God catch

Chapter 898 So far away

Chapter 898 So far away
"Get rid of that beast Murong Kun!" Murong Xiaowu's face was livid, and Li Liang nodded.

"Remember, a thousand cuts to pieces!" At the end, Murong Xiaowu added.Li Liang couldn't help but hesitated, his own nephew.

Xiao Qiyue attacked a thousand times again, but still failed to break through the golden light egg covering Zhuge Yong's consciousness.

He thought of the guy at the bottom of the lake, so he went to the lake.

Originally, he wanted to bring Zhuge Yong with him, but, just in case, Xiao Qiyue didn't bring him here in the end.

After all, that layer of golden eggs might be a barrier set up by the Oufeizi family, or it could be a clone interference.

The mysterious guy at the bottom of the lake is the biggest secret of the Six Fan Kingdom and must not be leaked.

"The hood of consciousness?" The vortex in the lake froze for a moment after listening to Xiao Qiyue's narration, and then a drop of water jumped to watch the golden egg reproduced by Xiao Qiyue with the magic moon mirror.

Soon, there was a loud sound of water, and the vortex became a little excited.

Moreover, the more it spins, the larger the diameter expands from the bucket to the size of two hundred feet.

Xiao Qiyue was astonished, because the size of the entire small lake was less than two hundred feet, how could the vortex expand to the size of two hundred sheets, but it seemed that the vortex was still in the small lake.

Could it be that this small lake also has the function of King Wu's boat from the other side, that is, a small lake with 'space'.

In fact, the area of ​​the small lake is far more than 100 feet in size.

Right now, Xiao Qiyue was even more surprised.

It is certain that the small lake is really less than two hundred feet in radius.

But the vortex is larger than two hundred feet, and it is still in the small lake.

The vortex shrinks?
No, at the moment of karma, it is certain that the vortex also has a size of more than 200 feet, which is absolutely true.

It seemed that his eyes had deceived him.

Did the whirlpool deceive him or the small lake deceived himself?
Xiao Qiyue's face was full of persecution!
Because this kind of deception is too real to be fake at all.

"Hehehe, Xiao Mian, look at your dizzy face, don't you...hehe... think I'm so big, I'm so majestic..." The underwater things are quite frightening, water polo the size of volleyballs are in the hollow in the center of the vortex. The strip danced like a volleyball dance.

"It's not good." Xiao Qiyue snorted.

"It's not that good, but I won't tell you why?" Whirlpool was even more proud, like a naughty child teasing someone.

"It's just so close." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"How...how did you know?" The whirlpool seemed to be frightened, and suddenly shrunk to the size of a barrel.

"Why should I tell you?" Xiao Qiyue's face was refreshed by repaying him in the same way.

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell you the secret of the golden shell." Whirlpool snorted.

"Well, this small lake is actually not big, less than 200 feet. Why is the vortex you created is more than [-] feet long, but it still looks like it's still in the small lake. That's because your vortex is not there at all. In the small lake." Xiao Qiyue explained.

"Where am I not in the small lake?" Whirlpool sneered.

"You're at the bottom of the water." Xiao Qiyue said.

"The bottom of the lake?" Whirlpool asked.

"No, somewhere at the bottom of the river. You manifested yourself in this small lake with great supernatural powers, but in fact, it's so close to the sky, quite far away." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"You're still a little clever, okay, let me tell you. That golden shell is a statue of a god." Vortex said.

"Idol, where is the idol?" Xiao Qiyue's eyelids twitched.

"It seems to be the statue of Baishi City." Whirlpool said.

"Baishi City, Ye Guiyi's home?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Ye Guiyi is just an idiot, this statue is full of exotic charm, it should come from outside Baishi City." Vortex said.

"White Rock City outside the territory, is it the Lord of White Rock City who can enter the top six in the world rankings?" Xiao Qiyue was amazed.

Because, there is a Black Butcher in White Rock City, and the Black Butcher's curse is to make the Masloan family the opponents of the dwarves.

Unexpectedly, Baishicheng actually intervened in the affairs of the domain, and manipulated Zhuge Yong. Could it be that Jiang Ziqiu was killed by the people of Baishicheng.

However, Bu Yunli of the Daxia League clearly had traces of Jiang Ziqiu's case on his body.

Doesn't that mean that Baishicheng controls the Daxia League?

And Baishicheng is very likely to be the master behind the Daxia League.

However, Ye Guiyi has the Youlan Token on him. Could it be that the Ye family colluded with the Oufeizi family of Wulin Kingdom?

The collusion between these two families makes Fang Tianyu basically invincible.

What's more, the Ye family's ambitions don't stop, and they even married the Shennongzi family.

Could it be that the Ye family really wants to unify Fang Tianyu, or even, inside and outside the domain?
"No wonder you can't break through this golden shell. The statue of Lord Baishi is an alien thing. It is also the foundation of Baishi City. You are in big trouble." Vortex said.

"I can't break it, so you can. Since Baishi City wants to control Zhuge Yong, it must also want to control the Six Fan Kingdom. You are a protector of the country, of course, you have to untie this knot." Xiao Qiyue said.

"I didn't say I was your patron saint, I just thought it was fun. Unless you find something I liked back then, otherwise, I won't help you." Whirlpool said.

"What do you like?" Xiao Qiyue asked quickly.

"I won't tell you!" The whirlpool snorted, and a splash of water stirred up and was about to disappear.

"I said, you definitely can't solve the mystery of the idol. So, it's just bragging." Xiao Qiyue roared from behind.

"Idiot, if you can't break through it, you can't take some of it first. Since it's a god statue, it has mysterious energy from outside the sky. It's good to eat more. It won't work for a year, and it won't work for a hundred years." After one sentence, there was no sound.

"I'm a bit stupid, let's 'eat'." Xiao Qiyue slapped his head, feeling a little brain-opened.

So, go back.

Called Zhuge Yong, incorporated the star space, completely wrapped the golden shell-like thing and began to absorb and refine it.

"Just treat it as a spirit stone." Xiao Qiyue thought so and so, and absorbed it.

However, it smells weird.

After that trace of energy emerged, it was full of vicissitudes, desolation, viciousness, and irritability...

What kind of energy is this?
"Ancient Qi!" At this time, after the causal line was scanned, it appeared in the outer chapter of "Shen Nong Pharmacopoeia".

Antiquity: from the wild.

Back then, the wilderness was full of demons and demons, and the human race showed weakness, fighting against the sky, fighting against demons, and killing demons...

The tall monster is so tall that it can split a planet with a single palm.

They even threw the planets around as aura bombs, attacking each other...

In Xiao Qiyue's eyes, the era of dinosaurs appeared, the witch clan was rampant, and those great witches with fleshy bodies as big as mountains were rampant.Blowing a breath can explode mountains and rivers, taking a breath can swallow a small sea.

Move your legs and the earth will crack, and a single punch can blow up a planet.

They don't have too many spells, only strength, and powerful physical strength runs amok.

Xiao Qiyue was fascinated.

He didn't realize that the iron block-like "Witch" imprint hidden in his body was slowly turning yellow.

The golden shell the size of a grain of sand actually contained infinite energy. Xiao Qiyue deployed four clones plus the main body in the space of stars, and the five of them absorbed it together for a full year, and the golden shell didn't change much.

However, one day, Xiao Qiyue suddenly felt that her mind was empty, and she suddenly realized many things that she couldn't understand.

At a glance, you can actually see every bit of Zhuge Yong's life.

The cause and effect of the second eye, rebirth in this life!
He stretched out his palm, and a bronze-shaped witch character was inlaid in his palm.

He remembered what the little god said, your witch record is only iron level, you can only be called a 'wizard'.

(End of this chapter)

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