God catch

Chapter 950

Chapter 950

"It's the little god who wants to make trouble. I used to manage the Medicine League with peace of mind. He made our Medicine League a mess as soon as he came. Moreover, he colluded with Fang Tianguo and regarded the Medicine League as his own backyard. It almost fell apart." It's gone." The Ershen was so angry that he dared to argue hastily.

"Uh uh, let me say Ershen, you are quite capable of beating a palladium.

It is obvious that you colluded with Prince Gong of Fang Tianguo and encouraged him to rebel.

Moreover, it has been verified that Prince Gong is still a remnant of the Wulin Kingdom.

You actually colluded with the Wulin Kingdom and conspired to seize power. If you want to be a 'superior', don't drag the Medicine League into it.

It's a good thing now, Fang Tianguo has come to your door, and you have pushed the blame away. "Xiao Qiyue immediately retorted.

"Xiao Qiyue, what evidence do you have for saying that?" Shi Fang immediately raised an issue.

"It's slander without evidence! Some people, who clearly want to mess up the Medicine League, still pin this shit on the head of the second god, and they have no shame." Wu Yungaiyue said.

"Did I ask you what he said? This is our own business, what's your business?

Everyone looks like a dog, don't I know that you all have ghosts?
I wish that our Medicine League would disband, so you could replace it.

Remember, don't rely on the old to sell the old here in the future.I don’t know, do people age and die quickly? "As a result, the faces of the three guys blushed because of the choking of the great god.

Ouba suddenly became angry, didn't you bitch just call me an old man?It was a small coffee table, and said, "Of course we outsiders have no right to interfere with the affairs of the Medicine League, but the matter involving the second god is my Oppa's business. I watched Xiaotian grow up. No one is allowed to bully him."

"Get out!" The beauty got angry and yelled at Oppa.

"You dare to call me out?" Ouba couldn't believe his eyes, I'm so majestic...

"Called, I'll give you ten breaths." The face of the Great God became even colder.

"What are you? Little girl, you really think you are someone, don't you? Today, I, Oppa, will trample to death you, such a goddam god, it's almost as good as my little heaven." Oppa was completely enraged, and directly Fist bombarded the past.

Ouba was dumbfounded, the punch was obviously on the god, he seemed to be okay, but he was slapped and rolled directly from the lobby to the outside of the god's ovary, he couldn't control it when he landed, and took a bite soil.

When Shi Fang saw it, he was astonished. Who would have thought that the God of the Medicine League, a beautiful woman, would be so powerful.

It was because I was extremely grateful in my heart that I didn't act preemptively just now.Otherwise, the soil will have to be eaten by itself.

Ouba was angry, his old face was flushed.

He reached out and took out a hammer, and the hammer slashed towards the sky.

Instantly condensed into a giant hammer several tens of feet high and smashed it fiercely at the god's ovary, this is the rhythm to destroy the medicine alliance.

Because, people call it 'a hammer flat mountain'.

Shi Fang looked rejoicing, quickly showed his armor and jumped out of the god's ovary.


The great god just flicked his finger, and Xiao Qiyue found that a dozen branch rivers instantly condensed into a big river and rushed towards Ouba.

Ouba was swept up by the violent waves of the river and flew straight into the air, tumbling, like a cloud performing a somersault, dragging a long cloud of green smoke, screaming all the way and being thrown hundreds of miles away.

Finally, there was a loud rumbling sound in the distance, and the next moment, there was a loud rumbling sound from the ground, and suddenly a powerful missile exploded, causing the debris and sawdust to fly hundreds of feet into the air. superior.

I don't know whether it is dead or alive.

After ten breaths, a puff of black smoke rose into the sky, mixed with Ouba's angry roar, "Girl, I will kill you, just wait."

However, what's ridiculous is that Oppa's roar is getting smaller and smaller.

This guy looked very aggressive, as if he was going to try his best to fight with the great god, but he didn't expect him to run away without grace.

"It's a pity I didn't kill him." Lan Yaoyao shook her head.

"If you don't die, you have half your life left." Xiao Qiyue smiled sinisterly.

"I still have something to do in the alliance, so I'll take my leave first!" Shi Fang saw that he would definitely not be able to please him, so he quickly cupped his fists and fled away with the next word.

Wu Yun Gaiyue and the others were not slow to slip away. In an instant, the jury box was empty, and there was no 'juror'.

The corner of Er Shenye's mouth was twitching all the time, Hua Qingyue was frightened to death, and there was a smell of urine from the crotch - as if her pants were wet.

As for the pharmacists of the Medicine League, they all lowered their heads and pretended to be grandsons, and they didn't even dare to speak out.

The patriarch Huang saw that something was wrong, so he quickly made a look and said, "I believe the Great God will give Fang Tianguo a fair deal. This is your Medicine League's own business, and we, Fang Tianguo, will not get involved."

Grandson Sheng Haitao's scalp was numb, and when he saw the emperor's ancestor speak, he waved his hand quickly, and Fang Tianguo's army rushed out like a tide, as if they were fleeing after losing a battle.

All of a sudden, Fang Tianguo's men and horses left completely.

And the warriors who watched the excitement dare to join in the excitement, don't they think it's too long?So, they scattered.

It's really a joke, the god's ovary, which was crowded just now, disappeared in an instant, only the pharmacists dared not run away, bowed their heads in fear, praying to the gods and Buddhas in the sky to bless themselves .

Xiao Qiyue was also a little flustered. God knows who this great god is?

No wonder Masloan said that the Great God is not easy to get along with, it's not easy to get along with, it's impossible to get along with at all.

This girl cannot be described as arrogant at all.Simply arrogant.

So, he quietly made a look.

Tuoba Shixian took a look, and quickly slipped away with the arresters from the Six Fan Kingdom.

It's all right now, only the pharmacist is left, and he really has to deal with his own affairs.

"Both of you, get out of here!" Here, the great god pointed at the hall, and the second god was so frightened that his anger jumped, and he hurriedly bowed his head to the hall.

Xiao Qiyue was still calm, nodded, and stood up in the hall.

"Look at you two, the second god and the little god.

I'm not there, you two are the biggest, and the drug league will almost cause civil unrest for you two.

You, Hou Tiansheng, want to become a master, you think I don't know, do you?
What's the matter with the monkey spirit?Now that you have cultivated into a human body, you are already a human being. If you want to become a master, you can do it yourself, and strive for it yourself.

Also, you are the second god, you are above hundreds of thousands of pharmacists, aren't you a master?

Do you want me to give up the position to you and let you be the boss? Is that really a master? "The great god pointed at his nose and cursed.

"You don't dare! I'm already satisfied." The second god blushed, and nodded like a good baby who has made a mistake.

"Don't dare, what have you done? A woman who is ignorant and incompetent, who only knows how to play tricks, you can also be promoted to be the chief executive of the Medicine League. I really think that the god is blind, don't you?" The great god pointed Hua Qingyue, that girl was so frightened that she cried and knelt down, kowtowed, and shouted 'forgive me...'

"Go back to your Hua's house, the Medicine League doesn't need a filthy person like you." The Great God snorted, and Hua Qingyue crawled out of the Medicine League in fright.

The corner of Er Shenye's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to intercede. He quickly looked at his feet and started the 'counting toes and playing game'.

"This subordinate knows his mistake!" Xiao Qiyue saw it, and after criticizing the second god, it must be her turn next, so it's better to apologize first and seize the opportunity.At that time, the scolding will be lighter.

"You think you are something good, don't you?
So powerful, so excellent, a genius.

Number one on the Qinglong list, His Majesty the Emperor Fang Tianguo.

In his early twenties, Yaojun, a little god.

Do you think I don't know the little Jiujiu in your heart?

(End of this chapter)

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