God catch

Chapter 952

Chapter 952
For a while, more than a dozen elders expressed their opinions.

"Threatening the god, everyone will die!" The great god was angry, and a fan passed over, and a powerful wind swirled past, and Duanmu Haigetian and others were all swept into the wind whirl.

Now, Xiao Qiyue is in the center of the whirlwind, while Duanmuhai and others are revolving around Xiao Qiyue. It's really a game where the moon revolves around the earth.

"Kill that bitch, Great God!" came Tuoba Shixian's voice.Immediately, under the leadership of Hai Yun, tens of thousands of police officers rushed towards the god's ovary with a murderous look.

The Great God sneered.

He took out a green lotus as thick as a thumb and sent it to the center of the hall.

Suddenly, the whole god ovary trembled.

The next moment, while everyone was dumbfounded, the entire huge god's ovary slowly rotated like a giant stage.

Think about it, what kind of scenery is it like when a huge monster with a diameter of several miles rotates.

It brought up a terrifying whirlwind, and when the wind whirled, Tuoba Shixian and the others were directly whirled so that they flew out one after another.

People, there is no need to use hands at all, all the arresters from the Six Fan Kingdom are flying all over the sky.

After falling to the ground, these arresters all fainted to the ground.

Even Hai Yun and Tuoba Shixian, who were as strong as the gods, were not spared, and they couldn't get up after hitting the ground.

He could only look helplessly at Xiao Qiyue and his gang who were still spinning at high speed in the air.

The strange thing is that only Xiao Qiyue, who is in the center of the cyclone, can't see clearly, while others like Duanmu Hai, Ge Tian and others can see clearly.

Knowing that this is the great god trying to establish his prestige, killing chickens to scare monkeys.

After all, it is impossible for her to kill all the elders like Duanmu Haigetian.Who will do the work of Yaomeng?
Moreover, these elders have high positions and great influence.

If a group of newcomers are rashly replaced as elders, they probably won't be able to suppress the Yaomeng scene.

Therefore, this spinning is the great god's trump card, a powerful torture.

The eighth blood transformation was successful—the ninth time...

Xiao Qiyue was screaming desperately, and the nine-character seal was continuously printed in the Karma Palace, so as not to be fainted by constantly stimulating herself.

Just when Xiao Qiyue was about to mobilize and exert his last effort to break free from the whirlwind, a miracle happened.

"Blood of the Ninth World on the Bridge of Naihe" unexpectedly lit up, and Zhuoerqi's figure unexpectedly appeared under the cause and effect.

Derived outwards, extended, unexpectedly appeared the derivation of the tenth blood change.

This is something that even the founder of Zhuoerqi could not have imagined.

With a crisp sound, the figure of Drow Chess exploded.A large number of storms were formed and poured into the tenth blood change.

Because the tenth blood change was deduced by Xiao Qiyue with cause and effect, so the founder could no longer control it, and it was broken in the end.

There was a huge muffled sound, and the entire god's ovary exploded to a standstill.


The great god looked at it and was furious. This kid can still play tricks, isn't he dead yet?

As soon as the fan moved, the energy of the great river in the Great River Realm poured in crazily, and the fan in his hand was agitated and pressed down at a high frequency.

A wave of unparalleled energy penetrated through more than a dozen branch rivers and pressed towards Xiao Qiyue.

Under the high-energy compression, Xiao Qiyue was compressed into a small person, leaving only a thick thumb.

With a bang, the miracle reappeared, and No. 11 blood changes were ignited on his bloody body.

This time the blood change was absolutely earth-shattering, starting from a small person with a thick thumb, the energy continued to expand, and finally, it exploded.

However, the energy of the Great God was too high-end and too powerful, and more than a dozen branch rivers tightly bound Xiao Qiyue's energy explosion.

As a result, a mutation happened.

The energy could not be released, causing Xiao Qiyue's avatar to be compressed and merged.

A flash of light, eight in one.

When the blue light moves, nine in one.

The appearance of Xiao Qiyue's nine-in-one avatar represented that he had rushed to the peak of Heshen Realm in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the energy of Xiao Qiyue's whole body exploded, and with the eleven blood changes on the Naihe Bridge, his energy balance was completely comparable to that of a person with ten veins in the Great River Realm.

However, it was still a bit short.

Xiao Qiyue saw a vast and turbulent river in his eyes—it was Fang Tianjiang.

Because when you break through the Great River Realm, what kind of river is often in your mind, if you can complete it, what kind of river will be cultivated in the dantian after success.

Jiang is also divided into big and small. The bigger the river, the stronger the foundation, and the stronger its momentum, energy, and strength.

As for how many branch rivers can be developed in the future, that depends on your ability.

It's just that Fang Tianjiang's figure is very ethereal, faintly visible.

"Little girl, chop, chop, chop!" Xiao Qiyue yelled, if she couldn't release her energy, she would probably be suffocated to death.

There are actually two pairs of sword wings appearing in the go-getter, the body and sword are united, the blue enchanting is united, and the flying centipede is united. At this moment, Xiao Qiyue has truly realized the four-in-one, a total of 36 avatars have merged into one.

With unparalleled momentum and unstoppable energy, it merged into a big river. Although it was ethereal, it did already have the embryonic form of a big river.

The energy exploded.

A gorgeous brilliance flashed.

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of eyes in the distance, Xiao Qiyue rushed out.

The great god was careless for a moment, and the fan was shaken and fell to the ground.

And Xiao Qiyue had already rushed into the lobby, and by coincidence, he bumped into the Great God, and the two of them immediately rolled into a ball.

This is a shame.

The great god was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and directly freed up a hand to transform a unparalleled river and pressed towards Xiao Qiyue.

When this river goes down, Xiao Qiyue will definitely become a living meatloaf.

However, Xiao Qiyue suddenly stretched out her palm.

The great god was taken aback for a moment, but Xiao Qiyue had already hugged her and rolled over, then quickly jumped up.

He flew up and kicked Monkey Tiansheng to death, because this guy was so vicious, he actually carried out a sneak attack, and wanted to hack the big god and the little god to death with an axe.

"You bastard!" The great god didn't care about being shy, and reached out his hand to grab the bloody second god.

clap clap clap...

He slapped more than a dozen slaps, and finally threw it out.

The monkey was born to roll and fly to a distant place like a rocket.

It seems that this time the distance is much farther than Oppa.

It took a long time to hear a bang, and a shocking cloud of smoke rose in a distant place.

After that, there is no more interest.

The Second God has thus become the history of the Medicine League.

"It's miserable, I didn't even scream."


"Dead monkey!"


"Everyone, the Second God Lord committed a felony and wanted to sneak attack the Great God Lord, he is already dead.

The positions of the two gods cannot be left vacant, and I will take over first.

Of course, if there is anyone who feels that he is worthy enough to sit in this position, I will immediately let Xian. "Xiao Qiyue patted the dust on her body, and said modestly to several thousand medicine alliance masters.

However, the pharmacists all looked at the great god.

Because what you say doesn't count.

"My god is going to rest, and I will leave the matter of the medicine alliance to Xiao Qiyue." The great god seemed to have changed his gender, his face was red, and he left in a blink of an eye after saying a word.

Isn't this delegating power?
"Congratulations to Xiao Huang for being promoted to the second god." Duanmu Hai immediately spoke first, regardless of his dizziness.

As soon as the Great Elder took the lead, all the pharmacists immediately shouted.

"Hehehe, since the great god has spoken, and all the pharmacists have publicly recommended me, no matter how hypocritical I am, I will be too sorry for all the pharmacists." Xiao Qiyue pushed on purposely.

"Everyone, I propose to hold a feast of hundreds of tables at the Medicine League to congratulate Xiao Huang on being promoted to the second god." Du Hai suggested.

"I want it!" Xiao Qiyue suspected that this pharmacist was probably a Sichuanese from Sichuan, and his mouthful was full of Sichuan flavor.

At this moment, the Great God is actually kneeling in the Hall of Three Gods, facing the statue of the green lotus.

"Great God, did you give him Qinglian?"

(End of this chapter)

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