God catch

Chapter 951 The next person to be repaired

Chapter 951 The next person to be repaired

Didn't he want to use Fang Tianguo's hand to punish the second god through the mouth of the people.

Afterwards, he replaced it himself.

You'll be proud if I'm not here, the family dominates and controls the Medicine League.

This Yaomeng is almost becoming your backyard. "No, it's here, and it's Xiao Qiyue's turn.

Hearing her scolding, Ge Tian, ​​Duanmuhai and the others felt a little thumping in their hearts.

Didn't the Great God scold him for manipulating the Medicine League, referring to his followers of Xiao Qiyue?
"But the second god did something wrong, how could you, the second god of the medicine alliance, collude with the remnants of the martial arts country.

This is to inflict the scourge on our Medicine League, because everyone in the Wulin Kingdom is shouting and beating, which has a bad influence on the Medicine League.

If everyone in the world regards the Medicine League as an accomplice of the Wulin Kingdom, then our Medicine League will really be doomed. "Xiao Qiyue retorted.

"Do you think this god is biased?" The beauty pointed at Xiao Qiyue.

"He should be severely punished if he is not partial, otherwise, he must be reasonable." Xiao Qiyue raised her head and said.

"Are you accusing me of being arrogant and rude, aren't you? Hou Tiansheng has been in charge of the Medicine League for so many years, and he also has credit. What did you do? Want to take the position of the second god in one step? No matter what, don't take photos Mirror." Beauty is really good at swearing, she can be called Huang Fan who scolds mothers.

"It doesn't matter whether I take the position of the second god or not, but he should be severely punished. Otherwise, Gu Gu will raise a traitor, and sooner or later the medicine alliance will be defeated by him." Xiao Qiyue raised her head stubbornly.

"Great God, look, how crazy he is. I'm about to be bullied to death by him. I'll resign automatically and let him do it. Otherwise, I'll have to beat him to death sooner or later." Second God actually burst into tears.

It's really weird that a monkey knows how to play the sad card.

"Your tears are real." Xiao Qiyue sneered.

"Fuck off, you don't have to do this little god, just hand over the golden order." The beauty became annoyed, and someone dared to challenge her authority.

"What's the matter with you? Aren't you the Great God?

This drug alliance is not yours, you talk about others, but in fact, you are the most domineering.

Domineering, one-handed control.

Can you listen to other people's opinions?Those who commit crimes are not punished, and you can do whatever you want.

I can't beat you, you are amazing.

However, this golden order was not given by you, and you have no right to withdraw me. "Xiao Qiyue hummed.

"It's too arrogant! It's a beast!" The second god pointed at Xiao Qiyue and gritted his teeth in anger.

"You did a good job in this play. It's a pity that you didn't bring back a statuette." Xiao Qiyue sneered.It's just that he is a monkey and doesn't know about Oka.

"Ten breaths of time, if you don't hand it over, Ouba will be your end." The beauty raised her eyebrows and acted arrogantly.

"Great God, what the little God said is also true. Great God, you are the oldest in the Medicine League, and you can decide the world with one word. But, you must be punished, right?" Duan Muhai, the great elder of the Medicine League Look, speak quickly.

"Yeah, if you make such a big mistake, you won't be punished severely, and it will work from top to bottom. From now on, the medicine alliance will be completely messed up, how should we manage it. There must be rules in the medicine alliance." Ge Tian also said hastily.

"This is the rule of the Medicine League, and those who break the rules will of course be severely punished.

The second god made a big mistake, and also made a big taboo of the medicine alliance.

You must know that the Medicine League has never meddled with the struggles of various countries and sects.

Because of this, Yaomeng is respected by Fang Tianyu's billions of people.

Therefore, he should be removed from his position immediately, and he should play God. "Du Hai said.


For a while, many pharmacists had the guts to speak from a moral point of view.

Moreover, this time even the second elder Sun Qingfeng didn't dare to stand up.

After all, the eldest grandson Qingfeng is a member of Fang Tianguo's royal family.

Xiao Qiyue has just saved the eldest grandson's family, if he stands up and sings the opposite, it will be too dishonest!

And Hua Yueqing usually behaves very badly, and the power of the second god has been entrusted to her.

At this juncture, the wall is falling and everyone is pushing, who is willing to stand up for him?
"Hahaha, the three of you belong to Xiao Qiyue's group, you think I don't know?

Great God, these few openly challenge your authority, are they contemptuous of you, Great God?

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue, relying on herself as the emperor of the Six Fan Kingdom, has long colluded with a group of pharmacists and secretly manipulated the Medicine League.

For example, Duanmu Hai took the position of Great Elder, Ge Tian promoted him, and even Du Hai became the Second Chief.

This medicine alliance is almost becoming his family's backyard, great god, he is going to completely empty you out.

This trend cannot last long, and must be severely punished, beating to death with random sticks is the right thing to do.

Otherwise, from now on, there will be nothing to do with you, Great God. "The second god laughed wildly.

"I killed you to work for the Yaomeng?" The great god suddenly changed his words, and the second god almost choked, Wu Qima's face darkened and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Is this woman transgender?

Xiao Qiyue just thought of this, hoo...

The Great God suddenly clasped his palms together and made a gorgeous rotation, pushing Xiao Qiyue violently.

"Xiao Huang!" Duanmuhai and the others cried out in fright, and rushed forward.

However, it was obviously too late.

A dozen or so branches of the Great God formed a terrifying cyclone in the air, and Xiao Qiyue was rolled away at once.

The speed of the rotation was much faster than that of Ouba, and they turned more somersaults, while Duanmuhai and the others were swept away by the residual force of the wind whirl and fell to the ground.

At this time, they were shocked to find that the great god actually took out a fan for women and fanned it outward from time to time.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew out.

Only then did they realize that Xiao Qiyue hadn't been pushed very far.

Instead, it was directly circled at a place less than a hundred feet away from the god's ovary and was suspended in the air at high speed.

Xiao Qiyue rushed left and right, no matter how she turned somersaults, but she never left this range.

And the powerful whirlwind had already turned him dizzy, his face was severely distorted, and the outer robe was torn to pieces.

If she continued playing like this, Xiao Qiyue would definitely fall apart. The pain was a hundred times more painful than death.

"Xiao Qiyue, do you know your mistake?" the Great God asked in a cold voice.

"Wrong fart! The emperor is right. You are a domineering woman, you are simply a female bully, you..." Xiao Qiyue cursed.

"It seems that it's not spinning fast enough." When the great god heard it, his face turned cold. Suddenly, the frequency of fan fanning increased. Suddenly, only a circle of wind was seen, and Xiao Qiyue could not see it.

Soon, only Xiao Qiyue's tattered robe was thrown out and torn to pieces by the wind.

The next moment, the underwear was thrown out, and the pants were also thrown out...

My mother, in the end, even threw out her panties and tore them to shreds.

This, although Xiao Qiyue can't be seen anymore, it is expected to be naked.

As for Xiao Qiyue, who lost the protection of her armor, her body directly came into contact with the powerful whirlwind, as if a wind knife was constantly cutting flesh on her body.

That kind of pain made the second god happy, but this guy didn't dare to smile.

"Great God, please let the little God go." Duanmu Hai knelt down.

"Great God, Mr. Xiao is not the little God, but after all, he is also the king of the Six Fan Kingdom. If the influence is not good, let him spare his life." Ge Tian also pleaded.

"The Great God wants to transfer Young Master Xiao to death, so I, Du Hai, should also be transferred to death." Du Hai stood up, holding his head high.

"Crack!" Du Hai's job hadn't landed yet, but he had already been fanned into a whirlwind by the Great God.

"Great God, you have gone too far. I will quit this elder!" Duan Muhai saw it, and threw out the Great Elder's token with a livid face, and was about to leave.

"I'm quitting, I'm going home to sell sweet potatoes." Ge Tiantian threw off his alchemy hat.

"I ask to resign!" Zhuang Ruoling said.

(End of this chapter)

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