God catch

Chapter 925 Leng Qiuyue

Chapter 925 Leng Qiuyue

And that thief Shi Fang is still the weakest among the Four Giants.

Like 'Leng Qiuyue' who is ranked second, this woman is a generation of heroines more than 400 years ago.

At that time, there was a record of "a thousand heads flying with one sword in the world of mortals".

Moreover, among the thousands of heads cut off by that sword, there were hundreds of experts at the Divine Aperture Realm, more than a dozen at the Split Body Realm, and nearly a thousand at the Spirit King Realm. How terrifying is that strength?

It is estimated that if all the elders of the six sects are tied together to fight, they will not be able to block her sword. "Another old man with a yellow beard shook his head and sighed, and downed a bowl of old rice wine in one gulp.

"Daddy Huang, what strength does Leng Qiuyue have?" A young man with muscular chest at the table next to him couldn't help asking.

"What kind of strength? At least you have to meet the four-in-one state of the gods, right?" Old Man Huang sighed.

"Our Zhuge Yong Zhuhuang is also in the state of gods, maybe he is similar to her." The strong young man said.

"Impossible! Back then, there were two kings of the six gates, and one war king.

The strength of the war king Jiang Ziqiu far exceeds the two capture emperors.However, even Jiang Ziqiu was killed, and the murderer has not been found yet.

Some people say it was done by Daxiameng. If it is true, then Leng Qiuyue killed Zhan Wang Bacheng.

The king of war is not good, Zhuge Yong catchs the emperor with supernatural powers, and it is estimated that he can support thousands of moves at most. "Papa Huang said.

"Didn't I hear that Grandmaster Duanmuhai returned with full blood? And, he joined our Six Fan Kingdom.

Moreover, he was publicly recommended by the Presbyterian Church as the No. [-] Medicine King in the Six Fan Kingdom.

It is said that Master Duanmu entered some fairy medicine garden for revenge.

That is to put it to death and then reborn. In the end, he was delighted with the fairy grass, and his skills were soaring. Some people even said that he had already experienced one or two forms of fairy art.

Of course, this should be blown out.

However, no matter how bad it is, his strength will not be much worse than Zhuge Yong. "The old man said before.

"Duanmuhai is not as good as Zhuge Yong when he is half a step into the realm of God.

However, when it comes to the way of medicine, he can definitely be called the king of medicine.

Ten days ago, he returned to the Medicine League and asked the Second God to upgrade his medicine.

That lady Hua Yueqing knew that he and His Majesty Xiao Huang were brothers.So, secretly playing tricks, trying to drive him away.

As a result, he beat the pack in medicine.A plant of jelly grass made the Er Gods drool when they saw it.

However, Xiao Huang's whereabouts are unknown, and the position of the little god is not his turn.

In the end, it was the Great Elder An Hua who knew the interest and offered to give up his position.

Duanmu Hai ascended to the throne of Yaojun and took the position of the first elder of the Medicine League.

You think, if he was stronger than Zhuge Yong, Er Shenye would have been driven away by him long ago.

Moreover, just after Duanmu Hai returned to the Six Fans Kingdom, there was news that Prince Fang Tianguo Gong's eldest grandson Zhu Lin had rebelled and actually rebelled.

Moreover, Fang Tian City has already been captured, and the palace has been continuously besieged.

Fang Tianguo is also relying on the treasure seal of his ancestors to support him, otherwise, the eldest grandson's family would have been finished.

What's even more strange is that the second god actually cut off Fang Tianguo's supply of medicinal materials immediately.

And it is strictly ordered that no pharmacist, including pharmacies, is allowed to sell a single medicinal herb to Fang Tianguo Palace.

When the Daxiameng saw it, Yang Xiao was dispatched and captured the five cities of Fang Tianguo in one fell swoop.

As soon as the Daxiameng moved, Tianqin Villa and the Black Eagle Gang also followed suit, grabbing the territory one after another.

Ou Shishi took the opportunity to cause chaos, and seized two counties of our Liufan country.

The soldiers of the Six Fan Kingdoms confronted the Daxia League, and they did not care about Ou Shishi's chaos. "Papa Huang said.

"Some people say that His Majesty Xiao Huang is still alive, and was rescued by an expert. But Shi Fang still escaped and returned to the Daxia League. Otherwise, the Daxia League would have sent troops to the Six Fan Kingdom." The old man said earlier.

"What's the use of Xiao Huang's return? It's only a matter of time before the hero alliance destroys the Six Fan Kingdom. However, no matter what, we are all citizens of the Six Fan Kingdom. I am an old bone. When the time comes, I will attack the city." I can block the wall at that time." Old Man Huang's face was dry.

"I have signed up to join the arresting army, and I am waiting for His Majesty Xiao Huang's return at any time." The burly man drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp, smashed it to the ground with a bang, and shouted, "I will pay for this bowl!"

"There is no need to pay, you are all good, you just have to smash all the bowls in my store. Everyone's wine is free today, everyone has a good drink!" The shopkeeper applauded loudly.

"Good speech!" Xiao Qiyue stood up, reached out and brushed the wooden wall in the middle of the palm hall, and three large characters appeared - good job!

Immediately, his body flashed and he disappeared.

"Flying around, wild and unrestrained, such a 'good job'." All the diners in the hall nodded and praised.

Because Xiao Qiyue used wild grass.

"Ah, below, look at the bottom!" Someone pointed to the lower right corner of the word 'good job' and screamed.

Everyone's eyes are attracted to the past.

Signed: Xiao July
"Emperor Xiao is back!" Master Huang smashed the bowl and shouted in a hoarse voice.

"Your Majesty is back, the Six Fans have been saved!"

"Long live my emperor!"

The diners were enthusiastic and knelt down to worship. Soon, it spread like an infectious disease, and the people who went up to worship almost collapsed the old Zhangji.

I had to report to the officials quickly, and the soldiers came over. After seeing it, they immediately pulled up the cordon, and they could go upstairs to worship, but they had to go in one by one.

This restaurant has become a must-visit scenery in Liufan City.

Later, I heard that Zhang Ji became prosperous and became a rich man in Liufan City.

And those "several words" were engraved on the restaurant forever, and Zhang Ji spent 10 taels of silver to ask masters to come and set up a magic circle to protect them.

Xiao Qiyue's return greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers.

"Your Majesty, the Ou family is becoming more and more arrogant. In my opinion, it's time to deal with them completely." In the hall, Huang Tianliang said domineeringly.

"Your Majesty can't." Tuoba Shixian said quickly.

"Why not? Now that His Majesty is back and Master Duan is joining us, it's time for our Six Fans to be strong. Why not take advantage of the situation and wipe out the Ou family in one fell swoop to get rid of internal troubles." Huang Tianliang said.

"Master Huang, there has been a lot of chaos in Liufan City recently. Moreover, the surrounding counties and counties have been affected. The internal troubles of the Ou family must be eliminated, but now is not the time. Because we have already found out that it is the ghosts caused by the gate of the underworld." Tuoba Shixian cupped his fists and said.

"Gate of Hell? Could it be that they also fell into the arms of the Daxia League, or did they join forces with the Ou family?" Huang Tianliang was taken aback.

"I said what's going on, there have been frequent cases in the Six Fan Kingdom recently.

Especially in Liufan City, thousands of large and small cases occurred in just a few months.

It was so big that hundreds of people were wiped out, and it was so small that they stole chickens and dogs, which made people panic.

And the elite detectives are all preparing for the battle, so they don't have time to take care of it.

It turned out that they were doing something? "Zhuge Yinyue said with a look of indignation.

"If there is no one to back us up, they wouldn't dare to confront us." Hong Chen said with a smile.

"Internal and external troubles, Shixian is right. We have to find out the gates of the underworld first, and stabilize the country. Otherwise, people will be panic-stricken, how can we resist the invasion of foreign enemies?" Yuwen Dutian said.

"The gate of the underworld wants to mess with us. It's just right. I also have the same intention. Just let them go." Xiao Qiyue waved his hand and asked, "Report the situation of the gate of the underworld in detail."

"Yes, to eliminate harm for the people of the world. The gates of the underworld have been doing evil for a long time, killing countless people. As long as they have money, they will kill everyone, regardless of good or bad. We can just take the lead." Di Yun said domineeringly. .

(End of this chapter)

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