God catch

Chapter 922 The Second Clone

Chapter 922

Tomorrow on the [-]st, there will be five consecutive explosions, please guarantee the monthly pass!

Finally, the last trace of life was wiped out!
With a bang, there was a shocking explosion, and Xiao Qiyue's body was completely shattered by the Heshen Light, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Shi Fang opened his mouth and blew lightly, Qu Sanren finally...

"Hehehe, everyone, after a while, I will pick a ecliptic day, and you will all come to the Daxia League. Then, let's discuss the alliance." Shi Fang swept across the dark clouds Gaiyue with a smile on his face, July The faces of Feishuang, Ou Shishi and others.

"Definitely!" Wu Yun Gaiyue shuddered, and quickly nodded with a smile.

"At that time, I must ask for a glass of wine." Qiyue Feishuang Mo Feiyun nodded and smiled with a stiff face.

"What about you?" Seeing that Ou Shishi didn't make a statement, Shi Fang's expression was serious.

"The wine of Daxiameng must be delicious, and Fangtianqifang must be here." Ou Shishi didn't like it, that smile was uglier than crying.


It's over, what date do you choose? It must be forcing us to join the alliance. In the end, you will be the leader of the alliance.

Wu Yungaiyue regretted it quite a bit, and hoped that Xiao Qiyue was still alive, at least, there was a tender bird who could challenge the authority of the Daxia League.

But, now, it's too late.

"Hehehe, everyone is very knowledgeable, and this giant is quite happy." Shi Fang laughed wildly, and looked at the heroes with a look of contempt, as if looking at a bunch of poor people.

The space twisted together, and a piece of air strangely turned into a transparent shadow of swords and swords, twisting like a meat grinder.

"Bastard!" Shi Fang was laughing wildly, who did not expect such a bad situation to happen.

There were more than a dozen bone-deep sword marks on his body, and blood gushed out.

He was almost dizzy with anger, and with a roar, in an instant, the three shadow figures who transformed into seven shadow lights merged into one and grabbed the meat grinder-like air.

The air meat grinder was caught immediately, but a touch of air condensed into an incomplete and transparent image of Xiao Qiyue, who jumped more than ten miles away in an instant.

That kind of speed, even if the missile sees it, you have to shout daddy!

When Shi Fang saw it, his face turned livid, because at this speed, he couldn't catch up even with the "three-in-one" combination.

After all, Xiao Qiyue started first, and Shi Fang had already lost the opportunity.

However, Shi Fang is Shi Fang, and he has his own way.

He actually slapped himself on the top of his head, and a stone statue appeared. When the stone statue was upright, its eyes opened, and a black light shot out.

Xiao Qiyue, who had fled hundreds of miles away, was pierced directly, and his speed slowed down suddenly.

Shi Fang gritted his teeth, shook his body, and actually hid in the stone statue. His body instantly became a stone statue. The stone statue raised its leg and took an explosive step. The black light billowed. With the help of a god, his body rushed more than a dozen miles in an instant. open.

This speed is really not slow.

Xiao Qiyue secretly groaned, this stone statue is so miraculous, its running speed can't be lower than the "Lion Leap" in her "Great True Lion Art".

Don't care about anything else, Xiao Qiyue used everything she could, Karma caught the 'wind' in the air, and kept 'jumping' crazily with the trend.

Although this 'Great True Lion Divine Art' can reach more than ten miles per step, the energy consumed by one step is quite terrifying.

Xiao Qiyue was simply burning his life to destroy the 'Lion Leap'.

Originally, he thought that he would die under Shi Fang's Heshen's light, but in the end, he really exploded.

Unexpectedly, after Xiao Qiyue's eighth clone was exploded, he ingeniously cultivated into the ninth clone - the nothingness clone.

This emptiness clone is cultivated on the basis of emptiness, and it looks like nothingness.

Therefore, Xiao Qiyue was able to disperse in the air as soon as he practiced, killing Shi Fang in an instant explosion.

However, this blow also consumed [-]% of Xiao Qiyue's strength, and the rest could only run for his life.

"God, still not dead?" Lei Shikai screamed out.

"Not only did he not die, but Shi Fang was injured." Wu Yungaiyue snorted.

"What is Xiao Qiyue's strength?" Master Liuyun asked.

"Horror! You cut Bu Yunli with one knife, and now you hurt Shi Fang? Who knows what kind of strength this kid is?" Lei Shikai looked terrified.

"The key is that his attack methods are too weird, with endless killing moves, moreover, unprecedented." Wu Yun Gaiyue shook his head and sighed.


The rest of the guys looked at each other, and finally, they looked at each other and smiled wryly.

"Ou Shishi, are you doing all the good things?" Wu Yungaiyue was the first to attack.

"What do I care?" Ou Shishi retorted.

"Of course it's your business. If it wasn't for your Ou family's rebellion, you wouldn't have provoked the chaos of the Six Fan Kingdoms. Now it's all right, the Daxiameng took the opportunity to propose conditions, and we are all finished." Qiyue Feishuang was so angry that she wanted to Beat up Oshishi.

"I'm not capable, so who's to blame. You don't, you go to my Ou family. Shi Fang is not doing well, with my Ou family ancestors here, what are you afraid of?" Ou Shishi is still dreaming.

"Bullshit!" Wu Yungaiyue cursed, and everyone went their separate ways angrily.

"Fairy, his last dharma body seems to be transparent?" Jin Tong asked.

"Yeah, it's like air." Jade Girl said with admiration.

"Void clone." Hua Xianzi stared at the direction in which the two were chasing and fleeing.

"However, we seem to have seen that he was beheaded with eight clones, so could this nothingness clone be the ninth clone.

This doesn't seem to fit, you know, in the Split Body Realm, at most seven clones can be cultivated.

In the end, the body and body are combined into one, stepping into the realm of Heshen. " Jin Tong asked puzzledly.

"He's a freak," Hua Fairy said.

"That's right, he rose up in a short period of time and shocked Fang Tiandao. The speed of his rise has amazed the world." Yu Nu looked like a fan, "Fairy, you must save him this time." .”

"Everyone has his own destiny! Right and wrong have their own cause and effect in the end, let alone this bad guy, don't save him!" Hua Xianzi shook her head, quite indignantly.

"Fairy, what realm is Shi Fang?" Jin Tong asked.

"The Heshen Realm is divided into six small realms, and in the Divided Body Realm, one has cultivated a body of seven separate souls.

And Heshen Realm needs to merge these souls.

The combination of the two avatars is called two-in-one, and at this moment, it has officially entered the state of conjoining the gods.

The three ways are three in one, which is the second small level of Heshen Realm.

Four-in-one, five-in-one, six-in-one, until finally the seven souls are in one, and when they reach the Great Perfection of Heshen, they will have the opportunity to realize the Dao 'Great River Realm'...

In the realm of the great river, it is like walking on flat ground, so it is called the realm of the great river..." Hua Fairy talked eloquently.

"Doesn't that mean that there are fewer and fewer avatars in the Heshen Realm?" Jade Girl asked.

"Of course, but less is less, but the strength is getting stronger and stronger.

For example, the strength of a clone is only the strength of the two souls of the split body. After the two are combined into one, the strength of a clone of the god of the gods can reach the strength of the five and six souls of the split body.

And after the triad, the strength of this clone can reach the peak of the split.

After the four-in-one, there is the third realm of Heshen. At this moment, the strength of a clone can kill a strong person in the two-in-one realm of Heshen...

In this way, until, in the end, the seven are combined into one, and there is only one clone left in the Heshen Realm.

However, the strength of this avatar can completely kill the powerhouses of the Five Realms of Heshen.

The seven-in-one Dzogchen, the last avatar merges with the main body, realizes the way of heaven, and enters the Dajiang Realm. "Flower Fairy said.

"If Xiao Qiyue doesn't die, he has nine avatars. Then it's not seven in one but nine in one, and there is an eight in one in the middle. Isn't it the seventh or eighth realm of Heshen?" Jin Tong was a little confused.

"I didn't say that he is a freak. It's just that it's quite difficult for his nihilistic clone to escape this catastrophe. Because Shi Fang possesses a god statue." Hua Fairy shook her head.

(End of this chapter)

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