God catch

Chapter 905 2 God's Ambition

Chapter 905 The Second God’s Ambition
"What on earth do you mean? My mother's heart can't bear it." Hua Yueqing was a little confused, clutching her chest, and a beauties hugged her heartache, so naturally, she used the trick of acting like a baby.

"He wants to be the emperor." Er Shenye snorted.

"Emperor, which country?" Hua Yueqing didn't dare to ask Fang Tianguo at all.

"You're stupid, of course it's Fang Tianguo." The Second God said.

"Fang Tianguo?" Hua Yueqing yelled, quickly covered her small mouth, glanced around, and said, "How is it possible? Fang Tianguo still has the immortal Huang Patriarch, no matter what It's not Prince Gong's turn either."

"Of course it's not my turn." Ershen said.

"Could it be that he wants to rebel?" Hua Yueqing felt that her petite heart couldn't bear it, her face was flushed with excitement.

"Why not? But, huh, huh, it's better this way." The Second God laughed.

"What good is that? If the old man becomes the emperor, wouldn't it be even worse for me?" Hua Yueqing snorted.

"He is rebelling against me." The second god smiled triumphantly.

"So you want to be emperor?" Hua Yueqing finally hung up, with a look of shock on her face.

"At that time, you will be the Empress Dowager. How about it, are you happy?" The Second God laughed.

"Since Prince Gong's old thing is so well hidden, won't it guard against you?" Hua Yueqing's brain is not as stupid as a pig.

"Of course the old man wouldn't believe me, but why did I trust him?
It's just that it's useless to dance with old things.

He thought he was hiding it cleverly, and usually pretended to be crazy and foolish, and all he saw to me was about the split body and two souls.

In fact, I have already seen through him.Isn't he at the Split Body Five Soul Realm?

However, it is better than that old immortal in the palace.

It's just that, compared with me, it's still far behind.

At that time, once he rebels, this heavenly kingdom will be mine.Hahaha..." Er Shenye couldn't hide his monkey smile, just like Sun Houzi revealed his true colors when he smiled.

"However, that old man in the imperial palace is now stepping up his pace of breakthrough. It seems that there is still a big move, and Prince Gong knows something about it, so he has to do it in advance. Otherwise, he is afraid that the old man will open the secret realm, and then we will not be there. What's the matter with the two?"

"There is really a secret realm of King Wu in the palace? Isn't that a legend?" Hua Yueqing asked.

"Absolutely! Moreover, it has a lot to do with Fang Tianguo.

Once entering the secret realm, it is possible to soar into the sky and directly enter the realm of Heshen.

Tell me, can Prince Gong still sit still?
He had just arrived a few hours ago and discussed the matter.

Said everything was ready.Moreover, the old Changsun Kongmen was also very unlucky recently, and was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

The eldest grandson Haitao is worrying about this matter, and he has no interest in government affairs, and the eldest grandson Wudi is focused on breaking through, let alone paying attention to national affairs.

This is a good opportunity for us to make a move.What a godsend. "The Second God said.

"At that time, you must destroy the Six Fan Kingdom.

By the way, Xiao Qiyue must be captured alive, and I will torture him until he cannot survive but die.

I want to refine him into a medicine man..." Hua Yueqing's vicious words made even the second god startled. Well, don't mess with women.

Otherwise, it sticks like brown sugar, and it will be a layer of skin when it is peeled off.

"So, don't worry. Fang Tianguo's overall situation is certain, Xiao Qiyue can still play for a few days? Then, you can't help but toss."

"Stupid! You think they are stupid, but in fact, they also think you are a fool.

However, Prince Gong is from the Wulin Kingdom. Since the Second God is going to be the emperor, Prince Gong's forces will use his trump card at that time.

Er God, hehe, please ask for blessings.

However, if Prince Gong is allowed to take the throne, it will be troublesome for me.

It's better to let the eldest grandson Haitao continue to sit there.

I have to think of a way..." Xiao Qiyue told Flying Centipede to arrange a centipede clone in Medicine League so that he can control the movement of Medicine League at any time.

At this moment, sharing [-]%, naturally, the information reached Xiao Qiyue in less than half an hour.

Xiao Qiyue originally thought that Fang Tianguo and eldest Sun Haitao would announce the matter in advance, but it was not appropriate to think about it.

It's better to wait until Prince Gong's rebellion and the royal family of the Heavenly Kingdom are in trouble before going out.

At that time, it will not be icing on the cake but sending carbon in the snow.

The same is helping, but the results are quite different.Benefits, of course, must be maximized.

"Little God, the day after tomorrow is the Flower Fairy's Hundred Flowers Feast. Are you going?" Xiao Qiyue just came back when Zhuang Ruoling came over.

However, Xiao Qiyue has a different identity now.

Zhuang Ruoling looked a little cautious in front of him, secretly twisting her skirt with her fingers.

Xiao Qiyue knew that Zhuang Ruoling respected her only because he was her boss.

And the main reason should be that with the improvement of his skill, the purity of the dragon's bloodline has also increased steadily, and he can completely squeeze into the top 20 of the bloodline list of all races.

And Zhuang Ruoling is a rabbit demon, so the pressure of this bloodline on her is getting stronger and stronger.

She didn't even dare to look directly at Xiao Qiyue, she looked quite cute with her eyebrows lowered.

"Forget it, Six Doors just founded the country, and I'm busy with business, so I won't join in the fun." Xiao Qiyue waved her hand.

"Oh... I see." Zhuang Ruoling was quite disappointed, as if for a moment, he hesitated to speak, "Well, I heard..."

"When Pharmacist Zhuang has something to say, just say it, which one of us is with whom?" Xiao Qiyue took a sip of tea, looked up at her, and made a pun.

Since you think I am a dragon, do we both belong to demons?
However, Zhuang Ruoling obviously misunderstood, his words were a little ambiguous, and his face turned slightly red immediately.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Xiao Qiyue is suspected of doing bad things on purpose.

Because, Zhuang Ruoling never abandoned herself in her most difficult time, but chose to firmly support herself.

You know, in the days when Hua Yueqing was in power, Zhuang Ruoling's actions like this were very likely to cause death.

Of course, in return, Xiao Qiyue promoted her position from the eighth manager to the fifth manager of the Medicine League, almost doubling the power in her hands.

Otherwise, she is just a warehouse supervisor.

Now, it is also quite interesting to make a joke to tease this pure rabbit spirit.

"The little god was joking, but his subordinates dare not." Zhuang Ruoling hurriedly blessed him.

"It can be like this in front of outsiders, but it doesn't have to be like this in private." Xiao Qiyue recovered her expression and waved her hand.

"Subordinates don't dare!" Unexpectedly, Zhuang Ruoling was even more at a loss, and didn't know where to put his hands.

"Uh, whoever we are with, we have to give you a red envelope, don't we?" Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"No, no, my subordinates dare not!" Zhuang Ruoling was so frightened that he knelt down.

"Your Majesty, your prestige is quite scary." Blue Enchanting secretly laughed.

"Am I that scary?" Xiao Qiyue replied angrily.

"No, it's because your blood pressure is too strong. Don't say that Zhuang Ruoling hasn't had much contact with you, but I always feel a little panic when I'm with you." Lan Lan said enchantingly, because he is also a demon lotus.

"I always feel like I need to pee," said the flying centipede.

"Open your mouth!" Xiao Qiyue snorted, and Zhuang Ruoling opened his mouth reflexively. He was startled when he felt something slip in his throat.

"Aren't you destroying your Jade Rabbit Kungfu?" Xiao Qiyue's face was serious, and Zhuang Ruoling was so frightened that he quickly followed suit.Xiao Qiyue stretched out her fingers and patted, as if she was having a massage.

(End of this chapter)

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