God catch

Chapter 904

Chapter 904
"Long live my emperor..." Tuoba Shixian yelled loudly with a swollen face, and all the soldiers of the Six Fan Kingdom cheered.

The Golden Retriever Eagle King was a little disappointed. It seemed that the revenge was not avenged, and he also lost hundreds of elites.

However, Wenhua Pavilion was disbanded.

At least, I also have my own credit.This face, finally earned back some.

"Why did Xiao Qiyue become so obsessed? What happened?" On the way back, Liu Ding was puzzled.

"I didn't know!" Golden Eagle King roared angrily, almost frightening his subordinates.

"Something must have happened underground, otherwise, how could the moon goddess and jade girl let Xiao Qiyue go." Cha Weifeng said.

"Why do I feel a little ambiguous, these two people seem to be a little unclear." Liu Ding said.

"It shouldn't be possible. Who is the Moon God Jade Girl? She is in the God Realm. Xiao Qiyue wants to hook up with her, how can people look up to him?" The Golden-haired Eagle King looked contemptuous.

"It should be so, but a woman's heart is on the line, maybe the two of them will see eye to eye." Chavey laughed dryly.

"That's absolutely impossible." Liu Ding also shook his head and said, "However, now that Xiao Qiyue has obtained the Wenhua Pavilion, the Six Fan Kingdom is even more powerful. We have to go back and report to the leader."

"It's better, at least, it can give Daxiameng a good headache. Besides, the Ou family is also in big trouble." The Golden Retriever Eagle King looked gloomy.

Hong Chen smiled and passed the position to the eldest disciple 'Feng Sang', and then only brought more than a dozen disciples to follow Xiao Qiyue.

Naturally, there are quite a lot of dowries for the moon goddess and jade girl.

Xiao Qiyue shamelessly removed more than half of Wenhua Pavilion's thousands of years of savings.

It is also a beautiful name: piled on the mountain is also a waste, and the pearl should not be covered with dust.

"I'm not your slave, why are you shouting and drinking?" On the way back, Tuoba Shixian almost exploded with anger.

This world of mortals laughed and bossed her around, as if she was the queen. If the uncle could bear it, the aunt couldn't bear it.

"I am the emperor's personal maid, and you are just a bodyguard. Of course, a personal maid is closer than a bodyguard. Even if the master is happy, there are many people who accept maids as second wives. If you don't listen, let's have a game " Hong Chen laughed and bullied him.

"You are a 60-year-old old woman, and my emperor doesn't like you." Tuoba Shixian immediately retaliated.

"You dare to call me old?" Hong Chen changed his face with a smile, flicked his finger, and popped up several words, 'pump', 'beat', 'kick', 'kick'...

Tuoba Shixian was miserable, the pig's head turned into a bastard, and the bastard turned into a turtle... Xiao Qiyue's men were so scared that they didn't dare to make a sound.

In fact, although Hong Chenxiao is 60 years old.

However, they are well maintained.Moreover, it has been moisturized by jade liquid all year round, and it looks like it is only twenty-eight years old.

The skin is even more tender than that of a 13-year-old girl.

"Shixian, don't say a few words." Xiao Qiyue's voice came from the carriage.

"I...Your Majesty, she is too bullying." Tuoba Shixian's nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"You don't even know how to grow a brain. This is Madam's dowry maid, remember it." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Ah... I... my subordinates know." Tuoba Shixian had a sad expression on his face, and he understood that it turned out that the master really had an affair with the Moon Goddess Jade Girl.

He wants to die, how can I live these days?
A spring dream, unexpected benefits.

Xiao Qiyue actually jumped to the peak of the 'Separate Seven Souls Realm', almost entering the realm of Heshen.

"It's cheap, you bastard!" At this moment, Luna Jade Girl was so angry that she was patting her basic original jade, and found that there were actually nine dragon patterns printed on the original jade.

It's over, Baibi Wuxia, he was defiled by that thief just like that.

"Bastard!" Luna Jade Girl roared, sat down on the ground, and said, "What should I do?"

Soon, there was a bang under the altar, and a piece of jade disappeared.

And soon, there were a few more bangs somewhere in Cangjiang County, and there was an extra piece of jade.

It was a small island in the middle of the lake, where the moon goddess and jade girl had always been in love.

The Moon Goddess Jade Girl jumped into the lake and bathed for a long time. She wanted to wash away the traces left by a bastard.

"Decree! The emperor of Cangjiang County's lake center island is sealed as Luna Island, a royal forbidden area. Anyone who breaks into it without permission will be killed without mercy!" A few days later, the eunuch passed the decree to Cangjiang County.

The common people have no doubts about the royal affairs.

However, those like the Golden Retriever Eagle King murmured in their hearts.

However, no one could figure out what was going on.

The next day, the Kingdom of Six Fans made a high-profile announcement to congratulate Wenhua Pavilion on joining the Kingdom of Six Fans.The Xiahou family also officially expressed their willingness to join the Six Fan Kingdom.

Moreover, the Six Fan Kingdom warmly welcomes Yaojun Getian, one of the elders of the Medicine League, to lead more than a dozen great pharmacists, including Yaoling Zhuang Ruoling, and Yaomao Li Taifa, to join the Six Fan Kingdom Medicine Hall.

His Majesty the Emperor Xiao Qiyue officially announced the appointment of Ge Tian as the chief pharmacist of the Six Fan Kingdom.

Now, the medicine hall of the Six Fan Kingdom became Fang Tianyu's largest medicine hall besides the Medicine League.

And the sects of the aristocratic families who were still watching and occupying a small part of the Liufan country finally quietly withdrew.

However, only a few forces, such as Daxiameng, Fangtianqifang, and Northwest Prison, still occupy the territory of several counties and have not moved their nests.

However, there is also some bad news.

I heard that the Northwest Criminal Prison, Changchunzong, Luoyue Pavilion and other sects have formed the "Anti-Six-Fan Alliance" with the "Fang Tianqi Square" as the core.

In this way, the situation is more obvious.

The Daxiameng family is the only one, disdain to form an alliance with any force, Fang Tianqifang formed another alliance.It seems that there are three legs.

"I'm not alive anymore!" Hua Yueqing hugged the second god and started a drama rehearsal where she cried, made trouble and hanged herself.

"Don't worry, godmother, Xiao Qiyue won't be able to dance for a few days." The second god smiled mysteriously.

"You can't jump for a few days, you tell me like this every day.

However, you have acted someday.It's good now, people are getting bigger and bigger, and you know how to be a turtle.

Every day, you still know that your mother is short, and your mother has been bullied to death.

Do you have to wait until that beast Xiao Qiyue strips your mother naked and throws you on the street before you act?

Look at the current Medicine League, Ge Tian openly brought more than a dozen important pharmacists to join the Six Fan Kingdom, how could he take you, the Second God, seriously?
If you continue like this, I'm afraid, your second god's ass will also move. "Hua Yueqing stimulated Er Shenye's nerves.

"Which one dares?" The second god stared, his monkey nature broke out, and he scratched his ears and squeaked, looking like a monkey.

"Who would dare? That beast would dare! Did he set eyes on you, the second god?" Hua Yueqing continued to play exciting games.

"Don't worry, he won't live for more than a month!" The Second God's eyes were particularly stern.

"Do you have a way?" It's almost the same, and it can't be overly stimulated.

It would not be worth the loss if the monkey Er Shenye became angry from embarrassment.

Hua Yueqing has a certain degree of discretion, and she will accept it when she sees it.

"Okay, I'll give you a reassuring pill first." Er Shenye smiled mysteriously.

"Death, tell me quickly." Hua Yueqing stretched out her legs like a blue and white snake and wrapped her legs tightly around the second god.

"What's your impression of Prince Gong?" Er Shenye asked.

"He, an old antique, doesn't know how to be flexible. He only knows how to be blindly loyal to the eldest grandson's family. He's not an old shit." Hua Yueqing cursed angrily.

"Hehe, you're wrong." The Second God shook his head.

"What do you mean, where am I wrong again? That old thing has helped the eldest grandson's family to do bad things. It is simply a loyal dog of the royal family, an old dog." Hua Yueqing cursed.

"This is the master." Er Shenye said.

(End of this chapter)

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