God catch

Chapter 947 The End of the Prince

Chapter 947 The End of the Prince

Explosive four times in a row, get the monthly pass.50 monthly tickets will be added today, and ten more will be released tonight.

It is impossible for a beginner in the Great River Realm to control his avatar from a very long distance.

However, Fang Tianguo and Liufan Kingdom are close neighbors, so Xiao Qiyue doesn't have to worry about that.

For this operation, Xiao Qiyue brought all the masters.Except for the arresting emperor Zhuge Yong who had to confront the Daxiameng, the other masters were basically taken away.

There are not many soldiers, but they are all elite soldiers and strong generals.

The night was very dark, and the moon quietly hid in Yunxiao.

However, this does not produce any obstacles for the master.

Haiyun led a group of masters to cooperate with Fang Tianguo to flank Prince Gong's men, while Xiao Qiyue led Weng Tian and Tuoba Shixian straight into Prince Gong's 'heart'.

This is the alien version of beheading!

The battle started first in Fang Tianguo's palace. Although Prince Gong had many subordinates, they were all thrown into disarray by the sudden impact of Haiyun's men.

But Changsun Wudi led his men to fight out from the palace, and under the attack from front and back, he suddenly became a mess, and his subordinates hurriedly asked Prince Gong for help.

Prince Gong immediately put on his clothes and led people to rush to help the men who attacked the palace, but found that with a wave of Xiao Qiyue's hand, the elite of the Six Fan Kingdom killed his men.

"Xiao Qiyue, why are you meddling in biting mice?" Prince Gong's eldest grandson Zhu Lin was furious, pointing at Xiao Qiyue and roaring.

"The eldest grandson's family is in the same spirit as us. Could it be that after you destroy Fang Tianguo, you will come back with the Medicine League to deal with the emperor?" Xiao Qiyue looked at him calmly.

"Think I don't know, the words are nice, it's all bullshit, haven't you set your sights on Fang Tianguo's secret realm?" Prince Gong scolded.

"Aren't you?" Xiao Qiyue sat down on the chair.

"Fart! It's the eldest grandson Haitao who is unpopular, and I follow the public opinion. I believe that under the leadership of my eldest grandson Zhulin, Fang Tianguo will be rich and the people strong, and his life will be ten or a hundred times better than when the eldest grandson's family was in power." Congratulations The prince looked imposing.

"Hehe, there's no need for you and me to hide it anymore. Prince Gong, your surname is not 'Eldest Sun', is it?" Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Fart, my surname is not Changsun, is your surname?
Total nonsense!
My eldest grandson Zhulin has the same father as the Supreme Emperor, and is the most authentic inheritor of the eldest grandson family, with an absolutely direct bloodline. "Prince Gong almost jumped up, his face turned green with anger. Because many of his subordinates looked at him in surprise.

"Really?" Xiao Qiyue sneered, the air suddenly burst open, revealing a palm, and a blue light flashed.

There was a bang, and within two or three breaths, Prince Gong was hit on the head.

A nine-leaf orchid flew out of the shot, and Xiao Qiyue reached out and grabbed it in his hand, and shouted, "Soldiers, have you seen it clearly?"

"Spies of the Wulin Kingdom!" The generals who rebelled with Prince Gong immediately screamed when they saw it.

"You have been deceived, he is a trick of Wulin Kingdom.

It's too late to regret it now, listen to my order, and immediately attack Prince Gong's immediate personal guards, and make meritorious deeds.

Otherwise, once I declare the world, you will be hunted down by everyone in Fang Tianyu.

At that time, including your clansmen and family members, all will die! "Xiao Qiyue is righteous.

"Kill this spy!" Tuoba Shixian yelled first, and the elite soldiers and generals of the Six Fan Kingdom followed suit.

Immediately, all the hesitant Prince Gong's subordinates turned against Prince Gong's immediate family members and iron rod subordinates.

A ray of orchid light came, Xiao Qiyue slapped it down, and the orchid exploded, Prince Gong was directly slapped by Xiao Qiyue and fell to the ground, blood spattered all over his body.

"Soldiers, this is Xiao Qiyue's divorce plan, this is an illusion..." Prince Gong roared, but no one listened to him.

After all, the Wulin Kingdom is the enemy of everyone in Fang Tianyu.

This concept has been deeply rooted into the heart of every warrior like an old tree.

With a flash of light, Prince Gong threw out an orchid to escape.

However, Lan Yaoyao had already made a net to wrap up Prince Gong.

Unfortunately, Xiao Qiyue didn't allow him to eat it.

Otherwise, Prince Gong at the Seven Soul Realm would be a delicious meal.

"Second God..." Prince Gong was completely frightened and shouted hoarsely.

But the promised second god did not appear.

"Second God, Hou Tiansheng, you monkey spirit, you haven't come out yet, you are the one clamoring to be the emperor, you don't want to be a master..." Prince Gong was furious, and gave Er God sold.

This, of course, is Prince Gong's trick, and he wants to take the opportunity to divert Xiao Qiyue's attention.

Sure enough, as soon as Prince Gong finished calling.

A glint of light escaped from his body quietly, turning into a spot of light and mixing in the dust of Taotian, trying to slip away quietly.

"Hehe, Prince Gong, where did you come from?" Xiao Qiyue stretched out her hand to grab it, and the spot of light was pulled out from the soil and held in the palm of her hand.

In an instant, the spot of light expanded and became a crystal ball the size of a goose egg, rolling to escape Xiao Qiyue's control.

And Prince Gong twisted his face in the crystal ball, gritted his teeth, and was covered in fur and hair, like a madman.

This is the Orchid Ball from the Wulin Kingdom, much higher-end than his nine-leaf Orchid Grass.

Of course, it is also a magic weapon for escape at the gold medal level.

It's just that Xiao Qiyue's eyes are like gods.Coupled with the fact that the strength gap is too great, Prince Gong can only accept his fate.

"Prince Gong has been captured alive..." Someone shouted intentionally. Immediately, Prince Gong's iron staff panicked and were hacked to death by random swords and knives.

In just a few hours, the Prince Gong's rebellion was easily quelled by Xiao Qiyue.

Even Xiao Qiyue was deeply surprised, Wu Linguo is too clueless, right?He made a spy and came out without a backstage to back him up.

"Hehehe, Liufan Kingdom is our brother Fang Tianguo." Huang Patriarch was in a good mood, and it was the first sentence he said to the officials after meeting Xiao Qiyue.

"Patriarch Huang, the 'initiator' of this matter has not been resolved, so we can't be too happy. If we don't get rid of the roots, there may be a second Prince Gong in Fang Tianguo." Xiao Qiyue reminded.

"I can't spare that bastard!" Patriarch Huang gritted his teeth, originally he didn't want to interfere with the medicine alliance.

After all, the second god is a difficult nut to crack, and it is best to leave it to Xiao Qiyue to solve it by himself.

Otherwise, Fang Tianguo offended Yaomeng, and life would be difficult in the future.

It's just that Xiao Qiyue had seen through his thoughts early on and forced him to come forward, so the ancestor Huang had to grit his teeth and push forward.

"Hai Tao, someone from the Fangtian Medicine League has meddled in the affairs of our heavenly kingdom, colluded with Prince Gong, and harmed the people of our heavenly kingdom and the royal family. Immediately order to assist the little god to arrest the murderer of the medicine alliance."

"This is your Fang Tianguo's family matter. Although I am the little God of the Medicine League, I must avoid suspicion. Of course, as the little God of the Medicine League, there has been such a disaster in the Medicine League. If Fang Tianguo is justified and the evidence is conclusive, this The seat will never tolerate it!" Xiao Qiyue was even more cunning, and the position of coach was immediately returned to Fang Tianguo.And I acted as a notary, the role of a judge.

Otherwise, if he personally takes charge of the battle, it will create a bad impression of the drug league colluding with Fang Tianguo to punish his own people.

In this battle, Fang Tianguo had to go on his own.

"Alright, since the little god said so, he will definitely punish the murderer severely and give justice to our royal family of Fangtian Kingdom."

In the future, once that guy grows up, it will be even more difficult to clean up.

At that time, they will turn around and lead the Medicine League to encircle them, Fang Tianguo will be in a more passive situation.

After all, Fang Tiandao was already in chaos.

How many people are staring at Fang Tianguo's land of spiritual water, these guys wish you would perish as soon as possible, so they can seize the territory.

(End of this chapter)

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