God catch

Chapter 953 2 Entering the Palace

Chapter 953

Just now Xiao Qiyue suddenly showed the 'Little Green Lotus' in the palm of her hand, so the Great God was surprised.

Xiao Qiyue took the opportunity to take the position, and without knowing the situation, the Great God didn't dare to act rashly, so he rushed here to find the truth.

However, the goddess did not respond at all.

The great god knelt for a day and a night, and after the celebration banquet was over, she stood up feeling a little melancholy.

Could it be stolen?
It should be impossible, who can steal the little lotus of the Great God?
Even when the Patriarch of the Kongkong Sect came over, he only stole a leaf.You know, what realm is that person...

The great god was in a bad mood, and he was actually taken advantage of by Xiao Qiyue.

Because, just now when he bumped her, she rolled over in her arms.Moreover, the kid probably hit his chest on purpose.

Although it is not particularly painful, but it is special...

Thinking about it, it's a bit heart-warming.

This bastard, don't give me a chance, otherwise, I will cut you off...

Xiao Qiyue woke up in the middle of the night and sneezed loudly.

Well, who is reading Lao Tzu in the middle of the night?

Wouldn't it be luck again?

She has a good character, she is really a murderer...

The next morning, Xiao Qiyue took a bath and went straight to the Temple of Medicine.

Because, after being promoted, of course you have to go to worship, and if you don't get the approval of the God of Medicine, you don't count as the second god.

After entering the palace for the second time, Xiao Qiyue was actually more disturbed than the first time.

The first time I came here was unknown nervousness, but the second time I felt a little guilty.

After all, I persevered and stole the dew of the thousand moon yin twice.I don't know what this goddess of the lotus will do to me?
As soon as she stepped into the hall on the roof, Xiao Qiyue felt a difference.

Because, when entering the shrine for the first time, the god seemed to be invisible.

This time, as soon as I stepped in, I looked up, and I guess there was trouble!
Because, the woman transformed from Shenlian has revealed her true colors.

That face is exactly the same as that of Hua Fairy, even the figure is the same, as if carved out of the same mold.

Xiao Qiyue tried it with the causal net, and if you look at the similarity value, it is close to 100%.

The various objects formed by Miqiutu in the body began to buzz loudly again, and this time there were strange scenes of birds chirping and phoenixes dancing.

Seems like a good sign.

"God of Medicine, I'm sorry. Junior, I was in order to cure illnesses and save lives, so I had to take some Thousand Moon Yin Dew, don't take offense, I have no other choice.

However, if you insist on blaming the God of Medicine, for the sake of the common people, you can punish me as much as possible.

Gannao Tudi, just do it, I will never regret it. "Xiao Qiyue knelt down, chanting words, devoutly.

"Is it really saving people?" Grass, the God of Medicine actually spoke.Xiao Qiyue was taken aback, because she had seen her shadow before, but she had never spoken.

Xiao Qiyue even wondered if she was dumb, but this fellow nodded quickly, "Yes, yes."

"Do you still dare to deceive me, do you really think that this god is a clay bodhisattva?"

"How dare I?" Xiao Qiyue hurriedly shouted for grievances, very loudly and miserable.

Because, he believes, no matter where he is, only children who can bark will have milk.

"Magic barrier, I think you have entered the demonic barrier. You are covered in demonic flames, and you dare to sneak into our medicine alliance, just to blame you." The saint snorted, and Xiao Qiyue's heart almost jumped out.

However, this guy tried his best to stabilize his mind, but said in his mouth, "I have provoked all kinds of demons, but I am using Qianzhong Moon Yin Nectar to eliminate demons and purify my soul.

In fact, I also had to.

In order to transform a big devil, I washed his marrow with nectar.

Now it is stable, but I also provoked some demonic obstacles.

I also ask the Holy Maiden to give me more nectar to wash away the evils in my body. "

In fact, this guy's causal line has never stopped peeping at the saint.

Moreover, causal inference has entered the second level.

Xiao Qiyue discovered that the saint was not a clone, but the huge green lotus actually grew under the Fangtian River.

Once again, Xiao Qiyue was taken aback.

Because, the green lotus at the bottom of the god's ovary is not a real body, it seems that it is just an illusion.

Where is her body?
Karma strengthened, Xiao Qiyue broke out with all his strength to promote karma.

Immediately, time and space flowed backwards, and quickly reversed backwards.

Time and space actually retreated to the outside world, and Xiao Qiyue saw a towering sacred mountain.

Get closer, grass!Xiao Qiyue saw three words that had gone through many vicissitudes and made people tremble at first glance - Yaoshenzong.

What a style!
The cause and effect drew closer, and the line of cause and effect was tied to the three characters of "Yao Shenzong".

At this time, the three characters of Yaoshenzong emitted a ray of light.

A majestic voice came, "He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to spy on the Yao Shenzong, die!"

A ginseng plant instantly turned into a human form and sent forward, and a ray of light bombarded it.

Xiao Qiyue was suddenly drenched in cold sweat, her whole body went limp, and she slumped down on the ground.

This guy found that the causal deduction has been directly cut off by some great supernatural power.

Could it be that the Goddess of Medicine came from the God of Medicine Sect outside the territory?

The saint suddenly went into a rage, and a lotus leaf flew out, causing Xiao Qiyue to roll several times in the Temple of Medicine.

"You are bold!"

It's over, peeping was discovered, I don't know if it will be boiled or grilled...

"The saint is from the God of Medicine Sect?" Xiao Qiyue simply admitted that she would die anyway, so it's better to be a bachelor and have more momentum.

However, this fellow was so shocked that he almost burst his lungs.

The Goddess of Medicine is too powerful, and her majestic ability to approach the Great River Realm is no match for her power of a lotus leaf.

What realm is that?
However, now I dare not peep any more.

"You really have a problem." The saint snorted, her face changing color.

Could it be that she was just guessing before and couldn't be sure, what the hell, I was fooled...

Xiao Qiyue really wanted to hit her head to death, right? He hunted geese all day long, and sometimes he was blinded by geese.

"The body of the saint is in the God of Medicine Sect outside the Territory? However, I think the saint has some difficulties." Xiao Qiyue simply admitted it again.

"Alas..." The saint actually sighed.

She seemed to be a little distracted. People are most likely to lose their guard at this time, and the opportunity is rare. Xiao Qiyue peeped again, and the cause and effect accelerated, and the deduction went to a deeper level.

I saw that it was indeed different from the first derivation.

"Saint, half of you are in the God of Medicine Sect. If you have any difficulties, please tell me, I am a member of the Medicine League. I will not hesitate to do anything." Xiao Qiyue said.

"You know everything, but what's the use?" The saint looked miserable.

"Maybe my current strength is not enough to help the saint, but please trust me. Five years, only five years is enough." Xiao Qiyue said.

"You haven't even entered the Great River Realm, how can you talk about helping? There is no one caring in this medicine alliance." The saint looked disdainful, and Xiao Qiyue was greatly shocked.

He stood up, standing upright, "Saint, maybe I am not strong enough. However, there is one person who can definitely do it."

"Who?" asked the saint.

"Have you heard of Mozu Xiaowutian?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"What are you talking about him for? People have been dead for more than 1000 years." The saint shook her head.

"I got a trace of his inheritance, but I need to use the Lunar Dew of Thousand Moons to obtain more inheritance." Xiao Qiyue said.

"The dew of a thousand moons, do you think it is dew? It is the 'root' of the god." The saint changed her face, thinking that Xiao Qiyue was a liar.

"This, didn't I hear that the dew of the thousand moons' yin is that King Wu set up more than a dozen cauldrons at the place closest to the moon for his sweetheart Luo Yue, to attract the heavens..." Xiao Qiyue said.

 Thanks to 'Tai Hao Ting Da Da', 'Book Friends 20170115205437723' for the reward, today is the third update.Don't forget the subscription and monthly pass, guys.

(End of this chapter)

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