God catch

Chapter 959 Huge crisis

Chapter 959 Huge crisis

With Xiao Qiyue's "spirit-absorbing method", Tuoba Shixian and others are crazily absorbing the dew of a thousand moons, and they are still dead, dead, dead with a hammer.

All the people who came in showed signs of breaking through again after passing through the cave.

Even Xiao Qiyue saw the waves of Fang Tianjiang again, this is the critical point of once again realizing the realm of the great river and stepping into the realm of the great river.

This seemingly unremarkable cave is simply an experience in life.

However, after passing through the cave, the pattern changed again. The ancient atmosphere inside did not become stronger and stronger as Xiao Qiyue guessed, but became thinner.

In this way, the influence on the members of the eldest grandson's family has been reduced.

It seems that there is another world between the cave and the other side. Here, the ancient atmosphere is not as strong as in the cave.

Moreover, the sky is extraordinarily blue, and the water is extraordinarily clear, like a virgin land that has never been developed.

"How could this be?" Lan Enchanting asked.

"This is the normal situation." Xiao Qiyue realized.

"Could it be that the strong antiquity in the cave is caused by some special reasons?" Lan Enchanting asked.

"That's right, because maybe we have already left Fang Tianyu." Xiao Qiyue secretly thought.

"Leave Fang Tianyu? How is it possible?

If the ancient teleportation array is true, then teleportation is also necessary.

Moreover, it is said that the teleportation array is under a lot of pressure, so long-distance teleportation, some warriors will even be torn to pieces.

And when we passed through that cave, apart from the old air and nectar, nothing else happened. "The generals are a little unbelievable.

"There is a kind of supernatural power called fleeting ten thousand miles, because it is too fast.

So, we can't feel it.

Also, for example, we are fascinated by advanced illusions, and what we see is not real.

So, in a daze, I changed places.

And the ancient atmosphere here is not as good as the cave, because the ancient atmosphere of this mysterious area wants to rush outside.

So, all gathered in the cave.

In this way, the ancient air in the cave is actually more concentrated, and the ancient air here is the normal content. "Xiao Qiyue said.

Because, Xiao Qiyue's causal line was disturbed when he passed through the cave just now.

It seems that time and space are distorted, this phenomenon is too abnormal.

"Ancient Qi is a normal content, but why do I feel that the content of Thousand Moon Yin Dew has increased?" the general said.

"That's because we are getting closer and closer to King Wu's secret." Xiao Qiyue said.Because, Yuxi's leftovers reacted more and more strongly.

Moreover, his reaction to the mysterious thing he got from the Black Eagle Gang 'Golden Eagle King Wei Fang' also became stronger.

Xiao Qiyue also discovered that the reaction to the national seal hidden in the dharma body of the emperor's patriarch was also strong.

"We are approaching the target, you pay attention, send Xiao Qiyue and his gang according to the original plan." Huang Patriarch issued a secret order.However, Xiao Qiyue's causal line was all peeped.

Ahead is a vast mountain, and the powerful ancient spirit emerges from the mountain.

The ancient air rushed into the air, which actually caused the air to become disordered, forming a series of linear ripples twisting and twisting.

Some are twisted into black holes in space, some are a raging sea, and some are gentle wells...

"Trigger!" With a movement of Changsun Haitao's hand, a bloody red thing quietly escaped into the air and rushed towards the front of the mountain dozens of miles away.

A small hill in front of the mountain suddenly let out a terrifying howl, and the entire [-]-foot-high hill twisted and swayed.

"It looks like a dinosaur!" Someone pointed to the small hill and screamed in horror.

There was another terrifying sound, the small hill swung, and a tail that was hundreds of feet long and full of jagged objects swung forward.

There was a burst of crackling, a cloud of dust was raised, and a ditch thousands of feet long, tens of feet wide, and tens of feet deep underground suddenly appeared in the ground.

"Attack!" Changsun Wudi issued an order, and all members of the Changsun family raised their weapons and blasted at the dinosaur.

The dragon was enraged, he straddled his waist, and pushed down a hill directly.

Bigfoot took a step forward, and a hill was trampled down.

In the chaos, members of the Changsun family fled in all directions.

However, when the ancestor Huang looked back, he found that Xiao Qiyue and his gang had long since disappeared.

"Faster than a rabbit?"

"Old Ancestor, they were all startled. Shall we do it right away?" Changsun Kongmen asked.

"Don't do anything for the time being, lead the sword giant dragon over. It is best to drive Xiao Qiyue and his gang far away." The ancestor said.

"Well, Xiao Qiyue is very cunning, I suspect that he is just secretly hiding not far away and waiting for a good show." Changsun Haitao nodded.

As a result, a group of death squads from the Changsun family risked their lives to anger Jian Julong again.

The dinosaur finally broke out completely, and immediately, blood splattered, and the Changsun family paid the price of more than a dozen lives, and finally led the sword giant dragon to charge towards Xiao Qiyue's group dozens of miles away.

"Run! Run separately. When the time comes, gather at the same place." Xiao Qiyue had already ordered, and at this moment, more than a dozen people scattered and fled.

And Xiao Qiyue controlled the general to turn into a giant sword that slashed at the giant sword dragon.

That guy is too rough and fleshy, and "Thousand Swords Flowing Clouds Returning to the Sect" only left a shallow mark on it, without hurting the flesh at all.

The giant sword roared, throwing off its huge hoof the size of a volleyball court and rushing towards it.

However, Xiao Qiyue had long since fled.

The giant sword dragon chased and killed them all the way, and before long, they were hundreds of miles away.

"Approach the mountain as quickly as possible." The ancestor Huang issued an order. In the plan of the grandson's family, Xiao Qiyue and his gang were just cannon fodder for them to lure the sword giant dragon away.

This is the secret of the Changsun family, because the Changsun family has come in many times.

And this giant sword dragon is like the patron saint of King Wu's secret treasure. Even for Xiao Qiyue and his gang, the Changsun family didn't have much hope.

After all, thousands of years ago, the members of the Death Squad organized by their ancestors were more powerful, and many strong men died, but they still failed to distract the sword dragon.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qiyue and his gang managed to do it successfully. The ancestor Huang couldn't figure out what was going on even though he was thinking about it?

Does that sword dragon really like Xiao Qiyue?It's a bliss to be with him.

Huang Patriarch was really right in his guess, it wasn't that the sword giant dragon fell in love with Xiao Qiyue.

It's because Xiao Qiyue has too many karma of the Martial King.

Multiple causes and effects, like the famous dish of "Nine Phoenix Chaoyang" by the flower fairy, firmly attracted the sword giant dragon.

At the beginning, Xiao Qiyue was also secretly delighted. Once she and others deliberately pretended to be tricked, it would definitely trigger the next move of the eldest grandson family.

Sure enough, the Changsun family quickly launched an operation and went straight to the mountain.

And there are spatial turbulence around the mountain, deep pits, traps, killing arrows, etc. Xiao Qiyue is going to hide in the distance and watch the members of the Changsun family be swallowed and killed!

Unexpectedly, the giant sword dragon was chasing more and more closely, running faster and faster.

That gigantic body as high as hundreds of feet, with a stride of more than ten miles, chased after it with smoke and dust all the way.

"Bah!" Hong Chen was kicked away with a kick, roaring and flying into the distance.

Tuoba Shixian exhaled from the sword giant dragon and almost exploded, and rolled and flew to Jiuxiaoyun, with a posture of soaring into the sky.


"Hahaha, did you see, they're finished." Eldest Sun Haitao suddenly turned his head, pointing at Xiao Qiyue and his gang who were being chased in the distance and fled in all directions, laughing wildly.

"Damn it!" Changsun Lingwu said harshly.

"Let's hurry up, Xiao Qiyue and his gang can't come back, so don't worry about them doing something wrong." Huang Patriarch said contemptuously, urging the people to move faster.

(End of this chapter)

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