God catch

Chapter 948 The Great God Chapter Is Here

Chapter 948 The Great God Is Back
"Second God, I heard that Fang Tianguo is coming to arrest people, are you arresting me?" As soon as Fang Tianguo moved, news had already reached Hua Yueqing's ears.Almost frightened her half to death, and hurriedly found the second god.

"What are you afraid of? Do they have any evidence?" The Second God waved his hand, but his face was fierce.

"But Prince Gong fell into their hands." Hua Yueqing said.

"Hehe, don't worry, Prince Gong is no longer able to testify." The second master smiled mysteriously.

"Is he still alive?" Hua Yueqing shouted.

"Life is different from death.

As long as there is no evidence, who can do anything to me?This matter is probably caused by Xiao Qiyue's attempt to take my position.

Let them come over and see how I deal with him.

Paralyzed, I spared him last time, but now I actually want to climb on the head of my god, this time I will definitely let him come and go. "The second god looked high-key.

"But Xiao Qiyue is very powerful, and I heard that he brought Hai Yun and other masters of Heshen Realm. Second God, you don't seem to have stepped into Heshen yet?" Hua Yueqing looked anxious.

"Heshen, what are you afraid of? Haiyun is at best a warrior who has just stepped into the Heshen realm." The second god snorted.

"Two in one is enough." Hua Yueqing said.

"'Ganniang', don't worry, he is in harmony, and this seat is also in harmony." The second god smiled, moved his palm, and a ball of hair grew out.

Soon, a radiance of overlapping two figures came out, which is the symbol of the two-in-one state, the light of God.

The overlapping of two shadows is two in one, and three shadows are three in one... This double shadow is a clone.

"Ah, Er God, you are really powerful. However, Xiao Qiyue is not weak, so I guess that kid is about to fall in love, right?" Hua Qingyue was still a little worried.

"Hehe, godmother, don't worry, the great god is back." The second god laughed wildly.

"Master is back?" Hua Yueqing immediately had a look of joy when she heard that.However, Zhuan Er said again, "Will the uncle help us?"

"Baby, think about it, Xiao Qiyue is getting more and more powerful now.

Even the Great Elder of Yaomeng was taken over by Duanmuhai, and Ge Tian and others were Xiao Qiyue's people.

Isn't the Great God afraid of power being emptied?

Therefore, it is better for Xiao Qiyue to sit securely in the position of the second god.

This is called balance of power, what is Xiao Qiyue?
Do you understand the master of high power?
This time, he must be killed by the hand of the great god.

Otherwise, it would be quite uncomfortable to hold a gun behind Lao Tzu's back all day long. "The second god smiled sinisterly.

Fang Tianguo's soldiers pressed the border and completely surrounded the god's ovary. This incident caused a sensation in the entire Fangtian City.

So, before long, the God's Ovary was crowded with people.

The surrounding restaurants and inns are all booked out.

There were no less than a few thousand spies sent by the major factions, all of them craned their necks and waited for a good show.

Because, I heard that Fang Tianguo was instigated by the little god Xiao Qiyue.

In fact, this is a power struggle within the Medicine League.

"Xiao Qiyue, what do you mean by leading people to besiege the Medicine League?" The second god showed his face, and put a pot of shit on Xiao Qiyue.

"Do I have it?" Xiao Qiyue shrugged her shoulders, with a confused look on her face, looking at that expression, the second god was so angry that her teeth ached.

"Hou Tiansheng, what else do you have to say?" The patriarch Huang pointed to the two gods and called them by their real names.

"The second god is called Hou Tiansheng?"

"As the name suggests, he really looks like a monkey."

"He was originally a monkey demon."

"Well, the monkey monster is playing tricks, it should have been pulled out and beaten to death long ago."

"Monkeys dare to play with us humans, is it against the sky?"


Suddenly, there was a commotion around.

When the second god heard it, his face was so smelly that he was about to drop shit.

Because he is most afraid of being called a monkey.

"Here is the Medicine League, whoever dares to reorganize this god will be disrespectful to the Medicine League, and kill without mercy!" Hou Tian was so angry that he yelled, and suddenly there was a thunderbolt.The scene suddenly fell silent.

"Patriarch Huang, what do you mean by this? I should ask you? You led people to besiege our Medicine League, did you really treat all the medicine masters in the world like soft persimmons?" The power of the pharmacist community.

Immediately, some pharmacists who didn't know the truth all started arguing.

"Fang Tianguo actually attacked our pharmacists, and will not treat them in the future."

"Give them every panacea."

"Starve them to death, sick them to death..."

"Let's Medicine League move to the Six Fans Country, let Fang Tianguo drink the Northwest Wind..."


"You have colluded with the remnants of the Martial Kingdom Prince Gong's eldest grandson Zhulin to cause rebellion, harming the people of our Heavenly Kingdom, and wanting to destroy our Heavenly Kingdom's royal family. . " Huang Patriarch hastily said.

"Patriarch Huang, I know that you were seduced by villains.

I thought I didn't know, did Xiao Qiyue encourage you to do this behind your back?
Did he still tell you that he has evidence?
Hehehe, since that's the case, little god, just show evidence. "The second god actually looked calm.

"That's true, but what Xiao Qiyue told is the truth, and my patriarch heard it with his own ears and saw it with his own eyes. Come, bring Prince Gong to testify." The patriarch Huang shouted.The old guy is also quite cunning, and put Xiao Qiyue on the front line.

"Little god, how about we go in and set up a court? Do you dare?" The second god stared at Xiao Qiyue.

"Why don't you dare?" Xiao Qiyue responded immediately, since she was pushed up by the emperor's patriarch, she naturally wouldn't be a shrinking turtle.

"Okay, it's in the lobby of the Medicine League. Open the door, and all warriors are welcome to listen outside." The second god waved his hand grandly, and the god ovary opened six doors.

Immediately, warriors frantically rushed in, wanting to grab a good position.

And Hua Qingyue had already called people to set up the desk and chairs, as if she were going to trial in court.

Are you ready?

Xiao Qiyue was also taken aback for a moment, fully opening her causal eyes, scanning for all suspicious situations.

"Is there a master in the medicine league?" Xiao Qiyue saw a misty figure.

Just about to do some research, suddenly, the little god Jin Ling hit a causal line to connect with the fog, and the second god also hit a causal line on the fog.

"I said, Hou Tiansheng suddenly became courageous. It turns out that the Great God is back." Xiao Qiyue suddenly realized.

Xiao Qiyue broke through the causal deduction, and finally, after clearing away the heavy fog, a large river appeared in front of him, and there were as many as a dozen small rivers branching from the side of the big river.

The great god is really powerful, he is actually a strong man in the Great River Realm.

Moreover, the strength is not inferior to Shangguan Qiuse of the Royal Academy.

The causal line nets the two gods and then deduces that this guy is not bad, and he is actually in the realm of gods.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue smiled knowingly.Because, there are still several causal lines shooting out.

It seems that the Ershen Lord can't ask for many helpers.

One of the 'old friends' is actually Shi Fang from the Daxia League.

"Little god, please sit up." The second god actually politely pointed to the chair on the far right of the three main seats in the courtroom.

Xiao Qiyue was not polite either, strode forward and sat down.And the second god also sat in the leftmost position.

"Who is the one in the middle for?"

"That goes without saying, it must be for stronger celebrities."

"Who will it be?"

When everyone was guessing, at this moment, a burst of laughter pierced through the clouds and cracked the stone. Who else is not the Stone Fang Juxia of the Hero League?
"Juxia Shi Fang of the Daxia League just came to Fangtian Medicine League to buy medicinal materials, so I asked him to be a notary." The second god smiled, and Shi Fang strode into the arena.

"Hello Stone Giant!"

Immediately, there was a warm cheer, Shi Fang was very proud, nodding, clasped his fists around to return the salute, and at the same time walked into the lobby eloquently.

(End of this chapter)

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