God catch

Chapter 924 Madam's Knife

Chapter 924 Madam's Knife
Under the purification of the moon god 'Chuyu', Xiao Qiyue's bloodline index advanced to the top 10 of the bloodline list of all races, and truly entered the first circle of the bloodline of the ancient overlord.

The stars flicker, and the method of "shrinking the ground into an inch" is promoted, from ten miles in one step to a hundred miles in one step.

Because a hundred miles is shortened to one foot, but a lion's leap is a hundred miles away.

Taking all the indexes together, Xiao Qiyue finally came to the conclusion that he could really reach fifty miles in an instant, that is, fifty miles in one step.

"Enough touching?" came a bone-chilling voice.

"Yeah!" Xiao Qiyue nodded casually.


"Comfortable, it's so comfortable!" Xiao Qiyue was smiling silly, and realized instantly, and found a cold face.

That face has been twisted into a jade knife in pain.

The shadow of Yusha moved on the jade knife, as if to tear himself into pieces.

Damn, just now I was immersed in the joy of improving my skills, and for a while I forgot about the moon goddess and jade girl.

It's over, this girl, I don't know if she will cook herself or stir-fry her with wine?

In the past, it was only a rough jade of hers that was desecrated.

But this time, it seems to be different.What I... was her original stone sculpture.

Even though it was just a jade carving, its appearance was exactly the same as hers, so what's the difference between playing with a real person?Much gentler than those artificial intelligence machine wives.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue could feel that she was not her opponent.

Because her temperament is completely different from when we first met in Wenhua Pavilion.

A body of jade brilliance can make you sink.

This girl seems to have also advanced to the Supreme Dao.

"I will make you more 'comfortable'!" Luna Jade Girl's eyes stayed on Xiao Qiyue's lower body.


You won't really castrate me, will you?
"Actually, you should thank me!" Xiao Qiyue said.

"Thank you, thank you for a pervert, thank you for a bastard who desecrated my body, thank you for a liar..." Luna Jade Girl's witty remark made Xiao Qiyue bruised.

"Wrong! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have completely merged with the source.

Your avatar wouldn't be perfect if it wasn't for me.

Although you have cultivated a human body, you still lack a lot.

You are only a rock after all.Moreover, the rough and cold jade.

And because of me, you are now a flawless jade carving, a jade man, a real woman.

Otherwise, you will not be able to get married and have children, you will be an incomplete person, let alone be sure that you are a woman.

It is because of me that you are now a perfect woman.

This is something that many people dream of. "Xiao Qiyue was confident, and the blue enchanting nodded, "Yes, I just want to be a perfect woman.It's a pity that no one gave me a chance, 55555...I'm so pitiful..."

"I make you a woman...I make you perfect...I make you laugh..."

ah... ah...

The entire island in the middle of the lake was jumping and shaking as if drunk, which frightened the servants on the island, and they lay on the ground without daring to lift their heads...

"How dare you!" Xiao Qiyue's heart-piercing scream came, because the Moon Goddess Jade Girl raised a jade knife high in her hand, as if her power was about to eunuch someone.

"It's better to cut it off, so that you won't harm the women in the world again." The moon god jade girl gritted her teeth and was about to slash the knife.

"No, you haven't really tasted the joy of fish and water, okay..." Xiao Qiyue shouted.A piece of jade mirror was thrown to him, and there was actually a live broadcast of a pornographic...

"I don't want it!" Luna Jade Girl blushed.

"Well, I'll come back when you want." Xiao Qiyue stood up, patted the tattered clothes, and left without even wiping the blood from his mouth.

The Moon Goddess Jade Girl didn't do anything, she just stared blankly at him and left.

"It's so dangerous!" As soon as Xiao Qiyue got out of the island in the middle of the lake, Xiao Qiyue hurriedly jumped, and after dozens of jumps, he was already thousands of miles away.

"I saw a ghost!"

"Blue sky and white sun, where did the ghost come from?"

"It's not a ghost, why did it disappear in a flash?"

"You are the ghost!"


I heard that the Six Fan Kingdom is haunted by ghosts...

The Great Elder Yuwen Dutian invited the master ghost-hunting from Longhushan Tianshi.

Xiao Qiyue didn't go back to the palace right away, but hid deep in the ground to study, recover her skills, and practice Zen.

In fact, this guy is afraid that the moon god and jade girl will not be able to think about it for a while, so he chases after her. At that time, if he returns to the palace by himself, the six palaces will probably disappear in this world.

Actually, Moon Goddess Jade Girl didn't chase after her at all.

Instead, he hugged his original jade carving and cried for a long time, the sun and the moon were dark.

"Ask Hongchen Xiao to come in." Because Hongchen Xiao had been kneeling outside Luna Island, and came to beg her as soon as he came back.

"Has that bastard returned to the palace?" Luna Jade Girl asked with a cold face.

"Asshole? Who is it, Yu Nu, I don't know." Hong Chen smiled confused and knelt down on the ground in fright.

"Xiao Qiyue!" Moon Goddess Jade Girl snorted.

"Yu Nu, I was just about to ask you to find him." Hong Chen said with a smile.I couldn't figure it out, I didn't know what the Moon Goddess and Jade Girl meant by asking this question.

"This bastard must have been hiding. Let's see how long you can hide?" The Moon Goddess Jade Girl cursed fiercely, and said, "Well, from now on, keep an eye on her. Report to me anytime."

"This... Yunu, he might be dead, how can I keep an eye on him? If you want me to keep an eye on him, I have to save him quickly. He is probably captured by Shi Fang and brought back to the Daxia League." Hongchen begged hurriedly with a smile.

"Just stare if you tell me, there's so much nonsense!" The Moon Goddess Jade Girl scolded, throwing a full moon to him and covering the world of mortals with a smile.

Soon, the moonlight on Hongchen smiled.

The fourth avatar succeeded in shaping the body in the full moon, and the fifth...separated body and six souls...

"Thank you Yunu for the gift!" Hong Chen laughed and almost went crazy with joy, and went up three levels in a row.

Tuoba Shixian, let's see why you are so arrogant, when my aunt goes back, she will beat you half to death.

"Remember my words well." Moon Goddess Jade Girl said coldly.

"Disciple remember, you must keep an eye on him." Hong Chen smiled and nodded, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in the jade girl's gourd.

However, since the jade girl asked herself to keep an eye on him, then the jade girl would definitely find a way to rescue Xiao Qiyue. Wouldn't this be better?

"Let's go back." Moon Goddess Jade Girl waved her hands tiredly, and Hong Chen bowed and retreated with a smile.

I was quite confused, Yunu seemed to be very tired, and her eye circles were red and swollen, what made her so sad?
Could it be His Majesty Xiao Qiyue? How could it be that His Majesty was captured by the Daxia League?

That's right, it must be because his life or death is uncertain, and Yu Nu is worried...

Hong Chen went back with a self-righteous smile.

It's been a month, and it's time for me to go back.

Xiao Qiyue murmured to herself, this time the underground retreat has researched many tactics and techniques, and even mastered a lot of Taoist spells.

For example, if you sprinkle beans into soldiers, you can cast out a "company" in the divine aperture state by throwing out the heavenly insects in the universe as insect soldiers.

There are hundreds of complete companies in the Divine Aperture Realm, interspersed with several split-realm insect kings. The comprehensive strength of this insect soldier company can kill the two-in-one small-level powerhouse.

Liufan City is still prosperous, but soldiers are patrolling everywhere.Moreover, it gives people a feeling that all the people are soldiers.

"Hey... I don't know when this tense situation will come to an end?" Xiao Qiyue went to a restaurant called 'Zhangzi Time-honored Brand', ordered a pot of Nurhong, and a plate of fennel beans to drink by herself.

While lamenting that being an ordinary person is not bad, at this time, an old man at the next table let out a long sigh.

"Is there any way? Your Majesty has been missing for several months, and he was probably killed by that dog thief from the hero Meng Shifang.

Although the arresting emperor Zhuge Yong and Xiang Dong are fully supervising the battle, they are ready to fight.

But we all know that.There is not one Stone Fang in Daxiameng. I heard that there are four other giants like him, and they are called Quartet Giants.

(End of this chapter)

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