "Bai Ling War", a Zheng family spirit king named "Zheng Yang" also died in that battle.

Unexpectedly, decades later, Zheng Yang's son, Zheng Biao, unexpectedly earned the title of "butcher".

Not long after, he joined the Heroes League, and made great strides all the way, breaking into the power core of the Heroes League in just 20 years.

Ranked eighth among the Ten Heroes, Zheng Biao wanted to avenge his father and directly challenged Emperor Longqiu, who was still the master of the six sects at the time.

Knowing that he was invincible, in order to defend the dignity of the six gates, Emperor Longqiu died tragically.

Moreover, even at the time of death, a bureau was laid.

After being wounded by Zheng Biao, Yang Xiao secretly took the opportunity to stab Emperor Longqiu's heart with a sword, and a generation of masters fell.

Although Yang Xiao said he acted secretly, he revealed a little flaw to Zheng Biao, and since then, he has been recognized by Zheng Biao.

Under the leadership of Zheng Biao, he has also advanced all the way, getting closer and closer to the core of power of the Daxia League.

Moreover, Di Longqiu also completed a bold plan by doing such a thing, that is, before he died, he used Yang Xiao's sword to escape the two primordial spirits in his body into Yang Xiao's body.

In this way, Di Longqiu's primordial spirit was reunited again.

Of course, this method is a rare success among thousands of people, and Di Longqiu's good luck is so strange.

I didn't know it later, because the memory that Di Longqiu deduced from the flame of the third eye came to an abrupt end.

There are twists and turns!

Xiao Qiyue couldn't help being awed.

This lofty dedication is too great. This time, he sincerely and sincerely kowtowed towards the statue of Emperor Longqiu.

"Have you realized something, haven't you?" Luo Jia Beixiong thought that Xiao Qiyue had gained a lot, so he wanted to thank the old sect master sincerely.

"Don't worry, if Jiang Ziqiu's case is not solved, I will come to see you!" Xiao Qiyue stood up after speaking.

"Master, borrow a place to speak."

"Okay, come to my house." Loga Beixiong nodded, and the two hurried back to the small lake.

"Is there someone named Yang Xiao in the Hero League?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

(End of this chapter)

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