God catch

Chapter 923 Great River Realm

Chapter 923 Great River Realm

"What is the statue?" Jintongyunu asked in unison.

"The things in Baishi City outside the territory surpass the heavens and the earth, and the gods and ghosts are unpredictable." Hua Xianzi said.

"Then Shi Fang has beaten Fang Tianyu's invincible opponents?" Jin Tong was a little disbelieving.

"Hehe, Jintong, there are different levels of statues. The most powerful statues may be able to do it, but Shifang's is definitely not good. Even if he has a statue, he can't even compete with the Great River Realm." Hua Xianzi laughed.

"Great River Realm, is there still a Great River Realm in this world?" The jade girl swallowed her tongue with a vixen's pure smile.

"Yes! However, very few!" Hua Xianzi said.

"Fairy should be the Great River Realm?" Jin Tong smiled and said with admiration.

"Hehe." Hua Fairy smiled and didn't answer, and then said, "Actually, one thing is born to overcome another.

Is there nothing else if there are gods?
For example, the bronze statues in the ancient bronze city outside the territory have a certain ability to restrain the gods.

And Xiao Qiyue has one in his body. If it weren't for its part of the ability to restrain the statue, plus my five-color rose, he would have died long ago even if he had a clone of nothingness. "

"Xiao Qiyue is an outsider?" Yu Nu was taken aback.

"No!" Hua Fairy snorted.

Xiao Qiyue felt that it was becoming more and more difficult for her to jump, and the frequency and distance of jumping were getting smaller and smaller.

He knew that it must be the ghost of the idol.

Moreover, the idol will project a beam of black light, which will always lock itself.

Even though Xiao Qiyue passed by some big cities of the Six Fans Kingdom, she did not dare to enter, for fear of harming the people of the Six Fans Kingdom.

Not anymore!
Xiao Qiyue's eyes were dazzled. He knew that he would not be able to escape Shi Fang's idol after all.

Just when he was about to blew himself up and wanted to hurt Shi Fang again before he died, an island in the middle of the lake appeared in front of him.

Well, how did I forget about my cheap 'wife'.

Isn't this where the Moon Goddess Jade Maiden lives?Or the royal forbidden land that I gave her.

However, my cheap 'wife' might not be able to compete with Shi Fang's god statue.

She is just a piece of uncut jade that has been cultivated into an adult naturally. Last time I had to hold her original 'first stone', which was a bit desecrating to her. Now, I can't be too selfish to hurt her anymore.

A decision was made in an instant, Xiao Qiyue decided not to enter the island in the middle of the lake.

Moreover, it is not good to blow yourself up here, it will destroy the island in the middle of the lake.

Therefore, Xiao Qiyue chose to fly over the island.

Moreover, he jumped into the air with all his strength, trying to cross the island.

Feeling her body sinking, Xiao Qiyue fell down suddenly.

This fellow thought that Shi Fang activated some function of the statue, and decided to immediately start the self-destruct.

The Kowloon roars, the real dragon rolls...

It hurts!
Xiao Qiyue was knocked unconscious immediately.

"It's useless for you to hide in the island!" Shi Fang sneered, playing a big game, and directly stepped on a cloud from the sky to the island.

A ray of moonlight blasted, Shi Fang was stunned for a moment, and the idol flicked, and the moonlight burst away.

Shi Fang stepped on it, but the moon seal below flashed past.

Suddenly, Shi Fang was so loud that he rolled in the air, and the idol almost flew out of his body.

"There are masters!" Shi Fang was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that this place seemed to be the royal forbidden area of ​​the Six Fan Kingdom.

"Could it be that Zhuge Yong who is immortal?" Shi Fang first thought of the number one master of the Six Fan Kingdom, he would never have imagined that there is also the Moon Goddess Jade Girl.

Because only a few people knew what happened in Wenhua Pavilion at that time.

However, Wenhua Pavilion invested in the Six Fan Kingdom, so naturally, this news was blocked.

"So what about Zhuge Yong, Jiang Ziqiu is stronger than him, so I'll kill him like that. What's more, I have a god statue." Shi Fang sneered, and sacrificed the god statue, black light flashed, and a black stone mountain spun towards the lake The heart island was smashed away.

Another round of full moon flew out of the island and flew upwards!
With a few clicks, Shi Fang's Black Rock Mountain was instantly cut into pieces and rushed away.

A few miles around the island in the center of the lake became ruins.

Shi Fang's whole body melted into the statue, and the statue swelled up, like a giant stone that collapsed from the air with one foot.

A full moon rose and was crushed instantly. Shi Fang raised his leg again and stomped down hard.

"Bastard, I really shouldn't have saved you!" Luna Jade Girl almost vomited blood in anger.

Just now I saw Xiao Qiyue flying across the island as if she didn't want to hurt herself.For a moment, Yu Xin couldn't bear to make a move and dragged him down.

Unexpectedly, this guy didn't know the reason, but he bumped into his original 'first stone'.

Moreover, he hugged himself again.

As far as the body is concerned, this "primary stone" is the purest source stone of the moon goddess and jade girl, and even the human body cultivated is just an incarnation.

She was taken advantage of by Xiao Qiyue last time. After she came back, Luna Jade Girl has been practicing on the island in the middle of the lake, trying her best to completely integrate the stone of origin with her human body incarnation.

Once fused, the main body will be this incarnation from now on.

However, it is easy to think of it, but it is difficult to do it.

The Moon Goddess Jade Girl exhausted all her efforts, but she couldn't fuse with Chushi.

Could it be that the human body he cultivated conflicts with this primary stone?
These days, Luna Jade Maiden has been thinking about this issue.

It's good now, and the wolf is brought into the house again.

Moreover, the pervert Xiao Qiyue didn't know about selfishness, and actually carried her own stone of origin into a desolate place, where there stood a mountain like a stone man standing upright.

Although there are some inch-long grass growing on the mountain, many places are still exposed, and the appearance is quite messy, like a rambunctious dog.

The Moon Goddess Jade Girl looked at it and found that there were stones rolling down from the mountain and hitting her own original stone.

But Xiao Qiyue didn't realize it at all.

Luna Jade Girl's face was blushing, and her lungs almost exploded with anger.

But Shi Fang's attack became more intense, and the moon god and jade girl found that she couldn't borrow the power of the original original stone.

That can only use the power of her own incarnation to fight back against Shi Fang, but the statue is too terrifying, the moon god and jade girl can only hold on and can't free her hand to snatch back her own origin.

The next moment, Moon Goddess Jade Girl almost died of embarrassment.

Because, the stone of origin is in contact with himself again.


Last layer!
It seems to be the last layer of stone skin.

The roughness dissipated, revealing a perfect jade carving.

It turned out to be a statue of a woman.

Moreover, the woman looks exactly like the Moon Goddess Jade Maiden.


The jade goddess of the moon was so angry that she vomited blood. In an instant, the source and the incarnation were strongly connected, and a round of bright moon flew out, and with a sound of zi la, it actually cut the stone cube attached to the stone statue into two pieces.

Under the splash of blood, Shi Fang was scared out of his wits.

Two bloody bodies lay on top of the statue, and fled away in a flash of black light.

Water and fire were supposed to restrain each other, but at this moment, they were perfectly integrated in Xiao Qiyue's body.

A body of fire and a body of water merged into one, breathing fire and flowing water at the same time, mutual generation and restraint, Xiao Qiyue instantly realized the Dao, and entered the "two-in-one state" of Heshen.

The Qinglian holy fire burned on this water and fire avatar, and the fire spirit suddenly soared to level 33.

(End of this chapter)

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