God catch

Chapter 899

Chapter 899
Four consecutive explosions, what do you think?
Once you reach the Bronze rank, you become a true wizard.

However, it is not yet a great witch.

Because, the big witch is bright silver.

No wonder my ability to understand astronomy and geography has been strengthened, that is the ability of witchcraft.

And he found that another clone appeared next to him, and that clone had a big witch character printed on it.

"Wizard Clone".

Myself, I'm in the Five Soul Realm.

Xiao Qiyue's mood was turbulent, and she was no longer afraid of Bu Yunli.

Even, you can completely crush that guy.

However, that guy is just a doppelgänger.

This is another blow to the head, always warning Xiao Qiyue not to be arrogant.

There was a noise outside, and Xiao Qiyue strode out of the room.

"Zhuge sees His Majesty the Emperor." Zhuge Yong seemed to have changed a bit and became more polite.

Xiao Qiyue understood a little bit, she absorbed some of the energy of the statue, and the influence of the statue on Zhuge Yong weakened.

In this way, Zhuge Yong regained some of his original nature.

Although he is still domineering, as a catcher, he is a well-educated and reasonable person, not as violent as Yin earth.

"Your Majesty, tomorrow is the night of the full moon. Everyone is ready and waiting for His Majesty's order to eradicate the Wenhua Pavilion." Tuoba Shixian's face was bright.

This guy, after Xiao Qiyue spared no expense to nourish him with the dew of a thousand moons, his skill has quietly risen to the six realms of the divine aperture.

The [-]th moon was perfectly round, and today happened to be the [-]th, and the capable soldiers picked by Xiao Qiyue set off.

Xiao Qiyue didn't bring Zhuge Yong with him this time, because he thought he was enough to level Wenhua Pavilion.

Besides, Liufan City still needs a strong man like Zhuge Yong to sit in and preside over it.

First, the special passage dug out of the ground sneaks out of the city, and then on the outskirts of the city, take a flying eagle and go straight to the 'Tianjue Peak'.

Of course, the necessary means of concealment are still needed.

On the bright side, a clone of Zhuge Yong led a group of soldiers to inspect Cangjiang County, which was occupied by Wenhua Pavilion.

However, I don't know where the confidence of Wenhua Pavilion came from. When Zhuge Yong was only two hundred miles away from Cangjiang County, he still forcibly occupied the territory, and he didn't have the slightest intention of retreating.

Could it be that they saw through that Zhuge Yong, who led the patrol this time, was just a clone?
However, it is just a clone, considering that Zhuge Yongneng's strength is slightly better than that of the hero Meng Bu Yunli, this clone must at least have the strength of the split second to third soul realm.

After all, the average avatar is only [-]% to [-]% of the strength of the main body, and the avatar with [-]% of the strength is already super powerful, which is extremely rare. Fang Tianyu's history has heard that there are avatars that have reached half the strength of the main body.

Xiao Qiyue felt that her five avatars had their own strengths and strengths.

The comprehensive strength of each avatar can reach almost [-]% of its own body, especially the Buddha and Demon Dao. The strength of the three dharma avatars cultivated from the "self-phase" in the Karma Hall seems to have reached [-]% of the body's strength, which has greatly exceeded 'history'.

What Xiao Qiyue didn't know was that the self-image in the Palace of Karma was actually the true self, and others only had one true self, which was the ontology.

But Xiao Qiyue has three self-aspects, in fact, one is the "noumenon".

And the avatars cultivated by these three self-truths can completely achieve the same strength as the main body, but Xiao Qiyue has not yet been able to do so.

Could it be that there are more powerful experts in Wenhua Pavilion besides Hongchenxiao?
Xiao Qiyue thought about this issue when planning, but with her current combat strength reaching the peak of the Split Realm, she is not afraid of the mysterious patron saint of Wenhua Pavilion.

Because, Xiao Qiyue could foresee that the guardian of Wenhua Pavilion could not be stronger than Bu Yunli, the avatar of the Hero League.

Golden Retriever Lion King Wei Fangdong also brought a large number of capable fighters to ambush around Tianjue Peak.

"It seems that your gang leader didn't spare any money." Xiao Qiyue just took a glance, and the masters of the Black Eagle Gang had a panoramic view.

There are actually three strong men with five to seven levels of divine aperture, among them, the thin one, whose strength is not inferior to the old sect leader Di Longqiu, and the guy who has already stepped into the split state with half of his feet is probably the great elder of the Black Eagle Gang' Orange'.

The ranking of the Black Eagle Gang is a bit chaotic, with the top five Eagle Kings being the most famous.

However, apart from the first Golden Lion King Wei Fangdong and the second "Ping Tutuo" Chaweifeng among the five eagle kings, the strength of the remaining three eagles is not very good. .

In the evening, the eldest and second eldest of the five Black Eagle Gang's Eagle Kings, including the great elder Liu Ding, all came.

That's why Xiao Qiyue said that the Black Eagle Gang paid a lot of money.

"Because, the battle with Wenhua Pavilion was also the biggest shame of our Black Hawk Gang." Wei Fangdong said with a sad face.

"Although you were besieged back then, didn't you redeem them all?" Xiao Qiyue didn't understand.

"It's just on the surface, in fact, I don't want to cover it up.

Back then, there were quite a few people who followed me.

A total of [-] elites, including some elders in the gang.

As a result, only 300 people died.

These 300 people were redeemed, but who knew that Hong Chenxiao was secretly poisoned.

After returning to the gang, these people died one after another, and in the end the only ones who survived were me, the elder Liu Ding, and Erying Ping Toutuo.

The three of us also narrowly escaped death, so many years have passed, and we have never forgotten our enmity.

Moreover, back then, we redeemed countless treasures. It wasn't that I, Wei Fangdong, went bankrupt as rumored by the outside world, but it was the Black Hawk Gang that went bankrupt.

So, the last time you met Green-browed Eagle King Che Xiangdong, did you think he was very poor? "Wei Fangdong said.

"Well, I asked for [-] spirit stones at that time, and he seemed to be selling blood." Xiao Qiyue said.

"That's because, in that battle back then, in order to redeem the elites, he also went bankrupt. Otherwise, Fang Tianyu, one of the mighty Five Eagle Kings and the five powerful forces, would have to go home to raise even [-] spirit stones .” Wei Fangdong looked angrily.

"Red Chen Xiao was so terrifying back then, so what kind of strength is she?" Xiao Qiyue felt that she had underestimated the strength of Wenhua Pavilion.

"She was already at the peak of the Divine Aperture back then, but now, at least, she is at the Split Body Two Soul Realm, or even higher.

So, you come, I don't want to talk to you.

However, you showed your skills, so I decided to give it a try.

Because, if I don't succeed, I die.

Anyway, living is worse than dying.Because, that war back then was caused by my son.

Although the gang leader did not pursue the blame, the pain in my heart is more severe than anyone else.

If the leader had killed me back then, I would have been freed.

Because of this, I never had a moment of comfort.

So, this time, I made a plan.

The aftermath has been explained clearly, even Elder Liu and Cha Weifeng are the same. "Wei Fangdong looked sad.

"Wenhua Pavilion is so powerful, it is unexpected." Xiao Qiyue shook her head, and said again, "However, Wenhua Pavilion is only ranked tenth, how can it be so powerful?"

"Actually, Brother Xiao, there is a discrepancy between the strength and ranking of some gangs.

And like Wenhua Pavilion, I think they like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

The ranking is neither high nor low, making a fortune with a muffled voice.

You didn't realize that their Wenhua Pavilion has actually quietly occupied a lot of territory in your Six Fan Kingdom.

But you have been staring at Fang Tianyu's top five powers, but you have ignored their stubbornness.

Otherwise, they would not dare to swallow your Cangjiang County in one gulp this time and would not withdraw.

Even if you guys have Zhuge Yong's inspections started.However, they have long known that the patrolling Zhuge Yong is just a doppelgänger.

So, they are not afraid.Moreover, they estimate that there are hidden checks and balances.

(End of this chapter)

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